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By default, you don't have them. That's right. You're going to have to truck through each campaign level on Normal or above to find each hidden skull. There are thirteen skulls total and can be divided into two classes; Gold and Silver. The difference is simple. Gold skulls add multipliers to your score during the meta game. The more Gold Skulls you have activated, the more points you can potentially earn. On the flip side, they also increase your penalties. Silver Skulls, on the other hand, have no effect whatsoever on your score. They simply add a little extra spice to the game. Below is a list of the skulls, each skull's class, on which level it is located, and a short description.
- Iron Skull
Class: Gold (3x Multiplier)
Location: Sierra 117
Description: With this skull on, there are no second chances. On solo, dying means respawning back at the beginning of the mission (oh teh noes!). On Co-op, one player dying means all of you respawn at the last checkpoint.
- Black Eye Skull
Class: Gold (1.5x Multiplier)
Location: Crow's Nest
Description: Your shields will no longer auto-regenerate. To restore them to full, you'll have to bash your enemies via melee attacks. One bash will fully recharge your shields unless you take damage while your shields are charging. Other methods for shield regeneration include using Regenerators or Invincibility, hijacking enemies vehicles, smacking an unshielded Scarab core, and also recently discovered, destroying a Scarab using any weapon will also regenerate your shields. There are two ways to tell if your shields are critical. Either hop into a vehicle or pick up a support weapon which will take you into 3rd person. If electricity is crackling all over the Chief, your shields are down. Also, if you're being pegged and spats of blood are spraying the ground, that's another indicator.
- Tough Luck Skull
Class: Gold (1.5x Multiplier)
Location: Tsavo Highway
Description: Enemies are able to dodge grenades, rockets, missiles, needles, fuel rod rounds, and overcharged plasma shots with a much higher rate of success. A better technique for sticking Brutes is waiting for them to prime a grenade as they don't seem to be able to break from the animation sequence.
- Catch Skull
Class: Gold (1.5x Multiplier)
Location: The Storm
Description: Both allies and enemies alike capable of throwing grenades will do so far more often. The skull transforms Grunts into deadly grenade-chucking machines, giving them a heavy bump from their previous cannon fodder status. I'd also like to note that this skull equally affects Marines. So if you have two or three allies standing around, you might want to think twice before running in for that quick melee. The Marines apparently take no prisoners either.
- Fog Skull
Class: Gold (1.5 Multiplier)
Location: Floodgate
Description: I hope you don't rely on your motion tracker too much, because activating this skull disables it. Looks like you'll be using your eyes and ears from here on out. But that's okay. Real men don't need radar. They're born with it.
- Famine Skull
Class: Gold (2x Multiplier)
Location: The Ark
Description: Make every shot count. This skull causes all dropped weapons once wielded by enemies and friendlies will have their ammo count severely reduced, usually by 50 percent. Guns placed on racks and in crates retain the normal amount of typical ammo. Weapons found on the ground that spawn separately seem to vary in terms of the skull's effectiveness. For example, the Gravity Hammer found at the beginning of Floodgate has roughly 37 percent of its energy remaining, while the plasma pistols found on the ground at the start of The Storm have a full 100 percent charge. Go figure. In short, remember to conserve your ammo whenever possible.
- Thunderstorm Skull
Class: Gold (1.5x Multiplier)
Location: The Covenant
Description: I guess the Covenant is just handing out ranks now. This one promotes all enemies to the next available rank with the exception of Chieftains. Basically that means you won't be fighting any Covenant newbies.
- Tilt Skull
Class: Gold (2x Multiplier)
Location: Cortana
Description: Weaknesses and resistance double for all enemies. Fully shielded Brutes seem to be completely immune to bullets (even from the Sniper Rifle). For example, try using a Battle Rifle to kill a Brute Captain with full shields. Go ahead. I dare you.
- Mythic Skull
Class: Gold (2x Multiplier)
Location: Halo
Description: Both allies and enemies gain a hefty health increase. For example, watch the Arbiter go head to head with a pair of Hunters, and he can survive an indescribably brutal beating. Likewise, many of the Flood combat forms will require multiple hits with weapons like the Energy Sword with this skull activated. Notably, Flood Carriers also seem to be able to sustain quite a bit of damage from any weapon with the exception of a direct stick from a plasma, spike, or flame grenade.
- Blind Skull
Class: Silver
Location: Sierra 117
Description: Kiss your HUD goodbye. This skull removes it from view completely. This also includes whichever weapon you're holding. Also take note that if your shields go critical, you won't hear any beeping noise. Now here's how you get around it, you sly dog. If you aren't quite sure which weapon you're holding, look at your shadow on the ground. The last thing you need to do is look at the wall and pull the trigger at point blank range only to find you were holding a rocket launcher (shamefully speaking from experience here). If you aren't sure whether or not you have shields, use a support weapon or jump into a vehicle to see if your shields are crackling. Additionally, some people put tape of the screen or lean something against it to make up for the lack of a reticule. There are people who consider this cheating, but I'm not here to pass judgment.
- Grunt Birthday Party Skull
Class: Silver
Location: Crow's Nest
Description: Yes, it's as much fun as it sounds. Life's a party when you can headshot a squeaky Grunt! When activated, scoring a headshot on Grunts results in their heads exploding with confetti and a soundtrack of small children cheering playing in the background. Not only is it an easy way to tell when you've just killed a Grunt, but it also generates a small explosion capable of damaging nearby enemies and detonating any loose grenades.
- Cowbell Skull
Class: Silver
Location: The Ark
Description: Explosions are given a drastic increase in damage radius. Areas that are fairly closed in with lots of grenades lying around instantly become deathtraps. So with this skull activated, remember to think twice before pulling the pin.
- IWHBYD Skull (I Would Have Been Your Daddy)
Class: Silver
Location: The Covenant
Description: But the dog beat me over the fence! The effects of this skull are less evident than others. It unlocks hidden dialog for both friendlies and enemies. For example, you may hear a Marine start singing the Dukes of Hazard theme. It's too bad this skull doesn't have any multipliers...
Home | FAQ | Skulltacular! | Know Thy Enemy | The Nine-Step Program | Version 2.0 Sierra 117 | Crow's Nest | Tsavo Highway | The Storm Floodgate | The Ark | The Covenant | Cortana | Halo