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April 2009 Archived News

News April 30 2009


Sarkathlon 3 - puzzlerunning for goodies
Mr Sark is back! The X-Play gaming pro has set up Sarkathlon 3 - win it and you'll get your hands on some killer schwag. Go read about it on G4TV.com! Update: Mr Sark has posted more details over at Bungie.net - give it a read! (Louis Wu 21:17:03 UTC) (permalink)


Quantum - No Solace
The Bungie Blog highlighted one of the craziest racetracks I've ever seen... I think actually playing on it would be an exercise in frustration for all but the most accomplished mongoose drivers, but it LOOKS pretty cool! Video, and download link, in B.net's post. (Louis Wu 18:18:04 UTC) (permalink)


The day's montage roundup, courtesy of urk at B.net:

Makes you wanna go shoot somebody... (Louis Wu 18:16:20 UTC) (permalink)


A Handful Of Pine And Some Norsemen.
We haven't heard much from him recently... but Stuntmutt's still around, and he's decided to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of his first strip with a new offering. You'll have to decide for yourself if this was a good idea - check out the latest One One Se7en. (We luv ya, Stunt!) (Louis Wu 15:48:14 UTC) (permalink)


Now THAT'S Mythic.
Domino Theory is back with another giveaway - you still missing Legendary maps? Quick, swing by and sign up for a shot at winning them. (You've only got until midnight, UTC, on Saturday - that's about 36 hours from now. Don't say we didn't warn you!) Update: Oops, I screwed up... it's not for a Legendary code this time, it's for a Mythic one. Sorry! (Louis Wu 15:33:40 UTC) (permalink)


Movin' On Up
Hawty McBloggy continues her Halo Maps Week coverage, with a new list - Top Ten Halo Multiplayer Maps I'd Like to Reside Upon. How good are the Bungie environment artists? Quite good. (Personally, I'd buy that GPS she discusses in a second...) (Louis Wu 15:32:37 UTC) (permalink)


The Bungie Blog posted a link to a map/gametype combination that lets you relive the wonder of Pac-Man... in Halo 3. There's a video showing you how it works, and if you like it, there are download links to the map and gametype. (Louis Wu 15:30:44 UTC) (permalink)


News April 29 2009


Halo 3 is a Girl's Best Friend
According to ELSPA (the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association in Great Britain), Halo 3 becomes the second Xbox360 Diamond Sales Award winner in March, selling 1 million copies in the UK. Not bad! (Louis Wu 23:00:52 UTC) (permalink)


Play Games, Feel Bad
Gamer Limit is looking at the environmental sustainability of the gaming industry. Did you know that on its first day of sales, Halo 3 was responsible for 25 million kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions? Yeah, me either. I figure, I got my copy, I'm certainly producing less CO2 by sitting home and playing it than I would by driving around town all night looking for bars. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. (Louis Wu 22:54:13 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 300 (the 300th or so)
It's been a little while since I saw a 300 trailer... but RoldanIncorporated has made a new one, using Halo and Halo Wars cutscenes (and other content). Not too bad! (Louis Wu 22:47:29 UTC) (permalink)


Wow, very cool - an artist has created digigrade leg extensions, which would adapt very nicely for folks making Elite cosplay costumes. The downside? They're about a grand, all told, per pair. Thanks to Psychophan7 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 21:08:43 UTC) (permalink)


The Unlucky Elite 7
kokobear's back with another episode of The Unlucky Elite (this one is ep 7). 8 minutes of poor Elite abuse.. should make you laugh. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 21:06:51 UTC) (permalink)


BrySi's Beatbox Contest
Bryan Simon's running another contest - submit your best beatbox/beat to any of of his songs by May 8... and you can win a gigantic box of Hostess Twinkies. (If you're not hungry, don't worry - they'll still be good in a few years.) Watch the video for all the details! (Louis Wu 18:49:40 UTC) (permalink)


Community Spotlight: PraetoriaGuard
The PraetoriaGuard is this week's spotlighted community group - read about 'em, and then check out their favorite files in the Bungie Favorites section! (Louis Wu 18:45:58 UTC) (permalink)


Forge Cafe Map Contest
Forge Cafe is running a map making competition - make something cool, win something secret. More details at Bungie.net. (Louis Wu 18:45:40 UTC) (permalink)


Stuff highlighted on the Bungie Blog this afternoon:

Get to watchin'! (Louis Wu 18:43:39 UTC) (permalink)


When you're on top, you're a target for everyone
An article on Able Gamers takes Bungie to task for its neglect in providing ways for disabled gamers to play the Halo franchise games. Deserved? You decide. (Louis Wu 13:48:56 UTC) (permalink)


Podtacular 187
Podtacular 187 has been released - it covers multiplayer tips for Assembly, the map of the month. Plus, guests include XerxdeeJ (from Tied the Leader) and Smackified (from PraetoriaGuard). Close to 2 hours... go listen! (Louis Wu 13:46:56 UTC) (permalink)


Halocharts Campaign Challenge: The Covenant
Halocharts is issuing a new Campaign Challenge - 7 of 'em, in fact, in honor of the seventh level of Halo 3, The Covenant. Go read about 'em, and see how many you can manage! Thanks to urk for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:46:36 UTC) (permalink)


A new Average Joe article went up on Bungie.net yesterday - Go read about BigCountry1369, a Bungie.net denizen and member of the Halo in the Work Place group. Go see what makes him Average Joe fodder! (Louis Wu 13:45:44 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday Comic Update
Bunch of new comics for you today:

You guys have been busy... (Louis Wu 13:11:31 UTC) (permalink)


News April 28 2009


Running Riot - Live Tonight
The Running Riot is hosting another live podcast, kicking off tonight at 9:30 EST. Insane54 and Shock Theta from Forge Hub will be the guests. Swing by to participate! Thanks, Kete. (Louis Wu 17:16:07 UTC) (permalink)


Start on G, Capo on 3rd Fret
Bryan Simon continues his guitar tutorials - the latest one covers how to play 'I Bought My General'. Check it out! Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 16:51:48 UTC) (permalink)


Chuck's got a cat?
Chuck's got a cat? Oozer3993 noticed a Halo 3 Legendary helmet in the background of a shot during last night's episode of Chuck - I guess that increases geek cred! (Louis Wu 16:07:21 UTC) (permalink)


Things that move, and stuff
Hawty McBloggy continues her look back at the high points of Halo 3's multiplay - today's article covers her Top Ten Interactive Features on Halo Multiplayer Maps. Great list - lots of thought! Go discuss. (Louis Wu 13:06:58 UTC) (permalink)


405th Podcast #1 Online
Adam Grumbo let us know that the first official podcast of the 405th is now online. (This is not the same as his video podcast; it's an audio podcast, and it's specific to the 405th website.) This covers the community, a bunch of projects, Dragoncon, and more. 50 minutes, 46 mb - go listen! (Louis Wu 13:06:08 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 3 Racing: Triton's Twist
Bungie's Blog highlighted a new racetrack last night - this one is put together by the crew at HaloEvolution, and it's called 'Triton's Twist'. Attached YouTube vid looks pretty nice! If you're new to racing, you can download a good Racetracks gametype from the folks at HaloTracks. (Louis Wu 13:05:07 UTC) (permalink)


News April 27 2009


Halo 3 High Grounds - in Roblox
Looks like someone created a map based on High Ground for the online game 'Roblox'; it's Windows-only, and I don't have a PC nearby to test it with, but if you feel like it, swing by and check it out! (Louis Wu 20:44:40 UTC) (permalink)


Tag and Release - Arbiter
The newest Tag and Release is now up at Bungie.net - the tag was 'Arbiter' this time around, and the shots range from awesome to weirdly funny. Go look! (Louis Wu 17:50:32 UTC) (permalink)


Hard Justice Season 2, Episode 3
Hard Justice Season 2, Episode 3 is now live - things are pretty odd. Hairballs in corn flakes... ew. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 17:50:14 UTC) (permalink)


H3M Nomi
Lando Griff1n let us know that Halo3montage.com has posted a new video montage as a farewell for a soldier in the United States Air Force. H3M Nomi had a series of clips left on his fileshare that he wanted to share before he shipped out; the resulting montage, as edited by HAZMAT v2, is heavy on the effects, but contains some nice gameplay, and is very, very high-res. Go grab a copy of H3M Nomi (300 mb in downloadable 1080i HD WMP9 format, or streaming from the H3M website). (Louis Wu 17:36:10 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 3 seems... under-represented.
Hawty McBloggy has put together a list of her Top Ten Halo Multiplayer Maps, culled from all three games. Go see if you agree with her reasoning! (Louis Wu 14:39:08 UTC) (permalink)


That's one mean-looking Elite.
ZZoMBiE13 has been beaten up by life a bit recently... but he's starting to get back into drawing Halo stuff. Check out Sangheili sketch, over at DeviantART! (Louis Wu 14:38:38 UTC) (permalink)


Operation Chastity Release Update
Pete Cooper stopped by with an update about the release of Operation Chastity, his fan film. Shoot dates are being pushed back to March-April 2010, which means a Winter 2010 release for the film. They're doing this to ensure they get it right. (Louis Wu 14:36:46 UTC) (permalink)


Panoramas, Squared
We got a couple of folks dropping by last night with word of new panoramas - there's some great stuff to look at! 2good4u2 has some very cool shots with a bit of photoshopping after the fact. And Decadence Night took advantage of a playtest of Outlawed (nee 'High Noon') to create some very nice action panos. Check 'em all out! (Louis Wu 14:35:55 UTC) (permalink)


Monday Comic Update
Just a few for you:

More on Wednesday! (Louis Wu 14:35:11 UTC) (permalink)


News April 26 2009


He's not all that.
IGN put together a list of their readers' 10 Most Overrated Videogame Characters. Who made Number One? Why, your favorite green-suited Spartan, of course! (The rationale: most of what makes Halo popular is the multiplayer mode, not the Chief himself. And the rest is the music.) Thanks, Dax. (Louis Wu 11:34:05 UTC) (permalink)


Five Long Years
xmixmasterx noticed a new Developers Blog over at the Halo Wars website; Aloysius details the last couple of months of the Halo Wars development process. An interesting glimpse inside a a gaming studio! (Louis Wu 11:33:05 UTC) (permalink)


News April 25 2009


Halo 3 Fails: Episode 17
Halo 3 Fails: Episode 17 is now up - there are some great clips. (I loved the 'Clear the Base' fail.) Go watch... and laugh! Thanks, as almost always, goes to chris10023 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 23:07:02 UTC) (permalink)


Reclaim THIS
We've switched over to announcing Halo-based comics three times a week - but this one seems to be a little special. As we mentioned yesterday, TTL Demag0gue is on vacation... but he's got guest artists filling in, and first up is Elnea, who brings her own crazy brand of Halo Action Figure Theater to a new Reclaimer. (Louis Wu 16:36:44 UTC) (permalink)


Talking to the Baby Licker
InsaneViking115 ran across a recent interview with Hamilton Chu, Producer for Halo and Halo 2, over at A Softer World. It's a great read, even if the Halo content is pretty slim (and by slim, I mean nearly nonexistent). Fasincating discussion on the role of the individual in game creation. Go check it out! (Louis Wu 16:29:42 UTC) (permalink)


Helljumpers Cover Unveiled
Yesterday, Marvel released the cover art for the upcoming first issue of Halo: Helljumpers (scheduled for July 22). Nice! Thanks, LoneRanger 2.5. (Louis Wu 16:29:05 UTC) (permalink)


News April 24 2009


Spring is in the air...
The Bungie Weekly Update went up early this week - it contains some news bits, an interview with the maker of Punishment (one of the two user-created maps to make it into May's Matchmaking update)... and details about that update. Give it a read! (It is, of course, also available in our Weekly Update Archive.) (Louis Wu 23:59:36 UTC) (permalink)


Hawty McBloggy was skeptical when she ran across a new zombie-based machinima... but upon watching it, was won over. I'd agree - it's pretty nicely done! Check out 'Infection', by XxFreakFighterxX. (Louis Wu 20:06:03 UTC) (permalink)


Reclaimer Update
TTL Demag0gue stopped in to let us know that Reclaimer is going to be on vacation next week - but he's accepting submissions for guest comics while he's gone. Also, there's a pretty cool screenshot, along with the method for creating it - see what you can do with the technique!) (Louis Wu 20:03:55 UTC) (permalink)


...because what's Friday without montages?
Today's roundup of Bungie Blog-touted montages:

I'm sure there'll be more later on. (Louis Wu 16:44:08 UTC) (permalink)


Aesthetic Artist Interviews, Week Three
The latest in jdars' series of Aesthetic Artist Interviews is now live - screenshot maestro AusQB discusses what draws him to create spectacular Halo 3 screenshots, and provides tips on how to reproduce a pretty cool technique. Give it a read! (Louis Wu 15:42:55 UTC) (permalink)


Friday Comic Roundup
Just a few new strips today:

That seems to be what's out there at the moment! (Louis Wu 15:38:15 UTC) (permalink)


TPT: How to Suck Less at Halo Vol.2 - Chopper
Jake108 sent word that the Teabag Prevention Team has tackled Choppers this week, in their ongoing efforts to help you suck less at Halo. Go read tips and tricks for staying alive, and killing your foes. Get to da choppa! (HAH, JAKE!) (Louis Wu 14:19:46 UTC) (permalink)


Hitchcock would be calling... if he weren't dead
This week's Friday Caption Fun, over at Hawty McBloggy's, contains a pretty cool screenshot - can you come up with a funny caption for it? (There are results from last week's pic, as well, of course.) (Louis Wu 14:17:50 UTC) (permalink)


The Goose Trailer
Ollie1515 dropped by with word of a trailer for 'The Goose' for the "Cpt. Jackhammer Movie". (I didn't understand that description, either... and the trailer left me scratching my head, too.) (Louis Wu 14:17:22 UTC) (permalink)


My Halo Life: Episode 5
There's another episode of My Halo Life online - the fifth iteration contains a bit over four minutes' worth of clips from submitters, compiled by the My Halo Life crew. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 14:15:29 UTC) (permalink)


The Ultimate Halo Game - Discussed
The expansive document we mentioned yesterday, in which Gravemind began to lay down some ideas for 'the Ultimate Halo Game', has been getting some feedback - check the forum thread for a lot of discussion from Psychophan7, and swing by Rampancy.net to see Narcogen's thoughts on the matter. Be warned - bring a BIG cup of coffee. There are a lot of words to read. Again. (Louis Wu 14:08:15 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's Fan Fiction
Only two stories submitted this week (both dropped off this morning) for the Fan Fiction section. Slow week for writers! Go read. (Louis Wu 14:03:11 UTC) (permalink)


News April 23 2009


Treat People Like People
The latest Broken In is online at Bungie.net - Mat Noguchi, a tiny bundle of glowing rage and a damned good programmer to boot, talks about what he does for Bungie, why, and how you can join him. Just don't get in his way. (Louis Wu 23:35:48 UTC) (permalink)


We forgot to point it out 3 hours ago, when it went live... but the Double XP Playlist this weekend is Living Dead... swing by Bungie.net for full details on the gametypes and such. Zombies everywhere! (Louis Wu 21:23:23 UTC) (permalink)


A pair of montages appeared on the Bungie Blog today: ClearlyMe has done some funky jumping (edited by KingHaloCinemas) in 'Sky scraper', and some impressive (and nicely-filmed) gameplay from MaStalee in his third montage for Halo3Forums. Go watch! Update: Gah, managed to miss one. Six Below and vShocKz put together 'Vindication', a dualtage. Sorry! (Louis Wu 17:09:45 UTC) (permalink)


What do the first 747 and ODST have in common?
Scotty noticed that Xbox.com has a new page up for Halo 3: ODST... and while it's sparse on info, it DOES contain a release date: September 30, 2009. Drops nicely into the 'Fall 2009' range we've had up until this point, and it's coming from the game's publisher, so it's got a decent amount of credibility. More if we hear it! Update: Read the words of sketchfactor:

There is no confirmed release date for ODST yet, beyond "Fall." The information page is incorrect and likely just the result of a misinformed writer at Xbox.com Canada. Expect that page to get yanked/fixed pretty quickly.

I guess that settles that! (Louis Wu 16:16:28 UTC) (permalink)


Director Dialogues Debut - Phurion
Not long after we started hosting the Aesthetic Artist Interviews, which provide insight into the personality and trade secrets of Halo screenshot masters, we were contacted by RandomSauce, the man behind the ever-fascinating Halo 3 Mythbusters movies, wondering if we'd be interested in hosting a similar series that focused on Halo video specialists. We're always happy to provide a home for high-quality fan creations - so we said yes, of course. The first interview in the new Director Dialogues series is now online - go read about Phurion, a grand master of Halo montages. We hope to bring you a new interview every Thursday! (Louis Wu 13:21:32 UTC) (permalink)


Building the Ultimate Halo Game
Gravemind (who's been known for writing monster articles (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5) before) stopped in with a huge (35,000 words) article explaining how he'd make a Halo game if he had the chance. Agree, disagree... you have to admit, it's pretty in-depth. There seems to be some sort of formatting issue with the original document, making some parts hard to read - so for now, we've mirrored the content. You should definitely follow the links back to the original to add your own comments, though. (Louis Wu 13:16:24 UTC) (permalink)


Vociferous has penned another rich article at Ascendant Justice - weaving together tidbits from games and books to provide a cohesive picture of Thel 'Vadam, the Elite soldier who eventually became the Arbiter we know in Halo 2 and 3. It does a great job of providing background for the motivations that would lead this character to become what we see in the games - and summarizes relevant info from The Cole Protocol, for those who either skipped the book or need a refresher on the details. As always, a fantastic read. Thanks to Stingra for noticing. (Louis Wu 13:10:13 UTC) (permalink)


Wake her when you need her
Hawty McBloggy found a very cool picture that was created as a wedding present for a pair of Halo fans - check it out! (Louis Wu 13:07:08 UTC) (permalink)


Master Chief Theater 3000: Episode 304
Pyrosmile Productions posted the next episode of Master Chief Theater 3000 - this one covers the cutscene from Assault on the Control Room. (There's a post on their website that explains what happened to Silent Cartographer.) (Louis Wu 13:05:22 UTC) (permalink)


Goodies from the BBlog
Couple of late-posted movies at BUngie.net yesterday - another screenshot montage, this time from A Deaf Boy, containing shots grabbed in April... and a pretty crazy-looking puzzle map with lots of death traps (and a video showing you how to get through them). It looks pretty danged hard even WITH the tutorial... (Louis Wu 13:04:15 UTC) (permalink)


News April 22 2009


Spartan I Project posts new favorites
It's Wednesday, so it's time to update Bungie Favorites - and there's a Q&A with the The Spartan I Project group that populated it again. Check it! (Louis Wu 19:17:52 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Chronicles - remember that one?
Jimmy Jangles sent word that (as most of us had surmised, but didn't know for sure) the 'Halo Chronicles' project from Peter Jackson, announced at X06 (almost three years ago!) is 'on hold', according to Weta Studios. Till when? Well... probably until the Halo movie comes out. (Or doesn't.) (Louis Wu 19:08:10 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Less Than 3
Cybrfrk sent us this link to 'Halo Less Than 3', a new song from YouTube phenom zendulo. (Never heard of her? Check out this profile piece at G4's Attack of the Show.) A beautiful girl singing about Halo and boobs? What's not to love? (Louis Wu 18:18:32 UTC) (permalink)


Behold The Power of Cheese
TheDuoGroup has put out some of the most professional-looking Halo machinima... and they're back with an ad for the Halo Warthog. The challenge? How good could they make it... in one day? Go see. (I give 'em 3 thumbs-up.) Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 18:03:48 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: Helljumpers - in 3 months
Back in February, we mentioned that the next short-run Halo-based comic series, Halo: Helljumpers, would be coming 'this summer' - according to 1UP.com, that's now been narrowed down to 'July'. Good deal! (Louis Wu 18:00:50 UTC) (permalink)


OMG He's a Mongoose-hater!
Halo3Infinity.net interviewed Tobias Buckell about his Halo novel, 'The Cole Protocol'. You can read it in English... or French! It's a great read - contains lots of insight into what Buckell liked about the Halo universe (and what he thought was missing). Thanks to CaLL Me ZeNy for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:48:57 UTC) (permalink)


Spectac Flair
urk highlighted a cool racetrack on Avalanche - swing by for a video and a downloadable map for Halo 3! (Louis Wu 17:24:02 UTC) (permalink)


Earth (a la Halo 3)
CMNeir created a video that celebrates Earth Day 2009 with some great footage from the Halo 3 Earth-based maps. Reminiscent of the 'Oh So Beautiful' series from Jamie98s - except it's Earth-only. Great stuff! Thanks to the Bungie Blog for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:23:43 UTC) (permalink)


Erwins Great Adventure
thebest233 stopped in with word of Erwins Great Adventure... a very strange machinima. (Nice cinematography, though.) (Louis Wu 17:12:18 UTC) (permalink)


More Halo 3 in WCG Ultimate Gamer
Gilver was watching the WCG Ultimate Gamer last night on SciFi - and noticed that Halo 3 was part of their 'Gauntlet' episode. Slayer, BR starts, all night long... standing on pedestals. Ouch! (I have no idea how it ended; there's no mention in the post.) Update: Gilver summarized the episode for those who missed it... and if you want to watch it, Hulu's got it. (Louis Wu 16:51:02 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday Comic Update
Bunch of comic links for you today:

I looked for the latest version of ODS Steve over at HMB's site... but it's not up yet, so that's it for today! (Louis Wu 16:01:40 UTC) (permalink)


News April 21 2009


Built for Combat
Kooberz (the guy who built a huge model of Zanzibar out of LEGO pieces) stopped in to our forum today to tease us with a link to a trailer for an upcoming 30-minute stop-motion film made with that model. It looks to be amazing! Check out his website for more details. (Louis Wu 18:07:02 UTC) (permalink)


Weapons at the Ready - Meet Skibur
urk wants you to get to know the Bungie.net ninjas (aka moderators) - the latest spotlight rests on Skibur. Swing by and see what his interests are! (His Halo haunts read like a who's who of Halo community sites. Well, except for us. Sadface.) (Louis Wu 18:02:03 UTC) (permalink)


The Running Riot - Live, again
According to the Bungie Blog, the Running Riot is recording another live podcast... and they want your help. Swing by their site for full details - and reserve April 28th, 9:30 EST for the recording! (Louis Wu 17:58:56 UTC) (permalink)


I love the fans
Black Six noticed a LEGO Hornet on The Brothers Brick - pretty slick work! (Louis Wu 15:55:36 UTC) (permalink)


Details on upcoming Halo Wars DLC
The first Halo Wars expansion pack, including 3 new multiplayer modes and 100 achievement points, was announced today - no pricing info yet. Thanks, GrimBrother One. (Louis Wu 15:54:05 UTC) (permalink)


What? No Starship Troopers?
Hawty McBloggy has pulled together 16 Halo 3 Forge screenshots about TV shows. Why? You gotta ask her. Some cool ones in there, though! (Louis Wu 14:42:27 UTC) (permalink)


New McFarlane Prototypes
InnerRayg noticed some new McFarlane figure prototypes from Chiller, posted at the Halofigures.com forum. ODST and Halo Wars stuff - pretty cool! (Louis Wu 14:42:02 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: Uprising 4 Summary
For folks not planning to pick up the fourth issue in Marvel's Halo: Uprising miniseries, Avateur has written a pretty comprehensive summary. You miss the pretty pictures, but all the plot points are there. (It shouldn't need to be said, but of course this means it's loaded with spoilers.) (Louis Wu 14:41:35 UTC) (permalink)


I think we want Memorex
Over at Rampancy.net, Narcogen has commented (at length) on an article written by N'Gai Croal (normally of Newsweek, this time writing in Edge Online), about realism in games, and what we really want. Both the original article, and Narc's musings on the topic, are interesting reading, if only tangentially Halo-related. (Halo is mentioned, though not the primary focus.) Check 'em both out! (Louis Wu 14:37:58 UTC) (permalink)


News April 20 2009


Flying Purple Death
It's Monday, so Bungie.net has another Tag and Release feature - this time, the search term was 'Banshee'. As always... great pics. (Louis Wu 22:45:43 UTC) (permalink)


Couple of new vids for you today, courtesy of the Bungie Blog - another Rube Goldberg contraption on Sandtrap, and a slo-mo montage. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 22:43:21 UTC) (permalink)


PTG Podcast: Episode 1
Kevin Larrabee let us know that Part Time Gamers is back with Episode 1 (the last time we mentioned them, it was Episode 0, the Beta Test). This episode again has Kevin and Bungie's Seth Gibson discussing everything from GTA: The Lost and Damned (and some of its similarities to Halo 3: ODST) to discounted copies of Hellgate: London - and everything in between. It's almost 2 hours long, and weighs in at 46 mb. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:01:23 UTC) (permalink)


Bigger Guns Nearby
We found out that Greg Bear had signed on to write 3 Halo novels a couple of weeks ago - but yesterday the Seattle Post-Intelligencer put up some of the backstory about how that happened. Fun read! (Louis Wu 13:30:56 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Wars Vulture - in LEGO
T07WRX5 really liked the Vulture from Halo Wars (you can see some design shots at the Halo Wars website) - so he built one out of LEGOs. Looks like a lot of detail! (Louis Wu 13:30:15 UTC) (permalink)


Rock, Paper, Spartan
The Lead Technical Designer on Halo Wars wrote up a Developer Blog post describing the combat system's core principle. Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:29:27 UTC) (permalink)


Elite GotY Bundle finally official
It's been rumored for some time, but it looks like it's finally been announced - Microsoft is offering a 'Game of the Year' edition of its Xbox 360 Elite console. You get the console, plus Halo 3 and Fable II, all for $399. Not a bad deal! (Louis Wu 13:28:25 UTC) (permalink)


The Story
Dusty Boy T (the subject of the last Aesthetic Artist Interview we posted) stopped in with word of a screenshot montage made up of his screens, and edited by RogueDarkJedi - and it tells a story. Check it out. (Louis Wu 13:27:31 UTC) (permalink)


Halo on the Cheap
Arithmomaniac has maintained a Halo theme in the last couple of Purim costumes he's worn - he posted pics of his Arbiter and ODST. (Louis Wu 13:20:21 UTC) (permalink)


Monday Comic Update
Not many comics up at this point today...

A little something while you sip your coffee... (Louis Wu 13:19:46 UTC) (permalink)


Morse code? Folks can still read that?
The first easter egg on the Mythic Maps has been discovered - and it's a pretty cool one. Swing by Hawty McBloggy's for the low-down! Looks like a fun little message was encoded (via morse code) into the blinking lights in the distance on Assembly... and Bungie.net forumgoer Sundmann decided to see if they spelled anything. They do, of course. Thanks for playing! Update: oops, forgot about the Bungie Carnage sign on Sandbox - thanks, nash--housewares. So while this isn't the first egg found on the mythic maps... it's STILL awfully cool. (Louis Wu 12:29:38 UTC) (permalink)


News April 19 2009


COTW: Best Clips
2900d4u stopped in to announce that he's posted COTW: Best Clips, a collection of (whoa, whoda thunk?) the best clips submitted during The Final Fight's Clip of the Weekl contests over the last while. If you want to submit clips for the next COTW collection, he encourages you to do so - visit this forum post, and submit away! (Louis Wu 14:29:32 UTC) (permalink)


Love Thy Studio
urk actually pointed this out to me more than a week ago - but it seemed like such a transient achievement that I passed on mentioning it. Today, however, we received mail from the person behind this gamertag - and as nine days have passed with no change to the score, it seems more than a coincidence. I Jango I says that his gamerscore of 77,777 is a dedication to his favorite development studio. All Bungie-related games with Achievement points (Marathon, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo Wars) have contributed to the total. Nice work! (Louis Wu 14:28:17 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie Favorites Archive: Complete
Halo0001 X wrote to let us know that his goal of recording all videos ever added to the Bungie Favorites list (we mentioned it last week) has been met - and you can watch them on one of two playlists in his YouTube channel. He intends to continue adding new vids as they're released, so you can subscribe if you want to be notified. (Louis Wu 14:27:38 UTC) (permalink)


News April 18 2009


A Halo favorite, recreated beautifully
I don't highlight a lot of Sandbox creations here - but Decadence Night stopped in with a remake of of Hang 'em High that looks fantastic. I haven't had a chance to play it yet... but High Noon brings back great memories, just in the screenshots. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:37:06 UTC) (permalink)


Arby 'n' the Chief S3E10: Party
The latest Arby 'n' the Chief ("Party") uses the new-ish 'annotations make movies interactive' technique to present multiple flashbacks in a way that becomes a little tiresome before it's all over... but it's intriguing nonetheless. Thanks, sharpsniper99. (Louis Wu 16:36:31 UTC) (permalink)


Subject: Multi-Mythic... Conquered
Daniel 'Tyrant' Morris sent word that a new challenge has been beaten - earlier this month, he announced an attempt to beat Halo 3 in co-op Mythic difficulty, no deaths by any player. (Standard Halo 3 co-op, even with the Iron Skull on, will not make you start the level over again if someone dies - you only have to go back to the last checkpoint. So these guys have upped the difficulty past this; if they die, THEY start over.) They've posted films of all ten Campaign levels - visit the Bungie.net thread for links and discussion! Congrats, guys. (Louis Wu 12:00:25 UTC) (permalink)


A Labor of Love
jdars sent us a link he'd found to a website that looks like it was built to display images of a rendered warthog (which is pretty cool, all by itself)... but it's more than that now, and the site is really, really nicely done. It's still a work in progress; a couple of sections haven't been filled in yet... but what's there is really cool. Check out Paul Beard's Shrine to the Forerunners! (I hope we don't kill it; we'll happily host a mirror if we do damage to his bandwidth. We couldn't even ask first, because the contact link is not populated yet.) (Louis Wu 11:59:35 UTC) (permalink)


Nerdballoon talks to a Halo 3 Pro Gamer
Curtis Blakely let us know that the latest podcast from Nerdballoon, 'Lunchpail Platoon', contains an interview with Mad Max of Team End Result, a Canadian pro gamer team. It's an interesting discussion that goes from pro gaming, to the Halo series in general. Go listen! (Louis Wu 11:59:03 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie Weekly Update - April 17
Last night, as is usual on Friday nights, Bungie posted their Weekly Update - it contains a summary of what happened around the Halo world this week. There's not a HUGE amount of content for folks who pay really close attention - but a few tidbits that might have passed you by are definitely inside. Good stuff about how to Forge without pulling all your hair out, an interview with a Forger who created a pretty slick map, and details about the playlist updates for those who missed 'em the first time around are highlights. Go check out the whole deal! (You can, of course, read it right here at HBO in our Weekly Update Archive.) (Louis Wu 11:52:21 UTC) (permalink)


News April 17 2009


Slayer Chapter 1
hyokin stopped in with word of a new Halo 1-based machinima - Slayer. The first chapter is up now. The characters are from his Operation Respawn series, but this seems to be a self-enclosed story. (Louis Wu 18:45:10 UTC) (permalink)


Aesthetic Artist Interviews, Week Two
It's Friday, so it's time for another Aesthetic Artist Interview - this week jdars sits down with Dusty Boy T, and discusses the fine art of Campaign screens. There are 30 examples to mull over when you're done reading! (Louis Wu 17:35:29 UTC) (permalink)


New movies, courtesy of the Bungie Blog:

  • CARmakazie put up another GooseTage - splatter central.
  • Scarecrew has a montage that's just bloopers. I think he's been piggybacking on my Xbox LIVE matchmaking. (I gotta say, though, it's pretty impressive to stick yourself without bouncing the grenade off something, or throwing it straight up...)
  • ALPHA PHEONIX put together a fun-to-watch vid showing the building of a pyramid on Sandbox, block by block. MAN, I wish Forging happened this fast.

Is that popcorn I smell? (Louis Wu 17:29:26 UTC) (permalink)


Kimo and Krunchy DualTage
Z pointed out a new DualTage at Halo3Forum.com - gameplay by Kimo and Krunchy, editing by Domino. About 10 minutes long. Nice gameplay and editing (though I had to turn it down a bit...). Take a look! (Louis Wu 17:20:22 UTC) (permalink)


The RFID Skull Project
Heh - VERY cool. a website called 'I Make Projects' contains information about a working, real-life Halo oddball skull, for use in Airsoft/laser tag games (or whatever). The skull contains electronics that read the RFID tag that each player wears - so you gain time by holding the skull close to your chest, with both thumbs in the eye sockets (so you can't shoot). You have to hold it in a certain way - I'd assume there's no easy way to trigger two separate tags at once. There are full details and a movie showing how it works, along with plans to make your own. Awesome! Thanks to Dan O'Neil for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:16:10 UTC) (permalink)


MLG/ESPN Top Ten #16
During the MLG Tournament coverage from the Meadowlands early this month, the latest iteration of the MLG/ESPN Top 10 was previewed - but if you weren't watching the streaming feed, you missed it. Not to worry - it's entered the archive, and contains another 10 amazing clips collected from MLG gameplay. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:15:38 UTC) (permalink)


Mongoose Loves You
Jake108 let us know that Geekscape has posted their next Teabag Prevention article - this one covers the Mongoose. Read it and suck less! (Louis Wu 15:55:58 UTC) (permalink)


Friday Comic Update
Big comic roundup today, since Wednesday's came so early:

That should do it! (Louis Wu 15:51:24 UTC) (permalink)


Blackstone [Log 2] Trailer
Nabsuh stopped in to announce the Blackstone [Log 2] Trailer - it's pretty vague, but if you remember back to July of last year, when Blackstone [Log 1] was released, you might be happy to know they're working on continuing it! (Louis Wu 15:50:13 UTC) (permalink)


Plan well before you take the journey
Psychophan7 put together some printouts for forging Sandbox; they're ideal for plotting your ideas on paper before committing to work. Details (and preview images of what you'd be downloading) are in his first post - download links for high-res versions are in this post. (Use local mirrors to save Pfordee's bandwidth.) Check these out if you're a forger! (Louis Wu 15:38:04 UTC) (permalink)


It's comfortable... but I'm not sure it goes with the drapes.
It's Friday, so it's time for Hawty McBloggy's Friday Caption Fun, now up to Round 43. Entertaining captions for last week's pic, coupled with a potential-rife new shot, make this a worthwhile stop this morning. (Louis Wu 15:24:55 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's Fan Fiction
Last week was light - but there are ten new pieces in the Fan Fiction section this week... from poetry to Halo/Terminator crossovers. Go read! (Louis Wu 15:23:29 UTC) (permalink)


News April 16 2009


Bleed and sweat to make things happen.
The latest Breaking In article at Bungie.net focuses on Matt Richenburg, an Associate Producer working on stuff they aren't talking about yet. Matt gets in-depth and dirty in describing how he got where he is... swing by if you want to be there too! Maybe some of his luck will rub off. (Louis Wu 22:03:36 UTC) (permalink)


Close Quarters Battle Armor
AoD deadite stopped in with word of a new machinima - 'Close Quarters Battle Armor'. Nice cinematography, and nice effects... go watch! (Louis Wu 21:46:30 UTC) (permalink)


Wow, it's Thursday again. What does that mean? It means it's time for another Double XP Weekend! What's up this week? Well, urk says it's Team Melee. Go beat on some people. (Louis Wu 19:24:12 UTC) (permalink)


Community Spotlight - The Spartan I Project
A new Community Spotlight is up at Bungie.net - this one loks at the Spartan I Project, and contains information about the group, along with new Bungie Favorites. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 17:50:53 UTC) (permalink)


Add 'em all up, you get a matinee.
Bungie.net has been tirelessly promoting videos since we went dark early yesterday morning - here's what we've found there so far:

That's a lot of movies! (Louis Wu 17:49:57 UTC) (permalink)


I like the... I'm not telling.
Heh - Hawty McBloggy highlighted a collection of secret Xbox360 controller button layouts, discovered by a Bungie.net denizen. See if you can use one of these. (Louis Wu 17:49:29 UTC) (permalink)


The Gamer Girlfriend 04.16.09: Halo 3
Greg Bruno sent word of another Gamer Girlfriend column he's written for 411mania.com (we mentioned one of these back in December) - his girlfriend (not a gamer) played some Halo 3 multiplayer with him, and they wrote up the results. Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:49:03 UTC) (permalink)


Making Pretty Things Prettier
HaLo2FrEeEk has been playing with compositing - his first attempts are up in this forum post. Nice work! (Louis Wu 17:48:22 UTC) (permalink)


You coulda knocked me over with a feather.
Marvel released Halo Uprising #4 yesterday (thanks, Ritchie Martin), as they promised they would. Our forum is full of discussions of very cold underworlds. (Louis Wu 17:47:09 UTC) (permalink)


What the French?! (Ep le troisieme)
Vandya let us know about What The French, Episode 3 - funny Halo action with a French accent. Hohn hohn hohn! (Louis Wu 17:46:29 UTC) (permalink)


They promise better delivery than Uprising
Wow. UNSC Trooper and Leviathan are teaming up to create a Halo comic... and the teaser looks pretty cool! Check it out. (Louis Wu 17:41:38 UTC) (permalink)


The Social Interviews Pete Cooper
Pete Cooper sat down XMixMasterX, of The Social, and answered a few questions about Operation Chastity. Thanks to Scotty for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 17:40:08 UTC) (permalink)


I... no.
This is just... wrong. Blame serpx. (Louis Wu 17:39:29 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Wars - A Biased Perspective
Halo Wars has been out for a while, and we've stopped posting news about reviews of the game (we are halo.bungie.org, after all) - but we received word from Ross Mills that he'd written up some commentary about the game from the perspective of a long-time Halo fan (he's been around here for many years), so we're letting you know. Go see what he thought! (Louis Wu 17:38:42 UTC) (permalink)


News April 15 2009


Autographed Halo/Bungie Prints Giveaway at HMB
Hawty McBloggy was at the Emerald City Comic Convention last week, and collected a satchel's worth of signed artist prints from the Bungie crew... and now she's giving them away. You'll have to work a little to get one - swing by her site for all the details. You've got until April 21 to get your submission in! And... that ends it for Wednesday's news. I'll be on a plane very soon... and won't be near a computer again until late into Wednesday night. (Louis Wu 07:51:12 UTC) (permalink)


Average Joe - IgnitedProphecy
Yesterday, urk sat down and interviewed IgnitedProphecy, a well-known Bungie.net denizen. Go see what makes him not so average! (Louis Wu 07:50:46 UTC) (permalink)


Community Videos for your viewing pleasure
If you're looking for videos to watch, you should swing by the Bungie Blog - they've got a few.

Thanks, urk! (Louis Wu 07:50:09 UTC) (permalink)


MLG Pro Player Song : Roy and Lunchbox
Bryan Simon is up to his old tricks - the latest MLG Pro Players to be offered a tribute are Roy and Lunchbox, killer brothers on Instinct. You can watch the video on YouTube, or download the MP3 from us (2.5 mb). Funny stuff! (Louis Wu 07:49:39 UTC) (permalink)


Mythic Map Pack Reviews
A couple of new Mythic Map Pack reviews have popped up recently - there's one on Examiner.com, and another at GameFocus, a Canadian gaming site. Go read 'em! (Louis Wu 07:49:10 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Wars Title Update Coming
According to a recent post on the Halo Wars website, a Title Update for Halo Wars is in the making, with more details promised in the next few weeks. Thanks to Joystiq for noticing. (Louis Wu 07:48:43 UTC) (permalink)


Reclaimer: Sandbox Results
TTL Demag0gue announced the results of the Reclaimer: Sandbox contest - 18 maps were submitted, and two of them won prizes! Check out the full field at the Reclaimer website. (Louis Wu 07:48:17 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday Comic Update
Missing a few, because it's really early - sorry about that, but I'll be on a plane all day.

Enjoy - more on Friday! (Louis Wu 07:46:39 UTC) (permalink)


Wake me... when you need me.
Schedonnardus pointed out an article on Gizmodo that covered 80 ways the new Star Trek movie can be ruined (based on user-submitted photoshops)... and the second place winner is Halo-related. Go look. (Louis Wu 07:46:09 UTC) (permalink)


News April 14 2009


Busy busy Tuesday
Apologies in advance for the light news today - this is the last time I'll be near a computer until well into Wednesday. Enjoy the weather where you are! (Louis Wu 06:55:30 UTC) (permalink)


New Time-Lapse Panoramas
Decadence Night has put up another pair of cool time-lapse panoramas - check out the forum post for a preview, or his blog for the full monty. (Louis Wu 06:55:06 UTC) (permalink)


The Flipsyde
urk pointed out a montage with more than its share of fun mishaps - it's called 'The Flipsyde', and has a bunch of nice effects tossed in. (Louis Wu 06:54:39 UTC) (permalink)


What The... 'Tage!
Kral, from Halo.fr, sent word of a collection of mishaps and bizarre moments he calls the 'What The... 'Tage!' This was put together by him and a buddy, KA0Sskill. Just under 4 minutes, available in HD. (Louis Wu 06:50:13 UTC) (permalink)


Arby/Chief wall painting
Tyler Anderson sent us pics of a wall mural he'd done - the power outlet in the 'final' pic should give a sense of scale. Work took about a month. wall - left half (206k) | wall - right half (302k) | wall - final (218k) (Louis Wu 06:49:23 UTC) (permalink)


News April 13 2009


That's one for every ten McDonald hamburgers.
The latest Top Story at Bungie.net is a recounting of an impressive feat - the total Campaign Kill Count from Bungie fans has exceeded ten billion. More... it took only 565 days. Read the article for more details. (Louis Wu 20:20:17 UTC) (permalink)


Goodies collected at Bungie.net
Some cool stuff from the Bungie Blog today:

Thanks, urk! (Louis Wu 20:13:19 UTC) (permalink)


Monday Comic Update
I'm far from home, so updates are a little harder - Monday's comic update is a bit later than usual.

Enjoy! (Louis Wu 19:49:14 UTC) (permalink)


Once Upon A Time...
I enjoyed a pair of picture-filled retellings of epic battles this evening - I appreciated them both, though I must say the Avalanche piece was more satisfying. Hawaiian Pig told the story of a flag battle on Facing Worlds, and reminded us that for every winner, there's a loser. And GhaleonEB created a chronicle of success and failure that has a distinct Watchmen-like feel to the images - the final one is particularly poignant. Go read 'em both. (Louis Wu 06:55:02 UTC) (permalink)


VGL at E3 - pre-sale tickets up now
Video Games Live will be playing an extra concert in Los Angeles during E3 this year... and special pre-sale tickets are available right now. (Use the word 'HALO' in the 'Promotions and Special Offers' box in order to activate the pre-sale.) Hear lots of great video game music (including a significant Halo segment) at the Greek Theater on June 4! (Louis Wu 06:52:37 UTC) (permalink)


The last thing I see at night...
Doom3killer drew and handpainted a mural of Master Chief on his wall. Way to go! (Louis Wu 06:50:55 UTC) (permalink)


Clearing the Stench of Defeat - erm, Deceit
A couple of days ago, we mentioned the Bungie writeup of a matchup between Bungie and Joystiq - it's only fair to show you the Joystiq writeup of the same event. Condolences go out to Dustin "SuperDunner" Burg, who is apparently still without Recon. (Louis Wu 06:45:28 UTC) (permalink)


Behind the Montage
Z sent us on a nostalgic journey - he pointed out a thread on Halo3Forum.com of videos he's never hosted, and specifically a 'behind the scenes' vid made by OscarMayerNinja and SnapTactics back in 2005, just after the release of 'Ninja Tactics', a Halo 2 montage they'd made. It's a fun film, showing their hijinx at Orlando's City Walk one night, and it might just make you want to go back and play Halo 2 a bit. It's called "OscarMayerNinja's Behind the Montage", and download and streaming links are near the top of the first post. Give it a shot. (Louis Wu 06:41:25 UTC) (permalink)


New Job Listing Intrigues
This news made the rounds of the big gaming sites, but I saw it first at Joystiq. They'd run across a job posting at CareerBuilder.com that looked for people to "blend console, web, and mobile to create an immersive Halo world that follows the dedicated Halo fan wherever they go. We need engineers that can build connected technology while working in a startup environment." Mobile? (Louis Wu 06:39:48 UTC) (permalink)


I The Slushy I sent word that he'd created a new screenshot montage - nice effects, great shots. Swing by YouTube to watch it. (You should watch it in HQ - the standard version has different music.) It's sort of a 'love' montage, in honor of Easter. (Louis Wu 06:38:01 UTC) (permalink)


News April 12 2009


Halo movies, from your friends at Bungie
A couple of videos highlighted on the Bungie Blog this weekend - The Forgotten Spartans: Episode 7 is a fifteen-minute episode of a machinima in progress with some great editing, and ZKilla's Halo 3 1v1 Montage puts 1v1 footage to a hard-driving soundtrack. Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:11:34 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 3 Fails: Episode 16
Halo 3 Fails Episode 16 is now online - four and a half minutes of Halo bloopers and bad choices. Thanks, chris10023. (Louis Wu 17:50:31 UTC) (permalink)


The Second Spartan
Collin Searls let us know that he's made a trailer for the Second Spartan, a fan fiction he's written. There's not much to it yet - but it's an interesting concept! (Louis Wu 17:40:02 UTC) (permalink)


Cosplay and Rabbits
Turns out I have a little extra time today - a few more posts. Yesterday, I forgot to mention that Hawty McBloggy had posted what she calls ' Sexy Sangheili Cosplay' - I think she just has her mind in the gutter. (It IS a pretty cool Arbiter costume, though.) While you're looking at those pictures, hoping to find Covenant porn (you sicko), you might want to check out a collection of seven Halo 3 bunny pictures, just in time for Easter. Some require a little imagination to call 'bunny'... but all are entertaining. (Louis Wu 17:27:42 UTC) (permalink)


Photoshop + too much free time = win
These... are weird. (The second one's quite good - but weird.) Enjoy your Easter - see you Monday! (Louis Wu 05:41:31 UTC) (permalink)


Z let us know that over at Halo3Forum.com, there's a new dualtage from Fragtality and Sticktality, edited by Fragtality. It's called (not surprisingly) 'Dualtality'. The hi-def version is an enormous 600 mb... but quality's great. Go watch! (Louis Wu 05:32:32 UTC) (permalink)


A pair of Halo interviews from H3I
CaLL Me ZeNy stopped in to announce a pair of interviews of interest to the Halo community, done by Halo3Infinity.net - they talked to both Dave 'Evil Otto' Candland, Bungie UI guru, and Eric Nylund, Halo novelist. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 05:31:43 UTC) (permalink)


Sculpting the Master Chief's Helmet
Urban Reflex pointed out an article at Blue Realm Studios with lots and lots and lots of details on how to create a Spartan helmet. Good stuff! (Louis Wu 05:30:16 UTC) (permalink)


MIVE Halo 3 Shootout
AvatarAang pointed out that there's a new interactive video experience from Machinima.com - they'd created one back in February, this one is less like a 'choose your path' and more like an actual shooter. Apparently, not everyone's enthusiastic about this. (Louis Wu 05:29:29 UTC) (permalink)


News April 11 2009


Bungie Favorites Archive
Halo0001 X let us know that he's starting a 'Bungie Favorites Archive' on YouTube - he'll be downloading Bungie Favorites films, recording them, then uploading them to YouTube. He plans to upload a few sets a week until he's got them all (he's already got the current set plus 3 sets back) - and you can subscribe to his channel if you want them sent to you weekly. Sounds like a big job! (And... that's it. Leaving for the airport in 10 mins, no more Halo news before tonight.) (Louis Wu 09:22:14 UTC) (permalink)


More vids you may have missed
MtM9157 sent us links to a couple of movies - they have nothing in common but their maker, but they're both fun to watch. Gears of Halo Theft Auto 5 is just a ridiculous concept for a game (that would probably make a fortune if it actually existed), and Lost World is... just strange. It vacillates between great melding of live video and Halo footage and utterly bizarre dance sequences. And stuff. Both of these are older - but we haven't highlighted them before, so maybe you haven't seen them either. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 04:28:02 UTC) (permalink)


When Gold Bars Aren't Enough
Heh - for those who feel that Bungie's limits on Rank (Grade 4? pfft) are too hobbling, HaloCharts has cranked up the options - to Grade 7. Or even higher! Swing by this page for details on these expanded ranks. Thanks, Pete Venkman. (Louis Wu 04:26:13 UTC) (permalink)


Forkin' Flapjacks and Fightin' Friends
The Bungie Weekly Update is full of Mythic goodness - wait, is that a surprise? It shouldn't be - their public release is the news of the week. Good stuff in there; highlights of cool fan maps, answers to frequently-asked questions, reminders of cool freebies, and more. Go read! (If you're not happy reading it on Bungie.net, read it in our Weekly Update Archive.) (Louis Wu 01:31:09 UTC) (permalink)


TPT's How to Suck Less at Halo Vol.2 - Ghost
Jake108 pointed out the next episode in Geekscape's Teabag Prevention Presents series - it's all about how to suck less at the Ghost. Go learn how to fight WITH them... and AGAINST them. Good tips in here! (Louis Wu 01:30:37 UTC) (permalink)


News April 10 2009


That cleaning lady's one hell of a shot.
So last night, Bungie and Joystiq met in an epic battle of wits. I say wits, because fighting skill had nothing to do with winning. Bungie, unhappy with the way that Joystiq seemed to be stacking the deck, decided to do a little stacking of their own. Forge, apparently, can be used for more than good. Go read about the shenanigans over at Bungie.net - and pray you never get on their bad side. (Louis Wu 23:26:05 UTC) (permalink)


86% of all stats...
Joystiq's got some charts compiled from data provided by GamerDNA showing how Halo 3 and Halo Wars players fit in to the overall Halo fan pool. I'm not sure I understand the graphs; for example, the first graph shows that 17% of all Halo franchise players played Halo Wars, and 82% of those (14/17) played both games... but the second graph says that about 95% of Halo Wars players also played Halo 3. Maybe you'll have better luck understanding it than I do - they're certainly pretty. (Louis Wu 20:23:03 UTC) (permalink)


Free Gold Weekend... for Halo 3
If you're an Xbox LIVE member with a Silver (free) account, you might be interested to learn that this weekend is a Free Halo 3 weekend - all accounts, Gold AND Silver, can play online! This situation is active until Monday, April 13, at 12 pm ET - so get going and play some Halo 3 for nothin'! Thanks to KP, who is putting in an overtime request for the extra work he had to do to nail down this info. Update: Looks like Ranked playlists are not included. Social and Double XP (and customs) only! (Still a nice deal...) (Louis Wu 19:02:21 UTC) (permalink)


NOKYARD created a custom Grifball arena... in Sandbox's Sky Bubble. Gameplay gets the added twist of 'leave the arena, you die'. Go watch some video over at Grifball Hub, courtesy of LBCountry. Update: looks like Grifball Hub has gone down - this got front-paged at Bungie.net, too. If you'd like to see the movie, we've mirrored it. (Louis Wu 18:41:30 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 3: ODST tidbit collection
IGN has put together an article that contains everything they know so far about Halo 3: ODST. Nice summary of existing info! Thanks to Gilver for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 18:39:24 UTC) (permalink)


Getchyer Free Signed Halo Art, from BGN
Dave Kramer sent word that BusyGamerNews.com is giving away two Emerald City ComiCon swag bags, each with a different Halo art print signed by Bungie 3D artist and weapon designer Tom Doyle. You can't beat THAT with a stick! (There's a truckload of other stuff in each bag - but it's the Halo artwork that made it relevant here.) (Louis Wu 18:13:51 UTC) (permalink)


Catch Pregnancy with the Pros
Just a reminder - today's the day for the Red vs Blue Community Playdate. (We first mentioned this a couple of weeks ago, but if your schedule looks anything like mine, that was ancient history.) The Rooster Teeth crew will be online and playing Halo 3 between 9 and 11, Eastern time... look for 'em and join 'em! Thanks, KP. (Louis Wu 18:10:15 UTC) (permalink)


Aesthetic Artist Interviews, Week One
jdars has been talking to folks who do great things with Halo 3 screenshots - and has gathered these talks into a new feature we're hosting here. Aesthetic Artist Interviews is a collection of discussions with folks who know how to get the most out of Halo 3's visual treasure trove. Swing by and read the first of these - COL0NEL SANDERS talks about what got him into the Screenshot business, along with some of his techniques, and a gallery of his best work. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 17:29:04 UTC) (permalink)


Adam Grumbo Podcast #6: Making a Hayabusa Helmet
Adam Grumbo let us know that his Podcast #6 is now up on YouTube (in HD!). You can learn how to make a mold of a Hayabusa helmet, with guest host Ithaca/Dave from the 405th. Fun stuff! (Louis Wu 17:27:03 UTC) (permalink)


xPimpYo's Road Trip
xPimpYo drives a lot. Check out a montage of the Halo 3 roadtrip in HD. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 17:26:37 UTC) (permalink)


Forecast the Series: Easter Time!
Tyler, from Young Street Productions, sent word that they've posted a Forecast Easter Short. I don't think you'll learn anything about American holidays or culture by watching it... but you might laugh. (Louis Wu 17:24:15 UTC) (permalink)


If they build it, you will come
Operation Chastity, the fan-driven movie project, finally has a proper website - thanks to the 405th's Adam Grumbo. Go Adam, and go Pete! Check out their handiwork (fleshing out quickly) at OperationChastity.com. (Louis Wu 17:23:34 UTC) (permalink)


BrySi Song Cover Contest - Winner Announced
Bryan Simon ran a Song Cover contest - we mentioned it last month. Bryan told us today that he's picked a winner! Congrats to the Ninja Adventures - and the special mentions he's included as well. (Louis Wu 17:15:02 UTC) (permalink)


Opening the Gates
We don't usually put up newsposts about new websites - after all, new ones come online daily. However, GeneticSpartan stopped by with a video promo for Haloasis.com that's pretty cool... watch it, and if you're interested in making videos, join 'em! (Louis Wu 13:21:36 UTC) (permalink)


Study harder - obsolescence is coming
Not sure if you'll be able to get to it - Bungie.net is acting wonky - but last night urk posted a new 'Broken In' article, this time focused on Michael Wu, Bungie's Environmental Art Lead. Michael shares the secrets that got him into the company, and the things that make Bungie special. Give it a read! (Louis Wu 13:21:00 UTC) (permalink)


This Tricorder is picking up strange readings...
Hawty McBloggy has posted Friday Caption Fun, Round 42 - and this week's picture is a little strange. Can you make it funny? (Louis Wu 13:20:10 UTC) (permalink)


Friday Comic Update
It's Friday, so it's time for another comic update:

That's it until Monday! (Louis Wu 13:19:20 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 3 Mythbusters Needs You
RandomSauce gave us a heads-up that the next Mythbusters video will be a community effort - if you want to participate, read his post for details on what's needed! (Louis Wu 13:18:55 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's Fan Fiction
Only two new pieces in the Fan Fiction section this week - but they're both pretty meaty. Go read! (Louis Wu 13:18:21 UTC) (permalink)


I... there are no words.
There's a trailer for Halo 3: ODSC on YouTube. C? You'll have to watch it. (Thanks, Dani.) (Louis Wu 13:17:47 UTC) (permalink)


News April 9 2009


Pigs are flying...
I told myself I wouldn't post news until you could actually BUY it... but Toxic Mayhem has pointed out a story at Marvel.com that suggests that Uprising, Episode 4 (originally slated for release on October 31, 2007) might actually hit shelves next Wednesday, April 15. (Only 532 days late! Assuming, of course, that it actually DOES get released on Wednesday...) Wondering what happens to the Master Chief? Wonder no more! (There are seven preview pages in that Marvel.com story, if you want a sneak peek.) (Louis Wu 19:40:03 UTC) (permalink)


More Mythic than you can shake a golf club at
In honor of the release of the Mythic Map Pack today on Xbox LIVE Marketplace, Bungie has posted a roundup of cool tidbits you might or might not know about. Download links for the game, for the trailer, for the theme, the new project page on B.net plus a community spotlight of fan-created content, a reminder that Bungie Pro is free for three months for Mythic players, a summary of recent news, a recap of the 'Game with Flame' community event, and a reminder about yesterday's Podcast release (bandwidth is TOTALLY not a problem any more). Wonga! (Louis Wu 19:34:33 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday Afternoon at the Movies
urk's posted a bunch of videos for you to enjoy - check these out:

  • Sandbox: The Virtual Man is a guy you can climb up through. (Why? Don't ask questions like that.) You can also download him to Halo 3.
  • The Halo 3 Mythicbusters community have put together a funtage. Go watch it. It's fun. And tagey.
  • The guys who built The Haloramics HD montage of screenshots are back with a sequel. It's called (whoa) Haloramics HD II. I wonder if the next one will be III?

Don't forget the popcorn! (Louis Wu 19:28:27 UTC) (permalink)


Grifball FTW - on many levels
It's Thursday, so the latest Double XP Weekend has kicked off - this week, it's Grifball. With wonderful timing, Brian Simon has released a Guitar Tutorial showing how to play his 'Grifball FTW' tribute... go learn to play it, then go play! (Louis Wu 19:28:00 UTC) (permalink)


I call the Speed Forgers for my team!
Here's a new twist - FyreWulff suggests Forge Battle, a game in which two teams of Forgers build bases on opposite sides of a huge wall, in a fixed time period... and the cooler base wins. Side bonus - you've got a playable map when you're done! (Louis Wu 15:11:31 UTC) (permalink)


Pixel Hunt: Preview of Halo 3: ODST
Keep up the fantastic work! thatSeniorGuy sent word that Pixel Hunt's latest (downloadable) issue has a look at Halo 3: ODST - and, in fact, the entire Halo series of games. There's no new info here - but it's a nice wrapup of the gameplay over the past 8 years. (Louis Wu 15:11:03 UTC) (permalink)


What's in YOUR FileShare?
We mentioned yesterday that Bungie's giving out Bungie Pro for 3 months to everyone who plays on the Mythic maps - Urban Reflex decided to use his unexpected windfall to highlight his favorite 24 moments of Halo 3. It's a pretty cool list! (Louis Wu 15:10:09 UTC) (permalink)


Game with Metal
The heavy metal band Queensrÿche will be up for a Halo 3 Game With Fame event next week, on April 13. Swing by this page for full details. (Louis Wu 15:09:33 UTC) (permalink)


They ain't what they used to be
Examiner.com has an article called 'Eight legendary prototype versions of famous videogames'. The RTS version of Halo (shown at the very start of the Evolution of Halo vid) made the list. (Louis Wu 15:08:28 UTC) (permalink)


News April 8 2009


Skyboxes, and love, and rainbows!
There's a new Bungie Podcast! (I can't tell you how entertaining it is... download speeds are currently in the 1994-era modem range, but I have faith that I will hear it eventually, and it will be good.) Go get started! You can listen tomorrow. (Louis Wu 22:48:59 UTC) (permalink)


Master Chief Theater 3000: Episode 303
Pyrosmile Productions has posted Master Chief Theater 3000: Episode 303 - it covers Truth and Reconciliation (as well as a tiny bit of Halo). Go watch. (Louis Wu 22:17:48 UTC) (permalink)


Mythic Highlights
Bungie.net has spotlighted some pretty danged cool Mythic content in its Favorites section right now - and offering a heckuva deal: play on the Mythic maps in Matchmaking, get Bungie Pro free through July 2009. w00t! While you're celebrating, check out the snazzy new project page for those Mythic maps... (Louis Wu 21:55:28 UTC) (permalink)


HaloCharts - now accepting challenges
TheBigL sent word that HaloCharts.com is now accepting challenges, both recreational and competitive - stop by and request one for your team! You'll need an account to post in their forum. (Louis Wu 20:00:59 UTC) (permalink)


The LEGO Halo 3 Foundry Forge Kit
Wow. J.R. sent us to this link (a year old, but still amazing)... a guy who used LEGO's 'Pick a Brick' site to create a Lego Halo 3 Foundry Forge Kit (his name, his invention). Cost? A mere $380... but he can build anything in LEGOs that you can build in Forge, using Foundry! Now THAT'S dedication. (Louis Wu 19:57:52 UTC) (permalink)


Mythic Reviews
A couple of Mythic reviews for you - Wandering Goblin has a short one, and GamePlay Unlimited has a more in-depth one (thanks, Deadly Cyclone). These will be available to all tomorrow... so make sure you know what's coming! (Louis Wu 19:54:02 UTC) (permalink)


Vs. Chopper
Fastforward released a machinima called 'Vs. Chopper' that differs from the norm in one important respect - it's totally unscripted. He took an unusual battle that actually occurred in a BTB game on LIVE, and did a great job with filming and musical score. Check it out! (Louis Wu 18:32:25 UTC) (permalink)


ODST: Highly Anticipated
Gamasutra got some market research data from OTX that shows that Halo 3: ODST is one of the most-anticipated upcoming games, topping the 'Purchase Intent' list. (Check out the rest of the article for other metrics - there's some interesting stuff to be learned about how gamers plan their buying decisions!) (Louis Wu 18:27:30 UTC) (permalink)


Uncle MacPhisto Needs YOU(r clips)
SonofMacPhisto wanted to remind people that he and CrazedOne1988 are putting together a film project... and they need your cool CTF clips. Read the post for full details - and send him FileShare links! (Louis Wu 18:24:27 UTC) (permalink)


Srs Bsns
NartFOpc noticed an article over at Cracked that looks at 7 ads they think take themselves too seriously. One of the offenders is the Halo 3 Believe ad. Yeah, well... (Louis Wu 18:09:31 UTC) (permalink)


I need a montage.
A couple of montages for your viewing pleasure, courtesy of the Bungie Blog: some friends got together for the Vidmaster Annual Achievement... then put together a montage of the best bits. Also, Nv1ncible and Poisonous Slinky created their second dualtage - it's called 'Ignition', and it's a mix of MLG and non-MLG play. Go watch! (As a bonus, urk pointed out a video showing off a 'Killiovincinfectionaire' (Invincible, Killionaire, Perfection, all earned in one game by one player).) (Louis Wu 18:06:49 UTC) (permalink)


The Ultimate Gamer: Things Get Explosive
WCG's The Ultimate Gamer was on last night - the episode focused on Halo 3. Our forumites had some comments about the choices in the show. There are clips available on both SciFi.com (here, for example, is the final match that decided who was leaving the show this week) and WCG.com (here's the episode page). (Louis Wu 14:41:01 UTC) (permalink)


Revvin' up the fans
Justin Laboy pointed out a story on ESPN's website - looks like Heath Bell, replaced Trevor Hoffman as the San Diego Padres relief pitcher, has chosen Breaking Benjamin's 'Blow Me Away' (from the Halo 2 soundtrack) as the song that brings him out onto the field. Nice! (Louis Wu 14:26:28 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Unyielding - Watch the Closing Doors
Laird stopped in with some disheartening news; he's admitting defeat, and closing down Halo: Unyielding. He did provide a Word document containing the rest of the story, however... go see how it would have turned out. (He's still planning on finishing the first 4 minutes.) (Louis Wu 14:10:18 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Encyclopedia - Due in the Fall
gunluva pointed out an article at Kotaku about the upcoming 'Halo Encyclopedia' coming from DK Publishing. Should be chock-full of goodies for the Halo story enthusiast! (This clarifies a post made by petin yesterday - this will NOT be a public release of the 'Halo Bible', but it WILL contain a large amount of background information.) (Louis Wu 14:08:41 UTC) (permalink)


7 on the 7th
We missed it yesterday - but luckily, you've got until tomorrow morning. The 7 on the 7th list went live this month - jump in for 7v7 action on Avalanche, and a chance to grab the 7 on the 7th Achievement! (Louis Wu 13:50:45 UTC) (permalink)


It's a Woody!
Pete Cooper stopped by yesterday with a pair of photos - looks like work on his real-life Warthog is continuing apace! (Louis Wu 13:44:34 UTC) (permalink)


Maybe EB Games hired the Queen of Hearts?
PsH Bling sent along a link to a High Impact Halo thread which includes pictures of some store stand-up displays for Halo Wars... that for some reason are missing the Spartans' heads. (Apparently, the STORE did this.) Weird! Update: AnTi PRO let us know that Gamespot policy requires destruction of those displays when they're no longer needed - which is probably the reason for the lack of heads. (Louis Wu 13:43:07 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday Comic Update
Yay! It's Wednesday, so there are a bunch of Halo Comics to tell you about!

Wonga. Now THAT'S a list. (Louis Wu 12:59:06 UTC) (permalink)


News April 7 2009


I'm feeling behind...
Tons of new content on the Bungie Blog:

Go get caught up! (Louis Wu 18:56:10 UTC) (permalink)


But wait, there's more!
The Mythic Map Pack will be available for purchase in just two short days - so Bungie's giving you an early taste with a funny-as-all-get-out trailer (I think Shishka might have a future in Infomercials) and a downloadable premium theme for your 360 (250 points, but hey, it's pretty!). Go download the vid, and check out the theme, now! (Louis Wu 17:18:38 UTC) (permalink)


That ODST menu? It ain't real.
Okay, this is getting posted because we're getting lots of mail about it. As an April Fools joke, CaLL Me ZeNy, of Halo3Infinity.net, created a fake main menu for the Halo 3: ODST game, and posted a shakeycam film of it on YouTube. It was picked up by various sites, ostensibly as a real leaked film, and has been making the rounds. It's not real, but CMZ has upgraded the original file to an HD film so that you can see his work more clearly. Again: this was an April Fools joke that got out of hand. There IS no beta build of Halo 3: ODST in the wild. Period. (Louis Wu 16:36:48 UTC) (permalink)


Gamer Doc Hosts Halo 3 Tourney
According to this press release, Gamer Doc (a chain of game stores) will award a $4000 cash prize to the winning 4-player team from its first Open Class International Halo 3 Tournament. Winning teams from four stores will compete on May 30 for the top prize. Registration is open now - $50 per team - until April 25th. In-store tourneys begin on May 1, and store winners will be picked on May 16, with the store winners competing against each other two weeks later. Read the press release for more details! (Louis Wu 14:43:13 UTC) (permalink)


Death From Above Top 10 #2 Multikills
urk highlighted a new episode of Death from Above Top 10 - this one is #2, Multikills. Watch carefully, because there's no voiceover to help you interpret the results... but mostly, you can see what's going on. (Louis Wu 13:46:10 UTC) (permalink)


HMB's Video Game March Madness: Championship Game
Hawty McBloggy let us know that her Video Game March Madness tournament - pitting 64 games against each other in a battle of popularity - has come down to Halo vs Halo 3. Swing by and check out the brackets... and then vote on your favorite Halo! (If you're not happy with a Halo-only final matchup, she's provided alternative championships, as well.) (Louis Wu 13:41:29 UTC) (permalink)


Spirit of Spartans - Trailer
GR33B stopped in with a trailer for a new machinima series entitled 'Spirit of Spartans'. Looks pretty intense! Check it out. (Louis Wu 13:36:54 UTC) (permalink)


News April 6 2009


Ooh... Spooky
The latest episode of Bungie's Tag and Release feature collects Ghosts - some great shots there! Go see what you can find. (Louis Wu 17:57:34 UTC) (permalink)


Podtacular 184
According to the Bungie Blog, Podtacular 184 was released a few days ago. Despite the date of April 1, it seems to be a legitimate show... (Louis Wu 17:54:44 UTC) (permalink)


Robot Halo Chicken 5
toadking07 let us know that he'd uploaded Robot Halo Chicken 5 - a collection of short skits (in the style of Adult Swim's Robot Chicken) filmed in Halo 3. If you find one silly, don't worry - there'll be another one in a few seconds. (Louis Wu 17:37:51 UTC) (permalink)


Clantacular Birthday Bash
Clantacular.com is hosting a Birthday Bash on May 25 - if you're part of a Halo community, you can participate! (Top prize seems to be cake.) Swing by the announcement page to read the details. Thanks to urk for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:23:08 UTC) (permalink)


Joystiq vs. Bungie: A Mythic Halo 3 Challenge
Heh - Joystiq and Bungie are facing off in a Mythic Halo 3 challenge this week... and Joystiq is trying to make sure their deck is stacked. They're looking for the best Halo 3 players in the community to play on their team - chosen members will receive a Mythic Map Pack code for their troubles, plus Recon armor if they win the game they play in. If you'd like the chance to participate, add a comment to the story and list the information they need to make their decisions. Can Joystiq beat Bungie at their own game? We'll see! (Louis Wu 17:08:12 UTC) (permalink)


HBO Mythic Movie Contest - Winners Posted
It took longer than we'd expected, because we were waiting for one of the winners to respond to us - but we're finally ready to announce the winners of the HBO Mythic Movie Contest. Swing by the winners page for full details, including downloadable versions of the movies! (Louis Wu 16:04:49 UTC) (permalink)


Hangin' with the Spartans
Hawty McBloggy was at the Emerald City ComicCon, as well - and she met a CQB Spartan there! Check out her pics. (Louis Wu 14:47:18 UTC) (permalink)


Part Time Gamers - a new podcast
Kevin Larrabee let us know that a new podcast has kicked off - Part Time Gamers is a group of gamers that simply don't have the time to play as much as they used to, but they still love games. (How much? Well... several of them are actual game developers from studios like Bungie and Doublefine. Bungie's Technical Art Designer Seth Gibson is one of the primary 'casters.) Their first podcast is an hour and a half long, and discusses game development, industry news and trends, and what games they're playing now. Check 'em out - and be sure to let 'em know what you think! (Louis Wu 14:44:24 UTC) (permalink)


Monday Comic Update
Just a few new comics this Monday

Quiet weekend, I suppose... (Louis Wu 14:40:59 UTC) (permalink)


Grifball Spartan at SDCC
InnerRayg noticed a post at Spawn.com discussing an exclusive McFarlane figure to be offered at the San Diego ComicCon - a Grifball Spartan! I wonder if Rooster Teeth gets royalties? (Louis Wu 14:39:17 UTC) (permalink)


Recon Helmet Render Progress
Spartanx5 stopped in again with updated pictures of his Recon helmet render - swing by the Threedy forums to see the latest. (Louis Wu 14:38:42 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Talk at Emerald City CC
There was a Halo panel at the Emerald City Comic Convention yesterday... and Jake, from 8BitJoystick, was there to cover it. Swing by his blog to read all the details. Some of the news was announced earlier (for example, that Greg Bear is writing three new Halo novels focused on the Forerunner) but some is new, or clarified - Frank was pretty clear that the story of John and Cortana is NOT finished, something that's been hinted at before but not nailed down. Go read! There's a rather large thread on our forum, if you want to discuss. (Louis Wu 14:30:55 UTC) (permalink)


Flippety Flippety Flip
Decadence Night stopped in yesterday with a pair of new time-lapse panoramas - awesome! Check 'em out on Decayed Panoramas. (Louis Wu 14:30:17 UTC) (permalink)


News April 5 2009


Campaign Panoramas
BlueNinja whipped up a few new panoramas recently - check 'em out at Views from the Edge. (Louis Wu 19:39:10 UTC) (permalink)


Exclusive McFarlane Figures for sale (now)
ManKitten noticed that the two exclusive McFarlane figures from last year's San Diego ComicCon are up for sale on eBay - the Hell Spartan is here, and the Active Camo CQB is here. Get to bidding - these end today! (Louis Wu 19:37:21 UTC) (permalink)


Spiker from Halo 3 Ad Campaign on sale soon
Deadguy, from the 405th, let us know that the Spiker used in the Halo 3 Believe ad campaign would be going onsale soon at Profiles in History. It's part of the Forry Ackerman estate, and is Lot number 1164 (visible in this PDF version of the catalog - page 313, to save you time). There's some other incredible stuff for sale, as well (not Halo-related, but amazing stuff for sci-fi fans). It's expected to go for $2,000 - $3,000. Check it out! (Louis Wu 19:34:00 UTC) (permalink)


Unseal the Hushed Casket
I don't think I ever would have imagined that this image would have made a decent subject for a high-res render... but Jean-Luc proved me wrong. Check out Unseal the Hushed Casket. (Louis Wu 15:10:17 UTC) (permalink)


Arby 'n' the Chief S3E09
sharpsniper99 was the first to let us know about Arby 'n' the Chief S3E09 - the latest in the long-running series. This one's called 'Company - Part One', and Chief wants to build a machinima company. Can you tell why this might be a bad idea? (Louis Wu 15:09:54 UTC) (permalink)


Shield World Artwork
SPU7N1K ran across a pretty impressive piece of artwork over at DeviantART - Phoenix-06 whipped up a Shield World, under construction. (Jordan 117 figured out where he got some of his source material, as well.) Take a look - it's great! (Louis Wu 14:59:07 UTC) (permalink)


I wonder how good that visor is?
Heh - Hawty McBloggy found a Spartan running in a 10k roadrace in Virginia last month. Nice! (Louis Wu 14:58:26 UTC) (permalink)


News April 4 2009


Mythic Movie Contest Update
We're getting a lot of email about the HBO Mythic Movie Contest - folks want to know if they've won, they want to know if they can see the winners, they want to know if they've entered properly. Here's a quick update. As we said in the rules, we are giving the winners a chance to upload a version of their movie that contains credits - so we need to wait for that to happen. As of the time of this writing, we've heard from all winners except one. Hopefully, we'll have a Winners Gallery to show you by tomorrow or Monday. (We sent emails to winners at the address you registered with when you uploaded your movies.) (Louis Wu 16:23:26 UTC) (permalink)


Warthog Commercial
MtM9157 created a commercial for a Warthog as a school project - I think the announcer needs a little work in remedial math, but it seems like a solid buy! (Louis Wu 16:19:43 UTC) (permalink)


Extortion Pilot
ODST Sarge stopped in with word of a new series he's putting together, called 'Extortion' - the pilot is online now. It's a cop drama - it's unclear where the title comes from, so far... but there's potential! Check it out. (Louis Wu 16:19:24 UTC) (permalink)


Leave it to Hawty McBloggy to collect images of an illegal activity... (Well, it's illegal where I live. I realize that's not true for everyone.) (Louis Wu 16:19:00 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 3: Battle of the Artists
Lost in the insanity of yesterday was a screenshot montage put together by A Deaf Boy, that includes some of the highest-rated user-created screenshots from the month of March. Thanks to urk for pointing it out. (Louis Wu 16:18:29 UTC) (permalink)


News April 3 2009


In Which Shishka is a Jerk
It's Friday, so Bungie has posted another Weekly Update - and there's lots of good stuff in there this time around. There's a discussion with Shishka about a new map we might be seeing soon, a bit about how the office handles changes, info about the Emerald City ComiCon, details on the April Matchmaking Update, some info about the most recent tag contest on Bungie.net... and more. What more? Go read and find out. It is, as always, also available in our Weekly Update Archive. (Louis Wu 23:54:33 UTC) (permalink)


Greg Bear to write Halo Fiction
Whoa. opog stopped in with some pretty impressive news for science fiction fans - it looks like Greg Bear will be writing about Forerunners. From his agent's website:

April 2009 - Science Fiction - A science fiction icon and winner of the field's highest awards, Greg Bear has signed on to write three Halo novels set in the time of the Forerunners, the creators and builders of the Halos. Almost nothing is known for sure about this ancient race. Worshipped by the Covenant as gods, their engineering relics pepper the galaxy, and their connection to humanity remains unanswered. Devoted fans of both the books and games will finally get to delve deep into the era of these enigmatic beings, and discover for themselves the epic story behind one of the great mysteries of the Halo universe: the complete disappearance of the Forerunners from existence. World publication rights to Tor Books.

This sounds like a fantastic way to expand the Halo universe! Update: for anyone who's worried that 1) this might be fake, or 2) this might be muddling up the Halo backstory, check out Frankie's comments about the upcoming trilogy on our forum. (Louis Wu 18:20:36 UTC) (permalink)


2009 MLG Pro Circuit Starts Tonight
Subtheorist from MLG reminded us that the 2009 MLG Pro Circuit kicks off today. Swing by starting this evening to see streaming coverage of the Halo action all weekend long! The MLG Pregame Show, starting at 8pm ET, will break down what to expect at this event (and throughout the rest of the 2009 season). (Louis Wu 18:13:57 UTC) (permalink)


Pretty Please... Pick Me. (Well, him.)
Bryan Simon submitted an entry to the Dr. Pepper Ultimate Gaming House Contest (hosted by MLG) - you can see it here on YouTube. I'd vote for him! (Louis Wu 18:11:28 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 3 Mythbusters: Episode 10
RandomSauce sent word that Halo 3 Mythbusters, Episode 10, is now live - once again, it's chock-full of cool glitches and little-known facts about Halo gameplay. Great stuff! Go watch this one. (Louis Wu 18:00:13 UTC) (permalink)


TPT: How to Suck Less at Halo Vol.2 - Warthogs
Jake108 let us know that the Teabag Prevention Team is beginning to cover vehicles - this week, they're looking at Warthogs. Swing by and read some tips that will help you perform better in your favorite 4-wheeled jeep! (Louis Wu 17:59:54 UTC) (permalink)


This is my Roflcopter... check out the blades!
Hawty McBloggy let us know that Friday Caption Fun Round 41 is now up at her site - swing by and check out some of the best results from last week, along with a new image for you to defile- um, I mean caption. (Louis Wu 17:59:28 UTC) (permalink)


Master Chief Calls Tech Support
Halo0001 X sent word of a new video showing what might happen if Microsoft gets control of the UNSC. Anyone who's called 1-800-4-MYXBOX will know how the Master Chief feels... (I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.) (Louis Wu 17:59:04 UTC) (permalink)


Get Your Game On
Jeff Hartt pointed out this Digg post showing off a funny example of crowdsourcing at Amazon - in the 'Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought' section of a page for condoms, the poster found Halo 2 high up on the list. (I checked the page today, and it's gone entirely... but it was definitely there last night.) Hartt points out that this sort of connection would imply that American gamers see things a little differently than their UK counterparts... (Louis Wu 17:58:27 UTC) (permalink)


Forge Contest at 360Junkies
Ikillbambis pointed out a contest at 360Junkies - create a mythical creature using Forge, and you might win a Mythic Map code, or Mimobots. You must sign up on their forums to enter. (Louis Wu 17:58:02 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie Blog Basics
Quick Roundup of new goodies on the Bungie Blog:

I'm sure there'll be more later. (Louis Wu 17:57:34 UTC) (permalink)


Comic Friday
Here's what we've heard about since Wednesday:

No Reclaimer today - TTL Demag0gue is having health issues. Get better! (Louis Wu 17:57:02 UTC) (permalink)


It's all about the physics...
SnowJP 360 told us about a list of 17 memorable game explosions at Gameplayer - awesomely, Randy Glass' 'Warthog Jump' vid made the list. Check out the rest! (Louis Wu 17:56:35 UTC) (permalink)


HaloWars Goes Gray
MastaSin333 visited to announce 'HaloWars Goes Gray', a flash animation he's put together and posted at NewGrounds. It's not about Halo Wars, the game, it's about wars in Halo, and it focuses on the Spartan Gray Team (of Onyx/Cole Protocol fame). Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:56:05 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's Fan Fiction (and an apology)
Apologies for the flood of Halo news about to hit this page; things have been a tad crazy today. There were six new stories up for your reading pleasure in the Fan Fiction section this week - check 'em out! (Louis Wu 17:48:30 UTC) (permalink)


News April 2 2009


Teach, Share, Own
Today's Broken In article at Bungie.net stars Dave Dunn, Artist Extraordinaire. (Don't ask about the white boards he filled during Halo 2 production...) Go read about how he got where he is, and how you can follow him! (Louis Wu 23:43:36 UTC) (permalink)


Online FFA Tourney 4/11
Jon stopped in to let us know that there's a Halo 3 FFA tourney coming on April 11 at ReconLive.net. Top two prizes are 1600 MS Point cards. Check it out! (Louis Wu 23:14:45 UTC) (permalink)


Double XP: Team Flag
It's Thursday, so it's time for another Double XP Weekend - this week, it's Team Flag, a perennial favorite. Get online! (Thanks, hezekiah.) (Louis Wu 20:23:24 UTC) (permalink)


Neoflux jp Montage
Lando Griff1n let us know that over at Halo3Montage.com there's a new montage edited by Hazmat v2, featuring gameplay by NeoFlux jp, part of the Hatred of Heroes team. Very heavy on the editing. 13 and a half minutes long, you can stream it, or download an enormous 600 mb 1080p version. (Louis Wu 20:14:20 UTC) (permalink)


More Favorites For You
Ready Up Live is filling the Bungie Favorites section this week - and their latest batch of files is now up. You can read about Pong and Paddle (a map and game variant from Sarge525) on Bungie.net. (Louis Wu 17:45:17 UTC) (permalink)


My Halo Life, Ep 3
Cyberline Films continues their 'My Halo Life' series of montages with Episode 3 - lots of snipes, sticks, and splatters. Go watch. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 17:38:34 UTC) (permalink)


The Community That Plays Together...
Looks like the PraetoriaGuard is hosting a Community Halo night - 8-11 pm ET on April 5th (this Sunday). Swing by Bungie.net for full details on how to participate! (Louis Wu 17:35:16 UTC) (permalink)


Red vs. Blue: The Sixth Anniversary PSA
Eep - almost forgot. Rooster Teeth posted a new PSA, in honor of their 6th birthday; the crew discusses the absurd amount of time fans have played around on the RT website. Go watch - it'll make you laugh! (Louis Wu 14:25:53 UTC) (permalink)


The Cole Protocol Audiobook, Reviewed
Tor.com has a review of Tobias Buckell's 'The Cole Protocol' audiobook - give it a read! Thanks, TTL Demag0gue. (Louis Wu 14:24:57 UTC) (permalink)


Good for more than melees...
It's not Tuesday, but it's still a good day for a Tied the Leader update (thanks, XerxdeeJ) - swing by their site to see a loving tribute to their favorite Overlord. Go deeJ! (Louis Wu 14:22:56 UTC) (permalink)


WCG Ultimate Gamer - the Halo Episode
Thanks to Gilver, who noticed that the Halo 3 episode of WCG Ultimate Gamer (we've mentioned the series a few times - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4) will air this coming Tuesday, April 7, at 10 E/P. Don't forget to watch! (Louis Wu 14:19:40 UTC) (permalink)


Debate This: Glitching
Hawty McBloggy wants to discuss glitching with you - it's the subject of her latest 'Debate This' article. Swing by and let her know what you think! (Louis Wu 14:15:36 UTC) (permalink)


MLG Pro Player Song - Walshy
Bryan Simon retired from Halo songwriting... but he felt like he couldn't skip a Walshy song in his tributes to pro Halo players. Check this baby out (sung to the tune of 'Hey There Delilah' by the Plain White T's) - or just grab the MP3 from us (2.3 mb). (Louis Wu 14:14:48 UTC) (permalink)


Merry What?
Treeskunk's Paul Shelley wants to wish you... a Merry Christmas? (I think this was for yesterday, but we didn't get mail about it until today.) (Louis Wu 14:14:02 UTC) (permalink)


Whew. Feels good to get out of that.
In the parts of the world where time is described using UTC (like, say, HBO-land), it is now past midnight on April 2... and our April Fools joke can be retired. We hope you enjoyed it. If you missed any of Bungie's B.U.N.G.L.E. stories, here are links: Introducing B.U.N.G.L.E. | B.U.N.G.L.E. Map Guide | 7 Pillars of B.U.N.G.L.E. (If Bungie removes these for any reason, we'll put up local mirrors, because they're funny.) If you don't have a Mythic Map Code, the USA Today story we posted is, indeed, real, and you've got until 9 am tomorrow morning to register to win one of the 50 codes they're giving away. Otherwise... enjoy your (sane-again) HBO! (Louis Wu 00:37:19 UTC) (permalink)


News April 1 2009


B.U.N.G.L.E.'s 7 Pillars
Bungie has posted the 7 Pillars of B.U.N.G.L.E. - the fastest way to success in their new Pro league. Read it, or lose. (Louis Wu 23:44:48 UTC) (permalink)


Professional Video Gaming Hits the Skids
The New York Times has an article about professional gaming (amazing timing, given Bungie's unveiling of B.U.N.G.L.E. today) - apparently, except for Major League Gaming, professional video gaming is dying. (According to the article, MLG is going gangbusters.) Will B.U.N.G.L.E. take the wind out of MLG's sails? Stay tuned! (Remember, bugmenot.com can help you access sites like the New York Times if you don't already have a login.) (Louis Wu 20:06:22 UTC) (permalink)


Xboxes on US Gunships in the Gulf?
CaLL Me ZeNy was one of a few to notice that the Online Players map at Bungie.net coincidentally resembles the Superintendent today - which is pretty interesting, because a bunch of those lights are in the middle of the Persian Gulf. Proof positive that the US Armed Forces loves Halo 3? I think so! (Louis Wu 19:51:23 UTC) (permalink)


Mmmm..... brainnnnnns
Cybrfrk sent along a link from Pwn or Die that points out 8 games that need to add a zombie mode. Yes, they think Halo 3 is one of those games. (Louis Wu 19:48:02 UTC) (permalink)


Forum overhaul
BOLL has returned to help out with our makeover. Check out the work he's done on our forum! (Louis Wu 19:45:31 UTC) (permalink)


Halopen Pencast 08
Shawn Connery (yes, spelled that way) let us know that the Halopen Pencast 08 is now online - there are some awesome changes coming! (Louis Wu 19:44:45 UTC) (permalink)


A Sad Loss for the Halo Community
Looks like HighSpeedHalo.net isn't covering Halo any more - it's all about Starcraft: Brood War speedruns. Best of luck to the HSH boys! (Louis Wu 19:18:15 UTC) (permalink)


B.U.N.G.L.E. Map Guide
For folks itching to see what sort of levels you'll be playing on in the Bungie Ultimate Ninja Gaming Extreme League™, Bungie has posted a B.U.N.G.L.E. Map Guide showing off the cool new spaces. Give it a read - then download the maps, screenshots, and films from Bungie Favorites! (Louis Wu 18:36:23 UTC) (permalink)


B.U.N.G.L.E. Trailer - More Access
Bungie's connection seems to have improved, but just in case, we're mirroring the B.U.N.G.L.E. videos, so you can see them in higher-quality than is available on YouTube.

WMV: 720x480 (49 mb) | 480x320 (22 mb)
QT: 640x480 (83 mb) | 480x320 (64 mb)

Again, it's still available at Bungie.net and on YouTube. (Louis Wu 18:10:43 UTC) (permalink)


B.U.N.G.L.E. Exposed
Bungie has unveiled Bungie Ultimate Ninja Gaming League Extreme™, their new Professional Gaming League featuring Halo 3. Swing by their site to read all the details! Wanna play some Showerball? Update: if you're having trouble seeing the promotional vid, swing by Bungie's YouTube Channel for a version that's not quite so bandwidth-limited. (Louis Wu 17:33:21 UTC) (permalink)


Mythic Codes from The USA Today
The USA Today is giving away 50 codes for the Mythic Maps - swing by this page for details. You must be 18 or older, a resident of the lower 48 United States, and you have to enter before tomorrow at 9 am. (Louis Wu 17:15:38 UTC) (permalink)


It's their fault for not thinking ahead.
Halo Community member Arm the Flag has been forced to change its name, due to conflicts with the US government. Check out CaptureTheBomb.com to see their new home. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 16:37:58 UTC) (permalink)


Zero Punctuation: Halo Wars
The Escapist has posted Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation review of Halo Wars - and you get a bonus review of X-Blades. Thanks, gunluva. (Louis Wu 16:36:11 UTC) (permalink)


The Flaming Ninja Challenge 4
pete_the_duck couldn't stop at 3 - so The Flaming Ninja Challenge 4 has been posted! It's his most diabolical obstacle course yet. Go see if you've got what it takes! (Louis Wu 16:17:23 UTC) (permalink)


Bionicle Hunter - Plans
retinence let us know that he's created instructions for making his Lego Bionicle Hunter (we mentioned it back in February). Go grab the plans and make your own! (Louis Wu 15:56:57 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's Comic Roundup
There are a few Halo-related funnies for you today:

  • 2501 Episode 34 was posted yesterday, according to The Catfish, over at Bungie.net
  • Elnea updated Halo Action Figure Theater with Episode 165 last night (The Oracle) - looks like it might get crazy soon
  • Hawty McBloggy let us know that the latest episode of DeepCee's ODS Steve (#20 - Bearings) is now available - I think the humor might be British
  • Bloogyo told us about the latest Rat's Nest (#7 - Wrath of the Covenant), along with links for archives if you want to catch up
  • TTL Demag0gue announced that the latest plot twist in Reclaimer (Moderation) will blow you away... and he might be right

That should do it! (Louis Wu 15:47:39 UTC) (permalink)

Halo news backApril 2009Halo news forward
