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Halo news back Saturday, December 28, 2002 Halo news forward happy holidays!

Halo50k - back up!
dolbex writes to say that the new, improved Halo50k.com website is up and running. Check it out! (Louis Wu 22:09:49 UTC) (permalink)


If you're really, really bored...
In the December issue of OXM UK, the top 10 plays included a few Halo pieces (as usual). Most were rehashes of standard stuff... but one was something that I haven't really seen filmed before. (This might be because it is so mind-numbingly boring to actually film that nobody wanted to bother... or it might be because it's pretty boring to actually WATCH. Either way, this was the first clip I'd seen like this.) 2 minutes of killing your coop partner, over and over and over again (lots of parts were skipped to keep it from being TOO boring), so that you could drop all the bodies at once. 10 megs to download from Mythica. (You can actually see the end result in a Frogblast movie from many months ago - but in a different context.) Thanks muchly to Griffon, who ripped this for us and sent it along. (Louis Wu 21:38:01 UTC) (permalink)


More Lego Warthog Stuff
7 months ago, David Karl created a Warthog out of lego bricks. He's at it again... check this out. David sez:

the 'hog has almost been completely digitized, and instructions should be done within a couple weeks. in the mean time, you can try and scrounge up this piece, cuz you'll need four of em. the only set I know of that has these is number 6933, that blacktron six-wheeled thing. either go find one or get ready to improvize with the smallest shocks you can find.

David also points out that the Moden HL server has moved to Looking forward to seeing the final product! (Louis Wu 21:30:33 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Soundtrack Remix, from the Netherlands
Nadorst points out that there's a Halo remix on the Dutch Xbox site Xboxworld.nl that we've never mentioned before. It's pretty powerful - and rather nicely done. I don't read Dutch, and there doesn't seem to be any way to contact the creator of the piece... but you can download it from Xboxworld.nl either at the above link, or directly from the download page. It's 3.9 mb, in zipped mp3 format. Check it out! (Louis Wu 21:22:31 UTC) (permalink)


Saturday Stories
3 bits of Fan Fiction for you today...

Gonna be out for most of the rest of the day. Please don't get antsy if you submitted something. Thanks! (Louis Wu 17:32:16 UTC) (permalink)


One small step for Cortana...
The Master Chief is... where? Check the Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 15:35:04 UTC) (permalink)


Blockin' out the scenery
Signs for our times? (Spoilers - lots of 'em.) (Louis Wu 11:14:43 UTC) (permalink)


PC Halo info - in German
Randy Pitchford, president of Gearbox, spoke recently at CPL's Winter Event about Halo for PC. (We mentioned this several days ago, referencing the Gamespot article about it.) There was also a summary at The Adrenaline Vault - and Halo Orbit, the German fansite, has translated this into german. Go take a gander if the english version is giving you trouble! (Louis Wu 03:12:02 UTC) (permalink)


Hoist a Guiness!
The latest issue of the Guiness Book of World Records has given the title of 'Most Advanced Game Console' to the Xbox - and the picture they've chosen to use to illustrate the point is the Master Chief. Not too shabby! (This was posted at Bungie.net - but we received email about 4 hours earlier from md10md.) (Louis Wu 03:05:56 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

Stories for you
Pictures, pictures, and more pictures

Thursday's news in brief:

Absolut Artwork
3 new wallpapers
Techno Halo
Clearing out the stories
...a good night.

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