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Halo news back Tuesday, October 29, 2002 Halo news forward

The H Boys...
Tuesday's Fan Fiction:

Have at 'em... (Louis Wu 21:27:40 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Electronica
SilverBrin****, of The Psyjnir Complex, has created another piece of Halo fan music. In SB's words:

Think Halo meets Oni... If the Master Chief and Konoko were out clubbing, you might hear this....then again mb not not :(.

It's interesting. I have trouble hearing the Halo influences in places... but you should check it out for yourself! Just under 3 megs, in MP3 format. And yes, this means I'm gonna get off my butt and set up a Fan Music section to this site... Soon™. (Louis Wu 11:23:51 UTC) (permalink)


Blame Canada
Game Nation has interviewed Xbox Canada's marketing manager, Ryan Mugford. There are some interesting numbers in there; Canada has the highest percentage of Xbox gamers in the world (30.1% of their home console market), the highest percentage of Halo purchasers, and a ridiculously high percentage of people with access to broadband (80% of Xbox owners have it). Now, except for the silliness about Halo coming to the Gameboy Advance (I must say, a large chunk of Mugford's credibility went out the window when I read that portion of the interview), there's some good info in there; don't mind the uncertainty in the Halo 2 release dates, pay attention to the Xbox Live info (and the Canadian stats in general). Thanks to Harry Al-Shakarchi for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 10:34:03 UTC) (permalink)


A light in the sea of darkness
Hojjen drops off a big, bright desktop for our Wallpaper section. Take a look... (Louis Wu 03:27:59 UTC) (permalink)


What happened to Faircloth?
Bizarre pair of Miscellaneous Art submissions tonight. (For what it's worth, the creator of the first one has nothing to do with me, and I probably wouldn't have posted the second one if I hadn't been so amused by goings-on on the forum this evening.) (Louis Wu 03:23:39 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Monday's Reading

Sunday's news in brief:

Sunday's reading
Fear and Wonder
Getchyer Bungie Screens Here!

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