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Halo news back Monday, June 28, 2004 Halo news forward

Now THAT'S gorgeous.
What happens when you take spectacular game art, and let a spectacular wallpaper creator mess with it? You get something SketchFactor calls 'Desktop Coolification'. Check out the Bungie.net Wallpapers section for a fantastic new piece by Zoe, using Lorraine McLees artwork. Thanks to akba for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 22:12:46 UTC) (permalink)


UCDI wrapup
Konrad reminded me I forgot to post links to pictures taken at last weekend's lanfest. (They weren't very exciting... but hey, there were a bunch of HBO regulars there, so...) You can find a set from GT(Juggler) here, and another set from Konrad here. Funny comments from MIguel (who didn't make it) on the GT shots. (Louis Wu 22:02:43 UTC) (permalink)


Xbox Gamer, June 2004
The July issue of Xbox Gamer has hit the newsstands in the UK, so we've put the June Halo 2 article (scanned nicely by broony) into our Press Scans database. Some good stuff in there, though there's obviously a lot of overlap with the other magazine articles published last month... (Louis Wu 20:14:40 UTC) (permalink)


Monday Writing
Fourteen new Fan Fiction pieces since the last update. Are you caught up? (Louis Wu 19:40:36 UTC) (permalink)


New Wallpapers
A nice collection of desktop images have built up in the past couple of weeks - you can find 17 new choices in our Wallpaper section. Two that really stand out for me (mostly because of the custom artwork) are Mr Guy's Boarding Action pic, and Eric Rodrigues' Elite. Go look at everything, though! (Louis Wu 16:03:20 UTC) (permalink)


Back on the Homefront
In keeping with the mod updates, Homefront has posted one, too. Buildings, vehicles, landscapes... go check it out. Thanks, Pballwizard. (Louis Wu 15:06:26 UTC) (permalink)


He Gets The Point.
Poor Grunty in today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 13:34:17 UTC) (permalink)


Breadcrumbs... In Space...
Halo: Resolution shows why you shouldn't make EVERYTHING obsolete. (Louis Wu 13:31:59 UTC) (permalink)


All Your Base
Stefander pointed out the third weekly update for the Zanzibar modding team, over at Halomods. Base work, looks like. (Louis Wu 13:12:34 UTC) (permalink)


Update Archived
Friday's Weekly Bungie Update has been added to our database - and a quick search on 'Marty' will show that the last line of his current update might actually be false. Search is good... (Louis Wu 11:42:57 UTC) (permalink)


Powertabbed RvB Theme
Skeletor points out a resource for guitarists:

Powertab Editor is a program that makes arranging songs for the guitar easier. Someone made a tab of the RvB theme recently and uploaded it to the Powertab Archive.

If you use Powertab Editor, go grab this! (And then upload your OWN tabbed version of other Halo songs... (Louis Wu 09:40:25 UTC) (permalink)


More Halogen Info
A few days ago, we mentioned Halogen, the upcoming mod for C&C Generals - yesterday Dispraiser posted Weekly Update One on our forum. The UI looks pretty good, and there's a bit of info about upcoming vehicles and weapons. Take a look! (Louis Wu 09:30:52 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

New Mombasa Update
Play Halo, benefit a Tulsa hospital
RvB - in a theatre, with a beer
Broadcast 8: Mr Rechargeable

Saturday's news in brief:

Saturday Reading
Now if only it would shoot...
Joyride Action Figures - Up Close
Towel Shortage, Ketchup-Flavored Pringles, and Trisquids

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