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Halo news back Friday, November 15, 2002 Halo news forward

Chief's Bad Day
Mark Couto has put together a 5 minute video showing how bad a day the Master Chief can really have. The first 3 minutes are deaths by explosion... lots and lots of them. (Good views of various levels.) The last 2 minutes are a slight reworking of the final sequence in Halo. (Punchline's near the end.) Yes, there are lots of spoilers. It's in .wmv format, but the data rate is low enough that even Mac users should be able to watch it. Mythica's hosting this, all 17.7 mb of it. Enjoy! Update: This has been mirrored on Pez's ftp server. Thanks, Pez! (Louis Wu 18:36:16 UTC) (permalink)


Boatloads of words
Six pieces of Fan Fiction for you today, three from new authors:

The Fan Fiction section has been enhanced a bit - there is still a limit as to how big a story can be and fit into the database... but it will only appear once in the story listing. (Immediate impetus was Andrew Golightly's 130k story, but this has been on the to-do list for quite some time.) Go read! (Louis Wu 17:06:14 UTC) (permalink)


Gives new meaning to 'Crash and Burn'
Hojjen brings you news of the annual RocketRace - you can find details in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 14:41:04 UTC) (permalink)


Photo Impact and you
Back to the fan submissions... Jack Smith has turned in a logo modification. You'll find it in our Logos section (whose idea was that, anyway?). (Louis Wu 14:29:08 UTC) (permalink)


The Junkyard - up again, naturally
After two weeks of downtime, The Junkyard is back up and running... gotta love those 'quick' server moves. We feel for ya, Mhaddy! Swing by and say hello... (Louis Wu 14:21:15 UTC) (permalink)


Xbox is One today!
For anyone who's totally out of it, today marks two major points in the Xbox lifespan; it's the one-year anniversary of its debut (and, of course, the one-year anniversary of Halo - yes, it was RELEASED before the 15th last year, but you couldn't PLAY it before the 15th, except in special circumstances) and it's the launch date of Xbox Live (which will be fully supported by Halo 2 next year). Happy Birthday! (Louis Wu 14:13:36 UTC) (permalink)


4 last pics
One last batch of photos came in last night - you'll find it on our Live Party Launch coverage page. More pictures (with minimal identifiers, as well) can be found over at Xbox.com. It'll be interesting to see how many Xboxes make it on to various TV shows after this... (Thanks to wheeler, Frogblast, and Team Overkill for help in identifying some of the pics. We're still a half-dozen short, though.) (Louis Wu 13:58:04 UTC) (permalink)


Time to hit the sack...
Another batch of XBL Launch Party pics have gone up (the last of the evening, for me; anything that comes in now goes up in the morning), but identification of these people needs someone more celebrity-savvy than I am. If you can identify the folks in these pics, please, drop us a line! (Louis Wu 06:18:01 UTC) (permalink)


Microsoft is holding a massive shindig at an undisclosed location this evening to celebrate tomorrow's Xbox Live launch. We can't tell you where it is... but we can show you some pics. A photographer will be sending in pictures regularly this evening... I might be asleep for some of it, but we'll put 'em up as we get 'em. For now, check out the pre-party stuff on our Xbox Live Launch Party coverage page. (Louis Wu 04:24:53 UTC) (permalink)


Themes for hire
Got some cool ideas for a 7th Column theme, but never found the time to implement them? Never been a better time - Bungie's running a Theme contest. Prizes are cash to be spent at the Bungie Store, so turn on your creativity, whip out your editing program, and get theming! Full details are in the story. (Louis Wu 03:29:11 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Audio all around
Fiction for you
Everything Ever Said - In One Place
Monochrome simplicity
Art offerings

Wednesday's news in brief:

How fast ARE you?

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
