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Halo news back Thursday, August 29, 2002 Halo news forward

Master Chief - tomorrow?
Heh - this story has been floating around for a while, but the comic-book-ripoff angle is new for me, and pretty amusing. The US Army solicited proposals for a nanotech suit for the soldier of the future. (The concept art looks vaguely familiar...) If you want to read some background on the project, see this article at the New Scientist. MIT won the grant ($50 million)... but now have a little bit of trouble explaining how a comic book hero ended up in their design proposal. Thanks to Bowser for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 17:28:09 UTC) (permalink)


It is our destiny.
Another quick trailer for you - Halo: Reloaded. 7 megs, 1:21, QT5 format. The audio has a couple of glitches, but nothing serious. If you like it, let Black_Jackal know, on our forum! (Louis Wu 09:29:21 UTC) (permalink)


Aiming in PC Halo
There's a short article in the October issue of PC Gamer about PC Halo - and while much of what's in it is either common sense or speculation, there is an interesting discussion about aiming.

The Xbox version of Halo has been honored for the way it controls (after some practice), but obviously it can't achieve the fidelity of the mouse-keyboard format. To help, Xbox Halo has six different subtle targeting aids that allowed the levels to be designed with vertical options such as targeting an enemy high in a tower through a sniper scope. (Other console FPS titles have had to "flatten" the environments to make them gamepad-friendly.) On the PC, looking around with the mouse-keyboard combo is as instinctive as it is intuitive, and so most of these aids will be removed. "When we do this, it also impacts the balance of the game [e.g. head shots], and we have to compensate for these effects in the damage model," says Chu.

(Chu is Hamilton Chu, Halo's producer.) Can you tell this was written by a PC gamer? Bias aside, the removal of aiming aids should be welcomed by the hardcore who feel like their control has been taken away from them. We'll bring you a scan of this article as soon as the issue is off the shelves. (Louis Wu 08:52:12 UTC) (permalink)


A pair of desktops for you in our Wallpaper section... (Louis Wu 08:31:36 UTC) (permalink)


Guess my weight!
Heh - gotta love it when they write the news for you. :)

The Psyjnir Complex is giving away three Halo Soundtracks to the people who can predict the winner of the Halo National Tournament Finals.

Go to the Psyjnir 7th Column Chapter to enter.

So? What are you waiting for? (Louis Wu 01:48:34 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Finalist Spotlight
European Xbox Price Drop
I'm drowning...
Changeable cutscenes?
Absurd number of reviews...
What - another one?

Tuesday's news in brief:

Reviews db grows
Forerunners opens

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