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Shadows of Archon II (part 8) - Imperius the Destroyer
Posted By: Wado<wyamauchi@msn.com>
Date: 3 September 2002, 7:55 am
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"I think I found something," Valerie says as she digs through a pile of old books in the dim light of the tunnel. She seems quite proud of herself, for maybe the first time John sees her smile. She continues, "I found a recording device, a Covenant one with a dead power cell. And there's another, and another, they're all dead."
"What good is that?" John asks.
"I was thinking that same thing: Without power they aren't much good now. Even if we installed charged power cells the data is probably gone. But what I missed is so obvious to me now. These devices have power cells that should last at least 50 thousand years. Something drained them... John, when my group of engineers arrived here over two years ago, we immediately noticed a power drain on all systems. We resorted to keeping records using specially coated paper, to protect it from the humidity of this planet. The Covenant here is known to bring down fresh power supplies from orbit all the time. Everything eventually loses power except the Jukan weapons." Valerie then points to Garridor's plasma-tipped spear, which is currently in its contracted state of less than half a meter long. She then says, "The Jukan weapons have no power-supply but appear to draw energy from the environment. But I just noticed that something else isn't drained of power and that is your battle suit. Why is that?"
John says, "Cortana, what can you say about this?"
Cortana speaks, "Chief, no energy drain detected. But what Valerie is saying is possible, we have seen similar technology employed by the Old Ones in the Web of Medusa and more closely to the effects described by Valerie, the properties of the Eldar stone."
John says, "Web of Medusa, Eldar stone, that brings back memories. The Eldar stone was from deep underground on Medusa was it not? Is this planet made of Eldar stone? Why isn't my battle suit affected by the power drain? Why is it that the sleeper inside me doesn't come out and answer these questions?" John paces about acting a bit frustrated.
Valerie says, "Slow down John, I have a theory. I don't know anything about this Medusa or the Old Ones, are they the forerunners? Anyway, it's not the suit; it's what is in the suit that is important. Having been a slave working near the portal, I remember seeing a picture of humans with torches guiding others. The others were different looking and had thrown down their weapons. All around them were horrid looking things that seemed to be burning up under the light. Someone told me that the picture meant that the light of the Chosen Ones is more powerful than all the other weapons in the universe because the light is powered by the soul. I don't know why this all of a sudden popped in my head but I think you are the key to something John."
Garridor says, "Yes the Chosen Ones shall lead the meek through the valley of death. That is what that picture is about. I think I know what to do." Garridor hands his plasma-tipped spear to John.
John holds the spear; its plasma tip begins to burn more brightly, so brightly that it almost blinds everyone. The bright light does something to John, for a moment the sleeper within him wakes. John says, "In the light of the soul, behold the wonders about."
All around on the tunnel walls, the illumination shows pictures previously hidden in the dim light of the lichens. The pictures depict ornate designs and stories of old. Further down where the tunnel ended, there is a clear outline of a door, which opens before John.
John says, "We go this way, gather the others. We must all go, it is no longer safe here."
Imperius the Destroyer
Meanwhile, as the group gathers to head through the mysterious door, not too far away, thirteen Covenant drop ships head to their destination. A communication between the third and seventh drop ships.
Third drop ship, "Alpha Com, negative on big mama, nothing but echoes."
Seventh drop ship, "Beta Com, proceed without support to secondary drop."
The drop ships move in to the secondary drop location, touching down for just an instant as more than one hundred Covenant grunts jump out. All the grunts covered in jungle camouflage. One grunt speaks to another.
"Supreme Commander, 2 kilometers from here is where we lost satellite lock on the target. They couldn't have moved far on foot. Artillery support is standing by, I recommend we fire a few smart bombs in the area. Sanitize the area before moving in."
The Supreme Commander Imperius replies, "Second Commander, don't let the curse of the Supreme Commander get to you. I don't plan to die like my predecessors. Yes they all died with only a week left to go, just like me, but they were foolish. They got greedy and tried to take something from this place. I'm not going to make that mistake. Now with that said, order the troops to fan out and move to the target area. One Chosen One can't be that hard to find and kill."
The grunts move out and soon they come upon a hidden area containing a waterfall surrounded on three sides by high rock cliffs. In this area are found the signs of humans, particularly a set of clothing on a rock near the water.
Second Commander says, "Sir, the signs are fresh, less than fifteen minutes old. Again, they disappear. The rocks here block scanners. I recommend we fan out again and search along the path to the Spirit City. They could be hugging the terrain toward the city."
Imperius eyes some scratches on a rock in the shape of an arrow pointing down. "Second Commander, good plan, but I think they are still here somewhere. Tell me, the water comes down but where does it go?" Says Imperius.
The Second Commander notices that the waterfall comes down, but there is no visible outlet for the water.
Imperius continues, "There are tunnels under the water. Give the order to form up search groups, it's time to do some excavating." Imperious then picks up the wet clothing and says, "Oh, bring out some of the old sniffer mines too."
"Yes sir."
Deep in the caves, John, the Lady, Val, Garridor, and company travel in single file guided by the light of the plasma spear. Under the light the path is mapped out in detail with symbols. Without the light, the path would seem a never-ending labyrinth. John presses on with determination.
Winding around and down, the group reaches a huge chamber with one stone bridge over a black pit below. The bridge spans the entire gap of more than 100 meters across. For the first time the group senses they aren't alone down here. Murmuring sounds can be heard from side tunnels.
John says, "Demon spawns... Everyone stay close to the light. Garridor make sure your Jukan warriors are ready to guard the rear, these things are vicious but not very brave. Don't let them see weakness." As he speaks, John senses that the answers to his questions will be found on the other side of this bridge. It calls to him to push on.
Just at that moment a scuffle breaks out between a Jukan warrior and two humans. Valerie rushes to them with Garridor. "Break it up!" She says as she holds back one of the humans.
The murmur of sounds gets louder in the background. Everyone stops to listen.
Valerie says, "Are you crazy? What's this all about Jacobs, O'Bryan?"
O'Brian points at the Jukan, "He's been marking our path this whole time. Leaving a trail for someone."
The Jukan replies, "The human is foolish, I mark the way so that we know how to get back out. What right do they have to even touch a Jukan warrior."
The murmur gets even louder, overshadowing the voice of the Jukan warrior. The red glowing specs of a thousand eyes peer down from all around.
Supreme Commander Imperius and his troops head into the tunnels. There is quite a power drain in the tunnels. The group moves under the light of flares. In their hands, old-style gas-operated projectile weapons and chemical flame throwers.
Imperius says, "Follow these marks on the walls, they will lead us to the Chosen One. Leave half the troops here in reserve. Have them follow us exactly 10 minutes after we leave. One more thing, distribute the sniffer grenades, I've programmed them to track on the scent found on the human clothes. The scent indicates it is one of the human females. If this Chosen One is trying to breed with the humans, he will keep the females close to him. The shielding on these old grenades is quite good so they should remain working for a while even in these tunnels. A few of these grenades ought to take care of the Chosen One."
"Yes sir."
The stench of demon spawns reeks. Their high-pitched shrieks ring in the ears of the unprotected. Their horrid tentacles whip around in a whirlwind of slime and venom.
Quickly the humans cross the stone bridge as the Jukans guard the rear, firing plasma bolts from their spears. John's plan is to cross on the bridge. When they approach the other side he will blast the demon spawns there with such force as to cause them to run away -- cowards these spawn of demons truly are. In the meantime the bridge will serve as a defense to keep the demon spawns from swarming the group. In all John's accounts, demon spawn could jump but not fly.
The bridge is not quite what John had planned though. About a third of the way, the stone bridge becomes very slick, almost frictionless. The bridge has a layer of oil on it. John keeps his balance as he slides forward. Valerie slips and falls flat on the bridge. She lies there flat as can be without moving.
Private Mark Parks, father of two, is not so lucky. He slips to the side. The Lady tries to grab him but she misses him and he slides off the edge, his muffled screams heard for an eternity as he falls into a bottomless abyss.
The Lady slips too and falls off silently.
John is not a mountaineer, if he were he would have fallen flat. Instead his momentum keeps him going over the halfway point of the bridge where it inclines slightly downward. He picks up more momentum and soon he has accelerated to faster than he could run. Keeping his balance and trying to avoid going over the edge he surfs down the bridge to the other side. He hits some rocks and wipes out, crashing into a wall. Some how he keeps hold of the glowing plasma-tipped spear as the world turns black around him. John fades into unconsciousness.
The remaining group moves back off the bridge the way they came. Surrounded by demon spawns the unarmed humans cower behind the Jukan warriors. Garridor, without his spear, pulls out a silver knife from under his metal breastplate.
Demon spawn tentacles bite at the group. The Junkan plasma spears cut them down nicely, but a few get through. James Jacobs is grabbed by a stinging tentacle. He cries, "Arrgh, help me! No, get it off."
His lifetime buddy Victor O'Bryan grabs hold of his arm, "I got you Jim. Let go of him you ugly bastard." O'Bryan tugs at Jacobs arm trying to yank him free from the tentacle.
Bam! O'Bryan is smacked hard across the chest. He loses his grip on Jacobs and falls off the edge into the abyss.
Jacobs sees everything. He looks up blankly at the Jukan that pushed his friend over the edge. He can't speak; the venom of the demon spawn's tentacle has iced his veins. He feels nothing. He can't move. He can only hear the Jukan laughing; then there is blackness.
Garridor thrusts his knife into the center eye of the largest demon spawn. The rest of the demon spawn retreat, but not before they drag off six more humans.
Garridor and the two other Jukans stand there, out of breath. Behind them only twelve humans remain, including Valerie who has managed to get off the bridge safely.
They think it is over, but that if far from the truth. Burning demon spawns charge toward them -- Their shrieks worse than a hundred whistles. Some of the demon spawns expire into pools of slime in front of the group. Others continue on and fly off the edge into the abyss below.
Behind them the fire from a dozen flame throwers wielded by Covenant grunts. The forces of Imperius have arrived.
One Jukan charges his plasma-tipped spear up to blast back at the grunts, but his body is shredded under the explosive force of many 20 mm HEAP rounds. Two other humans fall beside him from stray shots.
The other Jukan with a plasma-tipped spear drops it and falls flat to the ground. Garridor reluctantly let's his knife fall out of his hand.
Imperius claps his hands and says, "Bravo Garridor, wise choice for a dead Jukan. For a moment there I thought you might try to do something brave." Imperius then instructs a few grunts to recover the Jukan weapons.
Even unarmed, the mighty Jukan leader Garridor stands impressively. The grunts are too intimidated to approach close enough to retrieve his knife. Imperius stands impatiently and says, "You want something done right..." He then snaps his fingers.
Garridor is unaware that the other Jukan has stood up behind him and then whack! The other Jukan hits Garridor from behind with a big rock. Garridor goes down to one knee momentarily stunned. Whack! The rock breaks into pieces over the back of his head. Down on both knees and a hand Garridor shakes his head. Whack! A fist comes down on his back.
Garridor quickly turns with knife in hand and thrusts it up between the legs of the other Jukan. With a great cry of pain the other Jukan falls back and down.
Bam! The head of Garridor explodes. Garridor's lifeless body falls forward as Imperius steps forward with smoking rifle in hand. Imperius says, "As I was saying, if you want something done right..."
Valerie yells out, "Murderer!" The remaining humans hold her back.
Imperius says, "A human female in her underwear, how interesting. By the way, you haven't seen nothing yet." Imperius looks down at the wounded Jukan. The wounded Jukan is crawling towards a vile he dropped on the ground. Just has he reaches out to grab it Imperius shots the Jukan's hand off.
Imperius steps on the bloody stump of what's left of the Jukan's hand and says, "You won't be needing that Darius." Imperius then picks up the vile of healing solution. He points the barrel of his rifle at the Jukan's head and says, "You know I never did have much faith that you could become the great leader of the Jukan Portal Guards. Garridor was more of a Jukan than you could ever be. You did serve my purposes well though, but I really don't have a place in my ranks for a traitor."
Darius spits at Imperius. That's the last living thing he ever did.
Imperius looks up, "You there, feisty one. Where is the Chosen One?"
"Rot in fucking hell!" Valerie replies.
Imperius shakes his head and says, "I am in hell... Now why would you not go across that bridge? What is wrong with the bridge? Feisty one, do me a favor and go across that bridge. Now run!" Imperius shots the ground beside her.
Valerie takes off running across the bridge. She hits the slick part and slides on her rear across the bridge. She starts to drift to the right, she tries leaning to the left; it works enough to keep her on the bridge.
Imperius says, "Very interesting, seems the bridge is not fit for travel. Second Commander, bring up the grappling guns."
"Yes sir. What about the human female, she might make it across and the curvature of the bridge blocks a clear shot?" Second Commander replies.
"No worries Second Commander." Imperius then pulls out a sniffer grenade, arms it and throws it down the length of the bridge. Fins spread out from the grenade sides. It spins through the air like a guided Frisbee making a high-pitched buzzing sound. It flies below the bridge and back up, then to the other side tracking its target with deadly accuracy. There is a small explosion, only the size of a regular grenade. The explosion normally would be much larger, but the nature of the area's energy drain dampens the affect -- Still plenty enough to kill its target, an unarmored human.
Imperius looks at the remaining group of cowering humans. "Now do I need to keep killing or will one of you tell me where the Chosen One went?"
One of the humans, Private first class Higgins steps forward and says, "He went across the bridge. The Chosen One, he's gone."
Now Imperius has a pleased look on his face. He says, "Finally a brave one among you cowards." Imperius then shots Higgins in the head. "An honorable death for him. Second Commander, burn the rest of them."
Second Commander hesitates for just a moment, then he signals the flamers to open fire. The flames burn across the ground, some of the humans jump off the edge to avoid getting burned. Others are not so lucky, their flesh cooked down to the bone.
"Ha, ha, ha, very good." Imperius says. "Now Second Commander, get those grappling hooks over to the other side."
Valerie looks up at the strange looking creatures that carry her. Oh the stench is awful, worse than rotting flesh. The leader of the group saved her from something homing in on her. With one precision shot, he shot it out of the air and blew it up.
She is brought to a lit chamber and let go near a table. A look of great relief comes across her face. There before her stands John and the Lady. Valerie simply asks, "How?"
The Lady says, "No time for chatting. Val, I can't fly but I can levitate. I glided over to the side of the abyss and found an entrance to a tunnel. It led me here."
John says, "I made it across the bridge and crashed. When I woke up, I was here. Valerie, I heard what happened to the others, I'm sorry."
Valerie gives them both a big hug then they all sit down across from a group of figures. Each one of a different race, one Elite, one grunt, one human, one Jukan, and one of a strange winged race, a demon. All of them are mummified with little creatures attached to them.
John recognizes the creatures; they are flood -- Intelligent flood.
The demon figure speaks, "John the Spartan, the Lady, Valerie Sinclair, and Cortana too, let's not forget the AI. We welcome you here to our little corner of hell -- Hell to some, a sanctuary to us. Right to the point, you expected something else did you not?"
John answers, "Yes, these creatures on you, they control you don't they?"
The Elite figure speaks, "Yes and no. Right to the point, we are a hive mind, capable of independent thought but sharing a group consciousness. There is much you don't understand John the Spartan."
The Lady speaks, "I sense your great powers of the mind, the hive is strong, but could be stronger, why do you not venture to increase the hive."
The grunt figure speaks, "Right to the point, we who are known as the flood have little intelligence in small numbers, however, in larger concentrations our combined minds achieve great power. If we were to concentrate in the millions, we could be far more powerful that a Nomdian, in the billions we could control others across interstellar distances. Our problem here is that we do not seek to achieve that level of power. Doing so would demand that we combine with our creators."
John says, "To the point but I don't understand what it means."
The human figure speaks, "Right to the point, the nature of the dampener field isolates us from our creators. We have reached a point of population density that we have intelligence, but we are protected from the command of the creators. We have independent thought and we wish to keep that."
Valerie has remained silent this whole time, but she just doesn't know what is going on, she has to ask, "Why did you save us, bring us here?"
The Jukan figure speaks, "Right to the point you are, we do not care so much about you, but we do need you. There is a place down here that is not affected by the dampener field, if we venture there then our creators would call upon us. The Lady with her Nomdian ways can shield us mentally while we go in there. There is also a guardian of this place from the forerunner days. The guardian will not let us pass unless you come along John. The guardian will see the Archonian sleeper in you and recognize you are one of the forerunners, although not a purebred forerunner, it should be enough. You can command it to let us pass. Valerie, we were simply showing you courtesy to save you. We could not save the others, but we could save you."
The demon figure continues, "We know you are looking for Mira, the home world of the Old Ones. We can provide you with information that would be useful on your journey. We cannot give you much else, we do not have much."
Cortana says over the comm so no one else can hear, "Chief, I don't think we can trust them, if we get them by the guardian, what's to keep them from disposing of us then, after they don't need us anymore."
John says, "You have been kind to save us, we do owe you our thanks. You also know quite a lot. Please excuse me if I have my doubts. In my journeys I have not met many that are so up front and truthful. What is it that you seek in the place with no dampener field?"
All the figures answer in unison, "What we seek is of no concern to you."
The human figure continues, "You have only this choice to make. You either work with us or against us. We will not let you proceed to the place without us, but as a sign of our good faith, if you wish to leave and return to the surface, you can. We will not stop you."
John looks at the others then says, "We need time to discuss this."
The Elite figure says, "Very well, we have other pressing business to attend to. When we return, we expect your decision." The figures leave with their entourage of other armed figures.
John, Cortana, the Lady, and Valerie huddle together.
-- Next, Desperate Decisions --