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Halo news back Monday, December 2, 2002 Halo news forward

Finding that tidbit
As you may or may not have noticed, the news search function (accessible at the top of this page) is now a bit more flexible. Searches now default to exact matches - if you type 'Fall of Reach' into the box, you're looking for that phrase. If you don't want an exact match, you have the option of altering the search type right from here. As always, problem reports are appreciated. (Louis Wu 21:33:13 UTC) (permalink)


Halo art
pete_the_duck is working on an interesting project. Without promising anything, let me say that if all goes according to plan, you might see more of this sort of stuff soon... (Louis Wu 20:07:36 UTC) (permalink)


Light on the fanfic
It was a pretty quiet weekend, as far as Fan Fiction goes; we received a comedic entry from Gasmask (which should have gone up days ago), and two stories that didn't meet our length requirements... guess everyone was recovering from the tryptophan in their turkey. (Louis Wu 16:38:57 UTC) (permalink)


Now THAT'S dangerous.
What if Halo 2 used Pelicans in multiplayer? And what if they had cannons? Eric Redmond speculates in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 16:24:05 UTC) (permalink)


Trap shooting, Halo style
Dinky, from HaloJuggaloProductions, sends word of a small (1 mb) video clip showing a pretty nice midair rocket shot. (400% health probably helps; usually, when you get a grenade stuck to your leg, you're dead, not just flying. :) ) It's 24 seconds long; the fun stuff starts about halfway through. WMV format. (Louis Wu 16:17:41 UTC) (permalink)


BlueGamers.com previews Halo 2
Browsing the Battleground: Halo forums, I ran across a mention of a new Halo 2 preview at bluegamers.com. There's nothing really new in it (most of the info seems to have come from the EGM preview last month), and there's some interesting stuff that might be a little too strongly worded (EGM says 'the team is toying with the idea' of detonator mines, but the article suggests they're in)... but hey, it's a preview! (Louis Wu 16:10:35 UTC) (permalink)


More Halo Half-Life stuff
bikeman704 went back to his old Halo stuff (built for Half-Life) and whipped up another pair of images; check 'em out here. Pretty slick! (Louis Wu 15:09:28 UTC) (permalink)


Halo and Marathon... again
Game Girl Advance has posted an article called 'Halo: Original Game, or Sequel?' While we strongly disagree with the conclusions drawn in the article (we - the staff of HBO, not just me), I'm quite pleased they were able to find the info they needed so easily. (The screenshot of Keyes was taken from a pre-release movie put out by Gamespot in October, 2001.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 00:12:01 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

MC Action Figure - unofficial

Saturday's news in brief:

Halo Love, Aussie Style
2003 GDC details surface
Of Movies and Such
Salvation, huh?

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