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Halo news back Thursday, January 10, 2002 Halo news forward

HSP going strong
For those who didn't notice, the Halo Story Page processed a slew of submissions yesterday... several sections got updates. Make it a daily (or almost-daily) stop! (Louis Wu 22:06:37 UTC) (permalink)


GotY poll at Gaming Age
Gaming Age has a Quick Poll - Game of the Year? Halo is currently leading (with Grand Theft Auto 3 close behind). Go vote! Thanks to op_ivy for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 22:03:39 UTC) (permalink)


Chris Butcher transcript up
Get Into The Game has put up the transcript of the chat with Chris Butcher... and it's a great read! Lot's o' good technical info... and some silliness:

i am tyler durden does the Master Chief wear boxers or briefs?
chris butcher [peeks]
let's just say he's the ultimate commando

Go read the rest; chock-full of AI info, advice for budding developers, literary inspiration, and much more. A very worthwhile visit. (Louis Wu 17:49:44 UTC) (permalink)


24 hours of Halo
Forum regular *Ar-Isildur of *WP* is hosting an end-of-chemo party that focuses on Halo - read the details here. 24 hours of Halo goodness... it's gonna be worth the trip. (Louis Wu 09:12:40 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie Pentathlon coming up
Miguel Chavez points out that Bungie.net has put up a new QuickPoll - who do you think is going to win the Bungie Pentathlon this Friday? Before you vote for the best-named team (Online Cinematesticle - made up of the Online, Cinematics, and Test teams), remember that multigenarian Marty O'Donnell will be anchoring the tug-of-war. (Louis Wu 09:08:59 UTC) (permalink)


New Fan Fiction

Images dance past, flashing by at increasing speed until he cannot begin to decipher what they might be. Next come the lights, expanding into thin lines stretching endlessly, arcing behind some unseen horizon. As he watches, they bend and ripple against each other, dissolving amongst the rainbow spectrum like the pattern of waves crisscrossing one another far upon a windswept ocean.

Gordi turns in another installment of his as-yet-unnamed saga, this one titled 'Prelude to Paradise'. You'll find it in our Fan Fiction section - don't forget to leave him feedback! (Louis Wu 08:16:31 UTC) (permalink)


Mac Publisher STILL unknown
Interesting MacWorld tidbit: During downtimes at the MacOSX Gaming presentation area, a movie looped all day, showing footage from current and upcoming Mac games. One of the clips showed Halo... footage from the E3 2000 movie. At the bottom was written 'Halo: Published by Bold by Destineer'. Luckily, Peter Tamte of Bold was on hand to clarify; the movie was made by an outside contractor, and contains... questionable info. (The content - from a 2-year-old movie - should have been a clue...) Tamte stated that Microsoft has not made any statement about who is doing the conversion, nor who is publishing the Mac version... and until they do, no statement at all is appropriate. All he's willing to confirm is that Halo is coming to the Mac. Until Microsoft (or Bungie) makes a formal decision, any speculation is just that - speculation. (Louis Wu 07:10:04 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Chat with Butcher ends, transcript by tomorrow
No word yet on Mac porter
Matt explains lack of PC info
A million yet?
Chat with Chris Butcher today
More hotels need hi-speed access
Comics as catharsis

Tuesday's news in brief:

Q&A with Rob McLees
GamePro screens added
But what if he weren't John?
Amazon pushes Halo
Phoenix Tidbit
Tips N' Tricks gets some content

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
