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Comments for 'Shadows of Archon II (part 33) - Farewell to the Spartan' |
9:29 pm | January 9, 2003
In other news, apparently there is a part 34 to SOA 2, a behind the scenes documentary by diablo. Should be out soon.
Ak Darkster
2:28 am | January 4, 2003
Nice job with your story. In all, I mean the two previous stories, you must have wrote a whole saga. This thing should really be turn into a book. You should contact Bungie with this.
3:11 am | January 3, 2003
Thanks all
Mutated Elite
6:20 pm | January 1, 2003
Wow. *sniff* That's probabl the greatest halo story of all time... i recommend something... make it into a movie. That would be great.
7:57 pm | December 30, 2002
Thanks Vero and MasterChief21. Gee, MasterChief21 maybe I'll write something later that is based on this series, thanks for the support. In the mean time I have a different project planned.
Oh by the way, the long awaited Rebirth series is now started. It's by the MMs (Merry Marines) and I'm betting that that series is really going to be good.
Rebirth - Shadow's Prologue - Part 1 Posted By: Shadow/Arch/Knightmare/Spartan415 Date: 30 December 2002, 3:25 am
5:23 pm | December 30, 2002
Screw that story belongs to the readers crap, continue the stroy please cuz i cant think of a good way to continue it, please continue the story
5:21 pm | December 30, 2002
Nice goddamn series Wado. To bad it has come to an end. O well, you know what they say," All Good Things Must Come To An End" Hope you write your new series soon. I will be expecting it.
3:06 am | December 30, 2002
This was a sweet series!! write more and you most defintly will be the most respected writer out there. this series must have taken dedication to write. 40 odd something parts!! just write more thats all i ask!!
1:21 am | December 30, 2002
hope i didnt bug u too much about those archons. aww man, talk bout dedication. this is like the longest HBO series in history. well despite what anyone says..or me..your time on this series was well spent. Although i didnt read all of your stories, your presence here is positive. and besides, the more u write the better u get.
9:54 pm | December 28, 2002
MasterChief21 the series has ended like this, but the story continues. The story now belongs to the readers, to inspire their own imaginations and the creation of their own stories.
I will continue to write, there are many untold stories, this is but one.
Well anyway, thanks for the comments. Berconius thanks, your words were very encouraging, maybe someday I will publish a novel.
9:11 pm | December 28, 2002
What!! it ends like that!? Jeeze, talk about leaving us in the dark. Well, you said its the last one so i cant look forward to another one so ill just have to find something to do. Please dont let it end like that!! im begging like a little girl. Please write more!!!
3:08 pm | December 28, 2002
Your series is quite possibly the best, if not saddest, one I've ever read, I am greatly pained to learn of it's termination but all good things come to an end.
In hind sight, this is the best series I've read, publishing this as a novle would probably be more successful than Fall of Reach. Damn, your next series has an unholy mess of expectations to live up to... no presure of course;)
6:35 am | December 28, 2002
Thanks. And Jeff, I'll try to read you stuff, I'm way behind as usual in reading the other great fan fic contributions.
Anyway, writing all of this has been a learning experience. The next series is a bit different, like I said and will be a group of a bunch of loosely related short stories. After that, who knows.
Jeff Graham
2:46 am | December 28, 2002
I have not really read much of your seires, but from what I have read it is pretty damn good. I will read your next one from the begining, I hope you read mine.
Metal Gear Miltie
11:48 pm | December 27, 2002
8:53 pm | December 27, 2002
With "hope" being the key word.
8:44 pm | December 27, 2002
Thanks all. There's no sequel planned for this series, although I might use some of the characters in other stories. I do have another series in mind, it is a bit different, I hope you like it at least as much as this one.
11:17 pm | December 26, 2002
once again brillant work. i hope the next one is as good
9:33 pm | December 26, 2002
pretty good but you almost set it up for another series just extending upon this one
8:28 pm | December 26, 2002
Please say there is a sequel! By the way, it was perfect.
6:54 pm | December 26, 2002
Ok, I just read it. I have to say great job. It was a great way to end this fan fic. Until then...
6:47 pm | December 26, 2002
After 44 parts, the series is finally finished...
6:45 pm | December 26, 2002
It's the shortest one, but when you said, "Who is the pilot and where is it going?", collison lights went off in my head, yelling "Alert: Sequel in the making!!". There's not much to say, considering their wasn't action, but overall, your story was damn perfect. Please telling me your writing a sequel. Please, tell me you are.
5:21 pm | December 26, 2002
This is the last part of the SOA2 series.