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Halo news back Friday, February 28, 2003 Halo news forward

Potential Problem Heads-Up
A user has just tracked down what had seemed to be a problem with the server here... and I thought it might be worth passing on the information. He'd recently found that images in some sections were disappearing. Further investigation showed that a single line of the navbar on the left of every page was gone, too. (That line was the banners link.) This all got traced back to the ad-blocking feature of Norton Internet Security. If you're running this program, look to the left. If you don't see a link to the Banners section, just below 'Logos' and above the Press Coverage section, you're experiencing this weirdness, as well. (It might be killing all the thumbnails in the Miscellaneous Art section for you, too. It was for him.) (Louis Wu 21:34:05 UTC) (permalink)


You gotta be quick...
Hehe - Cybrfrk has been capturing Bungie webcam images automatically, and this morning, it paid off. Apparently, someone put an MC action figure in the picture for ONE FRAME - Cybrfrk noticed it while reviewing recent captures. You can find details (and the frame) on his site, linked from his forum post. (Louis Wu 19:02:38 UTC) (permalink)


Interested in a lanfest?
A group of halo players that gets together every Saturday night is looking to recruit players for their lanfests. The only problem is... nowhere in the email I was sent, OR on their website, do they list where they are! The website mentions gatherings in both Ecourse and Plymouth - both towns in Michigan. However, according to MapQuest, they seem to be almost 200 miles apart... so I'm not sure about that. Anyway, you can visit their website: the Dust and Echoes Halo League, and if what you see interests you, drop 'em some email and see where they are. Update: Moloch points out that according to their FAQ, they're in southeast Michigan, in the greater Detroit area. (The FAQ link is on the RIGHT side of the top image, and wasn't visible to me, in my 800-pixel-wide browser window... one of the dangers of framed sites.) (Louis Wu 16:11:30 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Insert Witty Pants Reference Here
The stories begin again
MC in UT2003
Lots and lots of pretty pictures
Fight For Her... and Cortana

Wednesday's news in brief:

Halo50K mirror
I'll buy THAT for a dollar... um, 7!
Halo 2 details emerge
A Movie To Learn From
More short notice - big money
Short Notice on a Florida Halo Tourney
More Fiction Options
Platform Loyalty
Sleeper, Awake
With Trepidation, Fan Fiction Reopens
So THAT'S what happened to Greg...

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
