
They're Random, Baby!

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  • Individual Level
  • Limited capabilities
    The Player assumes the AI has capabilities that are similar to his own
    The AI should
    Sees things the Player can see
    Knows things the Player can know
    Do things the Player can do
    Elites shields recharge exactly like the Player's shields
    The Converse is even more important
    should not do things the Player _can't_ do
    should not see things the Player _can't_ see
    There are no Psychic AI in Halo
    There are no AI with perfect aim
    There are invisible AI, but we let the Player try out invisibility as well
    This is only a guide line
    There are some AI that can jump higher than the Player
    or run faster such as the Flood
    Rule of thumb should be that you can give an AI an ability the Player doesn't have as long as the ability is recognizable and the limits of that ability can be easily predicted
  • Transparent thought process
    It should be obvious why the AI is doing what it is doing
    One of the ways we chose to make it obvious was to limit the AI to basic cause and effect decisions
    We also gave them custom animations and dialog for each decision
    These animations are best if they communicate what the decision was
    but even if it can't be communicated its important to alert the Player that a decision was made
  • Another way to make the AI intelligible is to give individuals Racial personalities
    In Halo, Grunts are cowards and all their behaviors derive from that
    Hide when targeted
    Panic when Elite is killed
    Elites are aggressive
    They rarely hide unless the player hides
    Berserk charge on massive damage
    Establishing racial personalities is helpful in two ways, it makes the design process easier
    its easier to make a caricature than a complex portrait
    it saves you from muddying the waters and creating confusing behaviors
    Racial personalities also help the Player
    it makes behaviors the Player has seen easier to remember
    it makes new behaviors easier for them to identify and predict
    keep in mind the Player's first impressions are what establish these racial personalities
    The first time you see an Elite he is a terrifying bad ass
    The first time you see a grunt you easily kill him
    The first time you see a hunter he is sent in as the last line of defense (and they are accompanied by foreboding music)
  • To make our AI intelligible on a Group Level
    Strategic goals
    Players are naively confident in your AI programmer
    They will assume your AI knows they are supposed to be protecting the tractor beam power switch until you prove that they are just standing around
    We wanted to work hard and let Players continue to believe the AI has a strategic objective
    We mostly faked this, but it gives the Player the feeling that his enemies are opponents, working against him, rather than just disinterested obstacles
    Clear racial roles
    Consistent racial roles allow you to give the Player feedback on how a group of enemies is going to react
    Grunts are the fodder so when the Player sees them he you can assume the Covenant aren't prepared
    Elites are the leaders so when the Player sees them he knows the Covenant are interested in the area and are going to put up a fight