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![]() Home | FAQ | Skulltacular! | Know Thy Enemy | The Nine-Step Program | Version 2.0 Sierra 117 | Crow's Nest | Tsavo Highway | The Storm CortanaFull run, Bungie.net Fileshare
I'll come right out and say it. When playing this mission, I feel like I'm assaulting Gravemind's rectum. This one does tend to receive the most flak from Halo 3 players across the globe, so let's clear up a few things right from the get-go.
Rampant High Charity is quite a different place from when we visited in Halo 2. Unfortunately you won't have the impressive view you had of the vast alien city in the previous game, but that doesn't make the creative and often living scenery any less breathtaking. Download: QuickTime (3.9 mb) | WMP9 (3.8 mb)
You'll be dropped off in the middle of a cavernous room where the walls, ceiling, and floors are literally covered in Flood matter. Your entry weapons on this level are the shotgun and assault rifle. Believe it or not, the shotty will benefit you the least at this point, so we're going to ditch it early on. For the time being, head forward by hugging the right side and jumping when you reach the little hill to avoid getting overwhelmed by a plethora of Infection Flood.
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Timing is everything. Go through the mini-cave and up the ridge. Most of the time, the Combat forms won't even see you. The tough part is just on the other side of that hill. A shielded Elite form will be waiting for you on the other side, and he'll either be wielding a gravity hammer, energy sword, or shotgun. If it's a melee weapon, just simply jump over him and keep running. If he has a shotgun, you'll have to engage him. Otherwise you'll be gunned down from behind as you run. Jump as he gets the first shot off, then strafe around him as you melee with the sword. Three swipes will bring him down. Just make sure he isn't facing you.
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As a precaution, you may want to slash any Combat bodies that haven't already crumbled under your blade. This keeps Infection Flood from bringing them back to life. Once all threats have been neutralized, pick up a Deployable Cover, head through the small tunnel, grab the fresh sword, and drop down into the Projector Room. Download: QuickTime (3.3 mb) | WMP9 (3.2 mb)
The second you start taking fire, drop the Deployable Cover and dart right. Jump the Combat Flood in your way and head down to the sub-level. This is where we'll be setting up camp. Most of the Flood will be coming at you from the left side. There are a number of both Combat and Pure forms that will try and invade your area, but having them all come from the same direction will make your life much easier. The cloaking equipment in this room is the main reason we want it cleared. We'll be returning later for more, and not having to fight your way through every time makes things a lot simpler.
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Remember to melee-backpedal-melee against the Tanks and strafe in circles against shielded Elites. Stick the cowardly Ranged Flood who insist on hiding further up the walls just out of your reach. Pull out your AR for the trickling Infection Flood and avoid popping the Flood Mushrooms on the walls. Each one contains roughly a dozen Infection Flood eager to feast on your flesh. To make matters easier, you can actually see right through the ceiling and gain a clear view of the threats lingering above.
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Make sure you have one of the cloaking devices and proceed to the exit. You'll encounter two Carriers in the cramped room ahead. Stick them. Hell's Hallway is dead ahead. This area has the potential of being an absolute deathtrap given the number of Pure forms patrolling the walls, ceiling, and floor. There's also a gang of Combat Flood waiting hungrily for you at the other end. How will we ever survive? Just watch. Download: QuickTime (9.7 mb) | WMP9 (9 mb)
Jump on top of that broken beam, and from there, leap to the next level. Wait until you start taking extensive damage before activating your cloaking device. Essentially, we'll be running right past the Combat forms. Before you run too far ahead, though, pause just before you reach that Covenant pedestal. We're not done yet. Turn back around and re-enter Hell's Hallway. You'll find that all the Combat Flood have mysteriously vanished. Even more curious, all Pure forms in the area have transformed into Stalkers and retreated back to the Carrier room. I just love pulling a fast one on Gravemind. Make your way down there and kill any Infection Flood that trickle down from above. Slide into the Carrier room and dispose of the Stalkers. Download: QuickTime (7.7 mb) | WMP9 (7.1 mb)
Retrieve another cloaking device from the Projector Room and head back to Hell's Hallway once again. Over on the left you'll notice a crate of carbines and another crate containing swords. Grab a fresh energy blade, trade out your beloved assault rifle for a carbine, and proceed forward.
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A number of Pure forms will transform into Stalkers and come to you. From the safety of the mini-cave, you can melee them to death one by one. Your main concern here should the ones that suddenly transform into Tanks. Aside from that, this tactic will help you reduce the number of Pure forms in the Hive drastically.
Download: QuickTime (17.5 mb) | WMP9 (16.4 mb) Home | FAQ | Skulltacular! | Know Thy Enemy | The Nine-Step Program | Version 2.0 Sierra 117 | Crow's Nest | Tsavo Highway | The Storm |
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