Halo Movies
This is a legacy section.The information included on these pages has not been updated since Halo 2 came out in 2004. It is here because it's an easy way to find movies from the early days of Halo moviemaking - but it's no longer updated. The movies approved by our Movie Peer-Reviewed Rating System can be found in our Miscellaneous section: 2005 vids are on this page, and 2006 vids are on this page. All movie-related newsposts can be found in our news database with this link. |
Here you'll find all the Halo video footage released since Halo was announced, with the exception of the footage created to illustrate a gameplay trick. (For that, head over to the Gameplay Tricks section.) We've endeavored to ensure that film links are up-to-date, but we may have missed some bad links, or neglected a movie (or a movie mirror) - feel free to let us know if you find errors. More advanced sorting features will come, in time - but we decided you'd probably be okay with the default stuff for the time being, rather than having NO list at all...
Showing movies authored by Blackstar Productions
Sorted by Date (reversed) Click a column heading to resort
Movie |
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Dead Rabbits |
8-Apr-03 |
61.7 mb |
6:58 long, a loving summary of a LANfest at HBO HQ. screensize: 500x375
Source: Blackstar Productions. Mirrored at Mythica.org and That Weasel Television (two mirrors). |
Halo: The Movie Trailer 4 |
8-Dec-02 |
8.3 - 34.5 mb |
Another teaser for the long-awaited Halo Movie spectacular from Blackstar 2:36 long, and of very high quality. screensize: 600x263/400x174/300x131
Source: Blackstar Productions. LINK IS A MIRROR LIST |
Ben Dussault's Halo |
22-Oct-02 |
19.1 mb |
A 1:30 long movie-like trailer setting Halo footage to music from the film 'The Rock'. screensize: 480x274
Source: Ben Dussault, encoded and hosted by Blackstar Productions. | CONTAINS SPOILERS |
Work or Die |
9-Sep-02 |
24.4 mb |
A 3:43 long movie showing highlights of a lanfest held at HBO Headquarters over Labor Day weekend, 2002. The soundtrack makes me want to go rent M*A*S*H again. screensize: 480x360
Source: Blackstar Productions |
Halo/Xbox Live Ad |
19-Aug-02 |
10 mb |
1 minute long, an 'ad' for Xbox Live (and Halo), starring Stephen Hawking. Very funny, as long as you're not offended by the use of Stephen Hawking. screensize: 480x360
Source: Blackstar Productions |
Warthog TV Ad 1 |
23-Jul-02 |
6.8 mb |
36 seconds long, this is Blackstar's vision of what Chevy might do if they were selling Warthogs. One of two variants. screensize: 480x238
Source: Blackstar Productions. Mirrored at That Weasel Television. |
Warthog TV Ad 2 |
23-Jul-02 |
7.4 mb |
39 seconds long, this is Blackstar's vision of what Chevy might do if they were selling Warthogs. One of two variants. screensize: 480x238
Source: Blackstar Productions. Mirrored at That Weasel Television. |
Freedom To Kill 2002 |
13-Jul-02 |
29.1 mb |
7:34 worth of lanfest footage recorded right here at HBO HQ on Bungie Day Weekend, 2002. Nice music choices. screensize: 480x237
Source: Blackstar Productions. |
The Halo Boys Soundtrack |
5-May-02 |
10.9 mb |
1:04 long. Bungie's Halo Demo Promo, put to use spoofing boy bands - if you hate 'nsync, watch this. screensize: 320x240
Source: Blackstar Productions LINK IS A MIRROR LIST |
Halo Movie Teaser 3 |
22-Apr-02 |
17.0 mb |
1:16 long. A third teaser for an as-yet-unplanned Halo movie - but the more of these we see, the more appealing the concept becomes! Quality is very high. screensize: 480x233/480x360/320x240
Source: Blackstar Productions. LINK IS A MIRROR LIST |
Halo Movie Teaser |
7-Apr-02 |
10.6 mb |
1:34 long. A followup to Blackstar's first Halo movie trailer, this one uses no outside voiceovers - it's fresh from the oven, all-new. Again, quality is very high; this could be something you see in a theatre. screensize: 320x240
Source: Blackstar Productions - mirrored at mythica.org and Halo-game.com (France). | CONTAINS SPOILERS |
Halo: The Movie |
1-Apr-02 |
5.6 - 26.8 mb |
2:17 long. A 'trailer' for a fictitious movie, based on the Final Fantasy movie trailer, but using Halo footage. Beautifully done - extremely professional. Various formats. screensize: 320x240
Source: Blackstar Productions LINK IS A MIRROR LIST | CONTAINS SPOILERS |