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![]() Home | Halo 4 Mythic Introduction | What has changed? | The New Format Dawn | Requiem | Forerunner | Infinity | Reclaimer Halo 4 Mythic Difficulty GuideGreetings, ladies & gentlemen, and welcome to Halo 4 Mythic Difficulty! This is can be also classified as LASO (Legendary All Skulls On)! As you know, my name is The Tyrant, and I have been championing this mode of hardness for five years. Quite a bit has happened since the last time I embarked on this incredible journey, so let's do a bit of re-cap, shall we? The concept of "Mythic Difficulty" first originated with Halo 3. Since the campaign was significantly easier than the previous installments, I felt it necessary to raise the bar a notch. So now, you have a "Mythic" mode which is just another way of saying "Legendary All Skulls On". The skulls of course, are just a way of amplifying the difficulty of a Halo game. Below, I have a video that should answer MOST of your questions regarding Mythic Difficulty in the Halo series. I'd like to take a moment to thank RC Master, AuraSoldier313, Sliding Ghost, Michael W Smith, and the Mythic Community for doing much of the pioneering for Halo 4 Mythic. These men culled the odds without walkthroughs or tips, and many of the tricks you are about to receive originated from them. Well done, my Mythic Brethren. Other shoutouts go to Nak3d Eli, Greenskull, Goosechecka, Jessica Brohard, and Hannah Noble for further encouraging my Mythic antics. I tip my hat to you all for not just the aid you brought to mythictyrant.com, but also your great contributions to the Halo community as a whole. Keep up the fantastic work! And one final shoutout goes to my amazing friend Lawnmower. Honor this man. For without his extremely generous aid, the guides I'm about to bring you wouldn't exist. You are a staple in the Halo community, my friend, and you helped make Mythic Difficulty what it is today! Halo Reach was a massive jolt from our Halo 3 comfort zone, and yet we still conquered it. So what has changed since the previous Mythic installment? It has been over two years since the last Mythic Walkthrough from yours truly. In that time frame, we've seen the birth of mythictyrant.com, a place where you can find full video guides for all of your favorite Halo games including Halo Anniverdary, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo3: ODST, Halo Reach, and finally Halo 4. So now that we've upgraded your Halo Walkthrough experience, what has changed since the previous Halo installment?
Unfortunately, Halo 4 is the first installment that we've had in quite some time that doesn't include a Theater Mode. But that doesn't stop The Tyrant from giving you top notch quality videos to assist you on your Mythic journey! Following the conclusion of each mission, an embedded video will be included displaying how to run each mission on Mythic Difficulty. These videos come straight to you from mythictyrant.com, are uneditted, and fully commentated to assist you, the gamer, on the most brutal settings imaginable for any Halo game! Keep these tips in mind as we embark on the greatest journey the Halo series has to throw at us... and I will serve as your guide through the remainder of your mission. In Halo 4, Mythic Difficulty requires you to activate every single one of Halo 4's campaign skulls which can be used via the Main Menu. Here's the lowdown on how each of those skulls will affect you on Mythic... Iron - Assuming you aren't using the LASO Save & Quit technique, this skull eliminates ALL of your checkpoints. If you die, you are forced to restart the mission from the beginning. This is without a doubt the heart & soul of Mythic Difficulty. Blind - If you look down, you'll see your feet and your shadow, but that's all you'll get. With this skull, your reticule, ammo-counter, shield monitor, and radar are all gone. This is perhaps the most annoying skull to contend with, but it does indeed heighten your overall senses of the dangers around you. Blackeye - Your shields no longer recharge on their own. You'll have to resort to meleeing your foes as well as high-jacking occupied enemy vehicles in order to restore your shields to full strength. Fortunately, this is a bit easier in Halo 4 as opposed to Halo Reach. Catch - Enemies will now take every opportunity to throw grenades as opposed to using their current wielded weapon. This may seem like a bad thing, but you'll be using this against them throughout much of your Mythic endeavor. Tough Luck - Enemies are now far more likely to dodge blasts from heavy weapons or grenades. Again, this may seem like a bad thing, but you can use this to your advantage. Mythic - Doubles enemy health as well as your own. Though your enemies can take more damage, so can you. This works well for skip-worthy areas of the campaign. Tilt - Alters the damage modifiers for enemies and generally makes them more difficult to kill. Usually, they become more susceptible to energy-based weapons and less so for ballistics. Again, what works for them also works for you. This can be a great skull to use for skip-heavy missions. Thunderstorm - For the Covenant, all enemies ranks have been raised to the max. All Elites (with the exception of Zealots) are now Warrior Class. All Jackals are now Heavies. Strangely enough, the one species of Prometheans that seem to be affected by this are Crawlers. All minors have been upgraged to majors with Suppressor Rifles. Famine - All ammo that you retrieve from downed enemies is now HALF of what you'd normally receive. Oddly enough, pre-spawned weapons and crates appear to be unaffected. Cloud - The successor to the Halo 3 "Fog Skull", this skull eliminates your radar entirely, but with Blind also activated, this skull is more or less redundant. Cowbell - Similar to the Halo 2 Sputnik Skull, it increases the physics of explosions far more than they would without this skull activated. Excellent for propelling enemies to their deaths as well as trick jumps. IWHBYD - Short for "I Would Have Been Your Daddy", this skull doesn't really alter much in terms of difficulty, but it does unlock some otherwise rare dialog for both enemies and allies throughout the campaign! Grunt Birthday Party - It may seem useless, but having Grunts' heads explode in combination with the laugh track from Viva Piñata is actually quite helpful when it comes to landing headshots on your minion-like enemies! In Halo 3, this also seemed to generate a small explosion, but I have yet to see evidence of that in Halo 4. While the Covenant may have been dumbed down since Halo Reach, a new foe has been added into the mix to liven things up a bit. Let's drill down the list to see how this affects YOU over the course of your Mythic progress... Grunts - Thankfully we're back to the one-headshot goodness we've all come to know and love. Either a single headshot or four melees will do the trick, and they typically wield Plasma Pistols (which they can overcharge like in Reach), Needlers, Fuel Rod Cannons, and Plasma Grenades. Jackals - The most common types you'll come across contain energy shields which can easily be knocked back with either a DMR, Plasma Pistol overcharge, or a grenade of any type. The "Marksman" variants carry Covent Carbines and can quickly pick away at your shields from afar. They can be identified by the red lights on their face masks. Snipers are the most formidable of the bunch and wield Beam Rifles. Fortunately, they have been severely nerfed from previous Halo installments, and the player can now survive a direct beam shot round even on ordinary Legendary! Like with the Marksmen, they can be identified by the red light on their face masks which are slightly different from those of the Marksmen. Elites - In Halo Reach, these bad boys were a forced to be reckoned with, but in Halo 4, their melees appear to be far less devastating. Storm Elites and Majors (the minors' more formidable counterparts) remain absent on Mythic due to the effects of Thunderstorm. Rangers are there, but you won't have to fight them in THIS guide, so we'll ignore them as well. Warriors, on the other hand, are everywhere. Their shielding is tough, and they typically wield Storm Rifles, Needlers, Concussion Rifles, and Fuel Rod Cannons. You'll be encountering them quite a bit in Covenant-heavy missions, so get used to fighting them up close and personal! Zealots, on the other hand, seem to have taken the place of "Special Ops" Elites from Halo Reach. You'll typically see them with Active Camouflage and wielding either Energy Swords or Storm Rifles. Hunters - Retaining their Fuel Rod Cannons from Halo Reach, these guys are absolute damage sponges! While their melee attacks appear to be less lethal and have less range than in Reach, a direct SMACK will nearly always kill you even on Mythic. However, also like Reach, their back armor can be severely reduced if it takes enough damage, which leaves them wide open for melee attacks! Crawlers - Consider these the "Grunts" of the Promethean faction. Often acting like a pack of wild, armed dogs, you'll typically find these guys in groups with the capability of crawling all over all surfaces. On Mythic, most of them wield Suppressor Rifles, and occasionally, you'll come across one with a Binary Rifle which can be identified by the red ring it generates around its head. Funny. I didn't know they were built from dead Xboxes! Standard Crawlers (with Bolt Shots) don't seem to make an appearance on Mythic, but regardless of the rank, all Crawlers can be taken out with a single shot to the dome! Watchers - Depending on how you view it, these can be considered one of the most overpowered Promethean enemies. They float about like Sentinels, but they contain some very questionable abilities. First off, they have the ability to SPAWN Crawlers out of thin air. That's right, folks. Magic! They can also protect nearby allies via hard-light shielding. This goes for both Crawlers AND Knights! Worst of all, they can even resurrect DEAD Promethean Knights and make them even tougher than ever! By themselves, however, they aren't that bad. Other than having a low energy shield protecting them, all they have in defense is a mere Bolt Shot, so a Spartan armed with a Suppressor should be able to deal with them with relative ease. Promethean Knights - Single-handedly the most overpowered enemies in the Halo series, they have shielding like Elites, but usually take multiple headshots to kill like Halo 2 Brutes. The Lancers wield Light Rifles and Suppressors, the Battlewagons are armed with Scattershots, the Binaries have the unimaginably overpowered Binary Rifles, and the Commanders (with double the health of the other Knights) usually wield Incineration Cannons. Worse, many of them contain secondary "superpowers" like warp-rushing, teleportation, and one-hit-kill shockwaves. I mean, really, 343 Industries? REALLY?! Sentinels - For the first time in the Halo series, these guys aren't out to get you. From their blue beams, I'm guessing they are the Sentinel Majors from Halo 2, but every time you encounter them, they'll either be battling Covenant or ignoring you entirely. Show them the same respect, and leave them alone. Stationary Gun - Spawned by proactive Watchers, these guys tend to emit a rather powerful variant of the Sentinel Beam seen in previous Halo games. They don't move at all aside from rotating, but they eat up ammo like crazy, so when possible, down the Watcher before he has a chance to spawn in backup. Yes, despite their questionable appearance in Halo Reach, their back! Fortunately, they seem to be quite a bit more balanced, and whether wielded by you or campaign foes, they seem to make a lot more sense. They've also been better explained in the campaign, and the right Abilities appear when and where you need them most. I wasn't a fan of them in Reach, but this time around, they've been tweaked to near perfection. Oh yes, and Armor Lock is GONE! So let's get started! Sprint - Okay, so technically this isn't really an Armor Ability since now you can use it any time you wish. It's a great feature to have, and it's one of my favorite additions to the Halo series, but there are a few issues here... First off, you don't have a "Sprint Meter". So if timing is important to you, learn to count to five for the action itself, and it's around 2-3 seconds for a full recharge. Secondly, when you start taking shots from enemy weapons, it will actually SLOW YOU DOWN! This is perhaps the most frustrating feature with Halo 4 Sprint. Sure, it's more realistic, but come on, it's Halo! Active Camouflage - This is the first actual Armor Ability you come across is campaign. The good news is that it gives you roughly 15 seconds of invisibility with a 10 second recharge. The bad news is that like in Reach, it only really works when your either crouch walking, or walking VERY slowly. I don't get it. The Covenant can run in and do their thing when their cloaked. Why can't we??? Hard Light Shield - On Legendary, this little device serves little to no purpose. I suppose it's the "Jackal Shield" we've always wanted, but as long as it's equipped, you move slower, and your shields don't recharge. That said, on Mythic that shield bit doesn't really matter since your shields don't auto-recharge anyway. So not only can it serve to get you out of tough spots and into cover, but since it also throws you into third person perspective, it can also be a fantastic way to check whether or not you still have shields! Auto-Sentry - Built on Forerunner technology, this allows the Chief to spawn a temporary auto-turret that will continuously fire low-capacity rounds at nearby enemies. On other difficulties, this can serve you greatly, but on Mythic, it's best used as a decoy to occupy your foes while you move in for the kill. Hologram - Like the Auto-Sentry, its best used as a deterrent, though in all honesty, it seems to be far less effective than the Auto-Sentry. On the upside, it does have a faster recharge! Promethean Vision - Ever wanted to play "Predator" in a Halo game? Well now here's your chance! This AA gives you some sort of "thermal vision" ability that allows you to see through solid objects, allowing you to see what dangerous oppositions lie ahead before they even see you! Thruster Pack - As far as I know, you only get this on "Composer", and it won't do you much good either. Yes, it can close the distance with enemies and even assist you in evading sudden attacks, but there's almost always a better option. Jet Pack - Like in Halo Reach, it gives you the ability to temporarily fly. It certainly does have its uses in the Halo 4 campaign (more specifically in the missions Reclaimer and Shutdown). It's wonderful for performing certain skips and even saving you from the dreaded "bottomless pit" falls. Regeneration Field - Sadly this would have been by far the most useful Armor Ability to use in the campaign as it works very similarly to the Regenerator in Halo 3 by recharging your shields as long as you stay within range of its core. Unfortunately, it makes zero appearances in campaign as far as I know and can only be used in Multiplayer and Spartan Ops. Oh well. Maybe in Halo 5... Halo 4 grants you perhaps the greatest arsenal ever seen in the Halo franchise. Not only have they included most weapons from the previous Halo games (exluding Brute weaponry of course), but they've added the cache of an entirely new faction! Unfortunately, as cool as some of these new gadgets are, only a small bunch of the entire stockpile will truly come in handy for you throughout the Mythic experience. I'll explain each one and how it will work either for or against you. Human Weapons: Magnum - As in Halo Reach, the Magnum is a single-shot 2x zoomed weapon that fires ballistics at the enemy. The further you get away, the more ineffective it becomes. Use this only when you don't have access to a true midranged weapon like the Battle Rifle, DMR, Carbine, or Light Rifle. Assault Rifle - It's "spray" capability doesn't do much for downing enemies, but it CAN serve as a distraction to help keep them from shooting at you. Battle Rifle - Not quite as handy as its Halo 3 counterpart, the bullet spread isn't quite as noticeable, but it's still fairly accurate at midrange and great for targeting non-shielded enemies. Much preferred over the Magnum and still retains the 2x scope capability. DMR - This is definitely the strongest of the human midrange weapons. It's single shot, but each bullet is so powerful that this rifle is the only human-made weapon capable of knocking back even a shielded Jackal in a single shot. Great for taking out unshielded enemies and adding a bit more firepower to others. It's one of the top Mythic weapons in the game, so when available, use it! Shotgun - While you only get to really utilize this powerful close-ranged weapon in one mission, it becomes a very useful tool when dealing with Hunters. Be prepared to dodge! Sniper Rifle - As with previous Halo games, it delivers powerful, pinpoint accuracy from extreme distances (10x zoom). Unfortunately, with Mythic and Tilt activated, the only real use you'll have for this is taking out opposing Jackal Snipers or Marksmen. Sticky Detonator - You'll only get to use this in one mission, and while on Mythic it doesn't really kill enemies, it can serve as a great way for confusing Elites upon "sticking" them, allowing you for an easy assassination. It can also allow you to greatly weaken Hunters when needed. Think of this gun as a Plasma Grenade Launcher, only slightly more powerful! Target Locator - This really isn't so much a weapon as much as it is a requirement for the fifth mission in the game, but it can still be used for delivering MAC rounds to enemy Phantoms and Banshees! Railgun - Working very similarly to the Spartan Laser, you'll need to hold the trigger down briefly to get it to fire, and on lesser difficulties, it can be a very powerful weapon to use against both Elites and Prometheans alike! While it isn't quite as effective on Mythic, it's knock-back capabilities still remain intact and can be incredibly useful for launching enemies off of cliffs into bottomless pits! The Saw - Even on Mythic, this becomes the ultimate automatic weapon in the game. It can tear through unshielded enemies with relative ease, and you'll find that it's also highly useful against Watchers and Auto Turrets in the game's final mission. Rocket Launcher - Working very much in the same way they do in Reach, this weapon only really makes an appearance in the fifth mission in the game, and you won't be using it. It's great for flipping enemy Ghosts, especially with the Cowbell skull activated, but you won't really need it for that mission anyway, so for now ignore it. Spartan Laser - To be honest, I haven't even seen one of these in the campaign—only in Spartan Ops. It works the same way it always has—hold the trigger long enough and it generates a very destructive beam of energy. Covenant Weapons: Plasma Pistol - It's been nerfed to the point where it makes me want to cry. In Halo 3, this was one of the most useful weapons in the game. In Reach, the overcharge was barely ever used, but "peppering" your enemies was still fairly effective. Now, however, not only has the overcharge been reduced even further than it was in Reach, but now, each time you fire a single bolt, it takes up TWO PERCENT of your battery life. Up until now, you could get at least 2-3 bolts out of single percent! Seems like 343i did a complete 180 on this device. It will still EMP vehicles, but other than that, it's been nerfed to nearly nothing. Storm Rifle - The obvious successor to the Plasma Rifle (and slightly resembling the Plasma Repeater), it does about the same amount of damage—though slightly less—as the Plasma Pistol. It doesn't have an overcharge option, but generally these babies hold a bit more ammo than the standard Plasma Pistol laying around. Needler - Clearly this weapon has been amped up for Halo 4 to the point where it holds less extra ammo than any other Halo game. In fact, on difficulties Easy-Legendary, it's by far the best tool to use against Elites. Think of this weapon as a type of homing grenade launcher! On Mythic, however, it takes multiple super-combines to down a single Elite (and watch out since enemies can now super-combine YOU!), so there's almost always a better option available. Covenant Carbine - An excellent Mythic weapon. Due to the effects of Tilt, it has a rather strong effect against enemy shields AND at midrange! It takes roughly three entire clips to kill a fully shielded Elite, but given its ammo capacity, it makes an excellent secondary weapon and still kills unshielded enemies with a single headshot. Concussion Rifle - As with Reach, its capabilities in terms of downing foes are limited, but much like its Reach counterpart (along with the Halo 3 Brute Shot) the shockwave it generates can be used to your advantage for highly useful trick jumps! Beam Rifle - Of the three sniper-based weapons in the game, this is by far the strongest. Though it doesn't appear often, it has NO RELOAD as long as you pace your shots, and as an energy-based weapon, it's also highly effective against shielded enemies. Energy Sword - As per what seems to have become a Halo tradition, the lunge and overall effectiveness has been reduced yet again. Still, when dealing with enemies in melee combat (with no bottomless pits nearby), it's definitely the best weapon you can have on hand. Gravity Hammer - Though you'll only find this bad boy deep within the bowels of the Didact's ship, it's incredibly useful for not only performing trick jumps in combination with using crates as well as launching Promethean Knights off of platforms and sending them hurling towards their deaths. Fuel Rod Cannon - Serving as the Covenant answer to the human Rocket Launcher, it's the most powerful weapon in the Covenant arsenal. Again, on Mythic it won't serve you much justice in terms of obliterating foes, but it's knock-back capabilities alongside the fact that you can spam several rounds at once allows you to launch strong foes off bottomless platforms. Use it wisely. Promethean Weapons: Bolt Shot - Though its critically acclaimed "shotgun ability" may seem overpowered in Multiplayer, in campaign it will be of no use to you. However, in the absence of its superior cousin—the Light Rifle—it can still one-shot shieldless enemies so long as you aim straight for the dome. Supressor - Unlike the Assault Rifle, this "spray & pray" weapon has carved quite a name for itself in Halo 4 and is ideal against Promethean Watchers. It's an energy-based weapon, so it cuts through their shielding rather quickly, and once their shields are drained, you can still use this weapon to finish them off. Additionally, like with the Assault Rifle, this weapon can be used to PREVENT enemies (such as the Watcher) from shooting at you. Scatter Shot - This is the Promethean answer to the human shotgun. At close range, it can be devastatingly powerful. The rounds even bounce off of solid surfaces! Sadly, on Mythic, it will benefit you... well... almost never. If you're playing anything less than Mythic, it makes an excellent secondary weapon, especially against Knights. Otherwise, there are better ones to pick up. Light Rifle - Learn to love it. This is by far the most powerful midrange weapon in the game. Unzoomed, it shoots three relatively weak shots (unless all three happen to connect with your target), and zoomed, it delivers a single powerful shot capable of knocking back Jackals, but also downing Elites in a mere two clips! Think of the Light Rifle as having the power of the DMR while also having the benefits of an energy-based weapon like the Carbine. Binary Rifle - In theory, this should be the most powerful weapon in the game considering that on any other difficulty it can down most enemies in a single shot regardless of where the bolt connects on their body, but on Mythic it takes quite a few rounds on shielded enemies and is a complete waste on lesser foes. Also, given the fact that it only holds a maximum of six rounds, there are almost always better options available, especially for long-term use. Incineration Cannon - Once again, I must point out that Mythic is really the only difficulty where this weapon isn't completely godly and overpowered. Even though you can only launch a single shot before reloading, on Easy-Legendary, it can down just about anything except for Hunters and Knight Commanders in a single shot, vaporizing them on contact! Even though this is much tougher to do on Mythic, it can still be relatively useful against Watchers, and it does have incredible knockback capabilities. Vehicles: To be brief, the Warthog, Mongoose, Ghost, Banshee, Wraith, and Scorpion have all pretty much been copy-pasted from Halo Reach. The Hog still overheats as does the boost from Ghosts and Banshees (though the Banshee's flip capabilities seem to have been nerfed considerably). The tanks still need an additional passenger in order to utilize their secondary weapons while the driver mans the main cannon. With all that said, let's jump to the new toys! Mantis - If you've ever wondered what Halo would be like if it jumped in bed with Mech Warrior, here's your chance to find out! This gigantic two-legged monstrosity is armed with both heavy machine guns and missile launchers that can both be used simultaneously. If an enemy gets to close, not a problem! Use the mech's hydraulics system to stomp them into oblivion! To top it all off, this vehicle contains its own rechargeable shields that remain completely unaffected by the Black Eye Skull. Pelican - Rejoice! For the first time in the Halo series you can finally pilot one these large dropships without having to perform the action of a complex easter egg, and it comes fully loaded with a powerful Vulcan Cannon and an uber Spartan laser that can down even Phantoms from afar with only a few mere blasts! You won't have much opportunity to utilize its offensive capabilities much in this guide, but please feel free to explore the realms of Halo's very own "Cloud City" and wreak havoc! Broadsword - If you've ever wanted to pilot one of Halo's futuristic fighters (aside from Halo Reach's "Long Night of Solace" Sabre), now is your chance! Though you only get to use this during the "trench run" of the game's final mission, it comes full equipped with a devastating machine gun and missiles (you'll have to switch between the two much like the Banshee's fuel rod vs plasma guns), and has its own shielding system like the Mantis which remains unaffected by the Black Eye skull! Mammoth - I like to think of these things as Elephants on steroids. Serving as a mobile three-story base, this mega-sized monster is capable of housing vehicles, large numbers of troops, and entire arsenals of weapons. This beast is also crowned with a mini Magnetic Accelerator Cannon that the player can utilize in conjunction with the Target Locator. The only downside here is in terms of driving, it's completely controlled by the games AI and is completely scripted. Lich - You can't really drive or pilot this thing, but given that it's an entirely new vehicle for the franchise it deserves its own introduction. I haven't really figured out a true purpose of this ship aside from being slightly larger than the Phantom and being able to transport far more enemy troops, but I've always considered this vessel to be a cross between a Phantom and a Scarab. Though its payload appears to be light—consisting of only side gunners and some sort of EMP device that stops vehicles like the Mammoth in its tracks—it also contains a "core" which can not only be smacked by the player to regain shields, but it also seems to send it into self-destruct mode when destroyed much like the Scarabs in Halo 3! Home | Halo 4 Mythic Introduction | What has changed? | The New Format Dawn | Requiem | Forerunner | Infinity | Reclaimer |
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