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Shadows of Archon II (part 33) - Farewell to the Spartan
Posted By: Wado<wyamauchi@msn.com>
Date: 26 December 2002, 3:08 am
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September 23, 2560: It's been over two years now since we last heard from Admiral Keyes or any of the fleets sent on that fateful mission to stop the insane Forerunners and the Flood. Also missing in action, the Master Chief, Cortana, and our Covenant allies.
The only news we have received is from a mysterious and elusive race known as the Archons. They tell us that such things are the affairs of the elder races, and for now, we are the young ones. Not much is known about the Archons except that they observe us from a distance. Fittingly we call them the guardian watchers.
There really is not much more to tell; this is likely my last log entry on the subject as I feel it is time to move on. I do miss my friend Keyes and although I only knew him briefly, I miss the Master Chief. They broke the mold when they made men like them.
Many good men and women are now gone, fine soldiers and fine people. I sometimes wonder how things might have been different if Black Angel Recon hadn't been so decimated during the attack on Earth. What might we have done fighting at the side of my friends Keyes and the Master Chief against the Forerunners? The answer I come up with is always the same: we would be pushing up daisies on some far away alien world.
Here the children play as if nothing had ever happened, time can erase the horrors of past times -- especially for the young and resilient. Earth is once again a paradise. Our past problems with overcrowding and pollution are no longer an issue. Since the war, we are much fewer and the advancements of Sol Core have reached new levels in environmentally friendly technologies thanks to better understanding of the Covenant sciences.
Despite our advancements, I feel we are a doomed people. Everyday I look up at the stars and wonder if this will be our last day. Somewhere out there is the enemy, when and where will they strike next? This doom is felt throughout the fleets -- next to the slip-space controls on every Sol Core ship are the words, "We are not alone, proceed with extreme caution."
Someday, we may reach for the stars once again, but this was by far the closest human kind has ever come to extinction -- Sober thoughts.
Best regards, sincerely, Colonel Louis Chan of Black Angel Recon, Special Forces Sol Core.
-- The End or is it? --
On the far off world of Medusa, a few familiar faces are along side a few new ones... "Someone order an exterminator, I heard you have a bit of an infestation problem."
"We sure could use your and the Spartan's help, Cortana," said Max, the mighty Elite. "Where is the Spartan?"
"Well actually call me Cort, I changed my name after my daughter, the new Cortana was created," replied Cort. "The Chief and Cortana are still on patrol; they found a few Flood stragglers around the portals. They should be here shortly. And Max, this here is Knight Shade."
"Just call me Val, it is a pleasure to meet you at last Commander Max Relius," interjected Knight Shade.
"Very well Val, welcome to Medusa," said Max.
"And I'm Croaker," interrupted a tall and aged reptilian-looking being at Max's side. "Things have been moving very quickly for these old Sauran eyes of mine, ever since the Archons re-opened the portals to this place, it has been total chaos I tell you."
"I am honored to meet you Croaker," replied Knight Shade.
Croaker does not reply, however, the Sauran just looks to his commander. Knight Shade does the same.
In the background, bombs explode, but the booms seem of less significance than the moment. Two long time friends and warriors gaze upon each other. When first Max's gaze comes upon that MJOLNIR clad figure, the Elite stands stern and proud, it almost appears as though they are ready to do battle with each other. "Come to finish what you started," shouted Max.
"I'm here to fix the mess you got yourself in," replied John.
"We can take care of ourselves."
"Well, in that case, I'll have to fire my intelligence sources." John turns slightly away in disinterest.
"Wait, Spartan, did you know we have a saying around here?" asked Max. "It goes, the only good Spartan... is a friend Spartan."
"I also heard that you have a new kind of Flood, a hundred meters tall, a master Flood," said John.
"New, no, but we have finally tracked it down, and your size estimate is off my a magnitude of ten," stated Max. "With intelligence sources like that, I would consider their termination."
"Really, off by a magnitude of ten?" said John. "This I've got to see."
Lights fade from the battlefield as explosions above cloud the sun's brightness. In far above space, through the Web of Medusa, a lone ship is seen dashing towards a planet. The camera closes in on the ship revealing that it is the XX1. Who is it's pilot and where is it going?
-- The End --