Prophet of Regret Oh Magoo. Let's Just Call It An Experience A pacifist? Season two of RedvsBlue begins! The mirrors have started pouring in! The folks at RedvsBlue are still working on going live with a new season of wacky RvB episodes. They did premiere the first two episodes over at Lincoln Center here in New York City. Armed with my trusty camcorder, I recorded them and now offer them in my patented 'shaky-cam' version. Faithful viewers will be sure to check out the official release that is sure to come soon, but for now click below to check out the goodies! The folks at mythica, omnight, blackstarproductions, coerce, subnova, and cybrfrk have offered space on their servers for the movie! Kisses them on both cheeks, euro-style It's a 20MB .mp4 file, at quarter-screen size, playable on both PCs and Macs. When the Wu returns, we'll have more movies, in different formats and sizes, at least until the the official movie is released. Right-click on any of the links above and "Save as..." to your hard drive. Then sit back and bask in the yuks! And yes, there is more actual content to come. The whole RvB crew stuck around for a very funny and interesting Q&A session. So stay tuned! (Ding 02:57:18 UTC) (permalink)Thursday's news in brief:
Wednesday's news in brief: