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Halo news back Saturday, January 11, 2003 Halo news forward

What an Athol...
Athol Productions has put together a new gameplay movie for your viewing pleasure. 5:30 long, around 20 megs big, it's gameplay on a number of levels... with a few oddities thrown in. Nice timing, and an interesting combination of musical styles. Folks offended by gay jokes probably shouldn't download this. You can find it at Mythica.org (in both DivX-encoded .avi format, 19.2 mb, and Sorenson-encoded QuickTime format, 21.6 mb), and at Pez's FTP server (both formats as well). Other mirrors are always welcome. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 15:55:44 UTC) (permalink)


Words to fill your mind
Barring a few pieces that were too short, and one that never fully uploaded, the Fan Fiction backlog from this week has been cleared.

Get to reading! (Artwork/movies coming soon.) Update: Guilty Spark re-uploaded Chapter 8 of his New Year's Day saga, so that's up now, too. (Louis Wu 15:06:13 UTC) (permalink)


BS is full of... stuff
Shame, shame. Two pretty neat pieces of Bungie-related trivia occurred recently... and we have to read about them from bungie.org's newest staffer, poena.dare. Scoopin' the old-timers! The important one is that Alex and Laura Seropian (and their new baby girl, Amelia Eve), were featured in Parent magazine recently. The second one is actually more embarrassing, from a scoop point-of-view... bungie.org turned 4 last Tuesday, and we forgot! Welcome aboard, p.d.... and remember, the next time you scoop an old-timer, we're taking your thumbs. (Louis Wu 11:17:34 UTC) (permalink)


Halo box contest, revisited
There were a couple of late entries in the Halo 2 Cover Art Contest - this contest is now officially closed, so please don't send us any more entries. You can see the two new versions on the contest page, though - Mr. Yun's is in the top row, second from the left, and Doggone's is the first double-sided entry. Don't forget to vote! (Louis Wu 01:59:53 UTC) (permalink)


The Keyes to it all
Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation website has put up Chapter 9—Keyes—of its Legendary Walkthrough - spoiler goodness and 26 new screenshots! Go check it out... NOW! (The inclusion of shot 19 also means our Easter Egg page is going to be updated in the near future...) (Louis Wu 01:48:10 UTC) (permalink)


Photo Story now viewable by all
A few days ago, we posted a note about a 'Photo Story' Microsoft had put together about Halo 2. Some of you could watch it, others couldn't. Thanks to Stuntmutt and Djoey154, we now have pictures of all the slides... check 'em out in our Miscellaneous section. (Louis Wu 01:33:21 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

Cover Art Contestants posted
Ain't they cute?
Grunts in Supermarkets

Thursday's news in brief:

A tale of many images...
Oh. My. God.
What the heck is THAT?

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