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Halo news back Monday, December 23, 2002 Halo news forward happy holidays!

When Chipmunks go Rampant
Jonas stopped by our forum to say hi - and dropped off three super-cool desktops. Two of them involve a Covenant craft he created some time ago, the Vesper. The third is... something else. Check 'em out in our Wallpapers section. (Louis Wu 19:02:18 UTC) (permalink)


stosh has added another comic to his 'Blam!' series - this one looks at recent media claims about the powers of Halo. You can tell it's not real, because members of the Taliban don't eat fried chicken, peas, and mashed potatoes... but it's pretty funny anyway. :) (Louis Wu 18:47:44 UTC) (permalink)


Game of the Year poll
Dang... managed to format this, start posting it, and forget to finish, about 4 hours ago. The BBC has an article on the change in video gaming ('it's not just for breakfast any more' - wait, that's orange juice), and while Halo isn't mentioned in the article itself, it is one of the 5 options for best game of 2002 in the poll included with the article. There doesn't seem to be any way of seeing the results now... but go vote! (Thanks to Andrew Czereyski for the heads-up.) Update: Andrew Katz points out that you can see poll results... but they're not very promising right now. Halo has 22.6% of 6200 votes... trailing Medal of Honour: Frontline and GTA: Vice City. Have YOU voted? Update 2: DeimosÅ“, of Subnova, noticed that it's a Mac/PC thing... if you vote from a PC, your vote is counted, and you're shown the results. If you vote from a Macintosh, your vote is ignored, and you can't see the results (without following the explicit URL above). I SMELL A FIX! Update 3: hehe - maybe I should actually do some testing first. Turns out it's a browser issue, not a platform one. IE can vote - Mozilla (and its variants) cannot. Still fishy... Update 4: lol - should have kept my mouth shut. Works for all browsers, all platforms. Deimos™ suggests that a Vice City fanboi was cheating, and the BBC page maintainers went overboard on the lockdown at first. Seems quite possible. In any case, go vote, and only vote once. (Louis Wu 16:50:13 UTC) (permalink)


I can fly...
Rory Hartley has put together a short (2:03, 7.2 mb) movie called Superman. The techniques aren't new... but the presentation is pretty fun. (Check out the sequence that starts about 38 seconds in...) It's not very big - so we've put a copy up at Mythica, and mirrored it on Pez's FTP server. Take a look! (Louis Wu 14:37:54 UTC) (permalink)


Psyjnir - still down
A little while ago, we mentioned Psyjnir.com would be going down for maintenance. It seems to still be down - there's no word on why, but I'd guess you could check in at Tiridurin, the official Psyjnir.com fansite, for speculation pretty soon. (Or you could go to the source - the Hotline server seems to still be running...) (Louis Wu 13:56:20 UTC) (permalink)


Stories can be enlightening
Your daily dose of Fan Fiction:

Time for bed, I think... (Louis Wu 07:11:36 UTC) (permalink)


Jedi Knight II Halo model finished
agentJ64 and Darth Epy0n both wrote to let us know that agentJ64's Covenant model for Jedi Knight II is finished. In a forum post, DE links to JediKnightII.Net for the download (14.5 mb). In an email, agentJ64 links to JediKnight2Files.com. Take your pick. There's also an SDK (3.3 mb) for skinners available. Finally, here's a preview of the model (1024x767, 124K). If you play Jedi Knight II... you HAVE to check this out! (Louis Wu 06:48:30 UTC) (permalink)


PC Halo details surface
Gamespot has put up the most comprehensive information about PC Halo to date. Highlights:

  • Solo campaign won't change
  • Project is "40 percent done"
  • Minimum graphics card to be supported - GeForce2 MX
  • Multiplayer will have all new maps, up to 32 players per server
  • Unlikely to see play between PC and Xbox
  • Difficulties will be tweaked (read: increased) to compensate for mouse/keyboard

There's tons of good info in here - go read it for yourself. Thanks to all the folks who let us know, either via email or on the forum, about this article (looks like Parias was first). (Louis Wu 06:19:14 UTC) (permalink)


New day, new digs...
Spike writes that Project-Halo has moved, to its own URL. Just a forum at the moment... but it says new content coming in January. (Louis Wu 06:05:06 UTC) (permalink)


Jellied Covie... mmmm
Forum regular Red Loser (back after a short break) posted a wonderful reworking of 'The Night Before Christmas' on our forum. I was inspired to add a bit of artwork. Enjoy it in the spirit of the season! (Louis Wu 04:55:23 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2552
Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...
Older Halo review found

Saturday's news in brief:

Which one will you choose?
Big ol' banner
Little bit o' writing
Another H2 preview at ZTGameDomain
Interruption of service at Psyjnir
Gamers.com previews Halo 2
Halo Game gets a makeover

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
