
They're Random, Baby!

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We know from experience that AI that doesn't react to the player isn't fun
so we assumed that the more ways the AI reacts to the Player the more fun it will be

But we didn't just add efficient combat reactions
we wanted to add lifelike reactions that made the AI engaging

  • We wanted AI that could be impressed
    The player wants to be important, so we create an entire universe and make him the center of it
    Part of being the center of your own universe is being the biggest bad ass in the room
    In Halo, everyone has a reaction to seeing the Player for the first time
    Grunts are surprised
    their first reaction is usually to take cover
    Elites get angry
    their first reaction is usually to shoot at you and make sure you can't escape
    Marines are just impressed
    They stare at you and make comments about how great you are
    "Wow, it's him."
    "I didn't think he'd be so tall"
  • An enemy that can be fooled
    The player wants to be a ninja, he wants to toy with his enemies and humiliate them

    Psychics cannot be fooled
    but AI that uses its eyes and ears can be manipulated
    therefore its important to limit the AI's knowledge

    Another key ability of ninjas is to predict what their enemies will do
    We helped the Player predict what the AI would do by giving them lots of simple cause and effect reactions
    If I shoot over here, the enemy will investigate over here, so I can ambush them
    If I throw a grenade into that room, the enemy will run out of the room, so I can force them out of cover

    We also helped the Player predict what the AI would do by giving the AI predictable strategies
    For instance, they have a straightforward search pattern
    they move forward at a constant rate
    and they don't double-back
    allowing the Player to manipulate them
  • An enemy that could be Thwarted
    The Player wants to be Arnold Schwarzenegger
    he wants to dominate his enemies
    he wants them to know he beat them
    To accomplish this we included the concept of a breaking point
    A breaking point is a distinct change in behavior that indicates the AI knows it is going to lose
    For example, when a Grunt sees enough friends die or sees an Elite killed he flees in terror
    When an Elite takes a large amount of damage he loses his temper and charges the Player
    This happens on the group level as well, when a squad takes enough casualties it will retreat
    it will try to find a defensive position
    the squad members will stay in cover longer and fight defensively
    This tells the Player that he has won