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Shadows of Archon II (part 31) - Revelations
Posted By: Wado<wyamauchi@msn.com>
Date: 9 December 2002, 6:37 am
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"Admiral, we aren't going to make it." Those words rang loudly in Keye's head. Indeed the allied forces were running the ultimate gauntlet -- twenty thousand Forerunner vessels stood between them and the new Forerunner Alpha Halo.
The Covenant allies were taking the blunt of the Forerunner fire; early estimates gave a ten to one kill ratio in the Forerunner favor. This was not a small battle; there would be no Keyes loop here. Tens of thousands of ships and each one seemed no more than a small insect under the hammer.
Millions of missiles were fired from the UNSC forces chasing the hundreds of thousands of plasma torpedoes launched by the Covenant allies. Many missed but still a million hit their mark. At the first sign of Forerunner losses, the morale of the alliance raised a hundred fold.
How could this be? Only seven thousand alliance ships started this battle, but every one of them was jammed packed with fighters and strike bombers. Not enough room to land them all so they launched from shuttle bays and makeshift external tubes connected to where life pods would be until 300,000 of them filled the battle area. The fighters were stripped of every weapon except for short-range pulse lasers to make room for a larger payload of capital ship destroying missiles. Many of the fighters were reduced to nothing more than missile platforms. The alliance had one more trump card, with the advancement in nano-machine technologies, each missile had a full ship grade AI guiding it, there would be no jamming or distracting these missiles.
The many proximity explosions from plasma torpedoes revealed the cloaked Forerunner vessels. The capital ship destroying missiles homed in with extreme prejudice. This was an awesome display of force, tactics, and the best that the new alliance could offer. Forerunner battleships and cruisers alike burned across the gaps of space like tiny comets and solar flares. Only the Forerunner Super-dreadnoughts withstood the full fury of the attacks. Five thousand Forerunner vessels were no more.
I wish I could say that things got better for the alliance, that the tide of battle had changed, but that is not the case. The Forerunner forces were not easily disheartened, backed by the will of their god Margoth, they fought on with deadly purpose.
Their mighty weapon, the new Alpha Halo fired a strange pulse the width of several worlds. Hundreds of alliance ships were caught in its destructive force; one of the first to go was the Covenant flagship, the Virtue and Reverence. It was already in flames and badly damaged from battle, after the invisible Halo pulse passed, it was followed by a great light, brighter than the sun and in its flash, the Virtue and Reverence was engulfed, utterly annihilated.
Forerunner plasma-antimatter cutter beams and lances, antimatter and graviton-warhead missiles, and the world destroying neutronium bombs soon followed. Wave after wave until only 300 alliance ships remained.
In all, only seven minutes had passed. On the bridge of the Moon of Orion, smoke and electric flames surrounded Admiral Keyes. On the main viewer was the new Forerunner Alpha Halo. They had made it to the ring, but had the transport ships?
"We must abandon ship Admiral," said that persistent AI. "There is no other way. Destruction is imminent."
"Did the transports make it?" asked Keyes in a calm voice.
"No data, it is unknown," said the AI.
"As long as there is hope for the transports, we fight to provide cover."
"Aye sir," replied the AI. "Admiral, picking up three transport ships 100,000 kilometers from the ring. Forerunners moving to intercept."
"Move the fleet on a vector right down their throats," said Keyes, "and transmit this message to everyone."
"Everyone sir."
Keyes nods yes, and then takes a long breath. "Though I have never seen a new born star or the dark halo of Andromeda, I have no regrets. Today I have nothing but admiration for the alliance. The Forerunner bastards may win the battle but they can never win the war. As long as there are those who will fight for what is right, to protect the weaker and stand up against tyranny and oppression, we have hope."
Forerunner ships swerve to target the Moon of Orion.
With a gleam in his eyes, Keyes shouts saying, "They can never defeat us because we aren't just a people but an idea -- An idea that the Forerunners fear. Step aside petty tyrants, Margoth the weak, you are facing the true power of life. Though you may destroy my frail body, the idea will live. My death will not be enough for there will be others, on other worlds, in far off galaxies, some not yet a shadow in the light of time. They will hear my calling and feel the power and strength in the words."
Missiles track the Moon of Orion, weapons fire.
Proud and sturdy, the Admiral stands. He sings the UNSC anthem while the ship's AI sings a Covenant battle hymn in perfect rhythm and accent. The clearness of their voices pierces the flames and vacuum.
When the weapons hit, the Moon of Orion is destroyed. Although the voice of Keyes is no longer heard, the songs continue to be broadcast. In the face of death, aboard the remaining alliance ships, first one then another voice is heard, each singing songs from the heart. The songs may be different and the voices strange, but together, they sound as one. They are the beat of the same drum.
As Forerunner ships close in for the kill, the doom that beholds the moment is laughed at and met with courage.
The Forerunners do not make mistakes; they so efficiently eliminate the opposition, and win the battle. However, to never make mistakes is a flaw in itself. To explain the how, we must first examine the why. The why goes back thousands and thousands of years ago to the days of the last Forerunner empire in this galaxy. Despite all the advancements of the Forerunners, there were those among them that held strong resentment and envy for the Old Ones. The Old Ones predate the Forerunners by billions of years some say and their great wonders still exist today as a constant reminder of their greatness. You see the Old Ones understood paradox and null (nothingness). No Forerunner weapon, no matter how powerful, could even scratch the wonders of the Old Ones. And try they did for thousands of years.
When the Archons first came to this galaxy, the Forerunners allowed them to settle on old worlds of the Old Ones. Nothing but primitive things could survive on these worlds thought the Forerunners. It was tough for the Archons, but they did survive because Archons are primitives, like children they accepted the ways of the worlds and danced by campfires and tossed away the tools of technology. But since Archons are immortal in spirit, as each generation grew and learned better ways to live on the primitive Old One worlds, their spirits remained alive and the race as a whole moved forward until Archonian technology somehow just worked on these worlds. When it came to the wars between the Forerunners and Archons, the Archons survived siege after siege, protected by the wonders of the Old Ones.
The Forerunner Margoth had long realized the Archons could never be defeated until the Forerunners could get passed the Old One protection. So after destroying all Covenant forces in the area around the Jukan system just over one year ago, he proceeded to set up the new Alpha Halo there. You see the Jukan system is also protected by the wonders of the Old Ones. This made Jukan the ideal place to test the new Alpha Halo's weapons against the technology of the Old Ones. So Margoth believed, and he was right for the new Alpha Halo's super weapon turned out to be much more than anything developed before.
On the other hand, Jukan is more than just another world of the Old Ones; it shares the same time and space as Mira, the Old Ones home world. Long hidden because it existed within another world, Mira is the home of the Old Ones Master Portal, the Heart of Darkness.
This all sets the stage for things to come...
As we move forward through time to the present, the Forerunners have finished mopping up the last of the alliance ships. However, it is not a total loss for the alliance, a small victory has been achieved. Unrealized for just enough beats of the drum, ONI and Covenant Spec Ops transports moved onto the Alpha Halo. Cloaked in utter cold and empty silence, they reached the surface. Only a few, but they bring with them hope.
Three of the transport ships, the ONI Prima, the ONI Bell, and the Covenant Revelation, are to land close by each other. Originally to form a defensive perimeter and beachhead for more transports but their roles will have to change.
Aboard the transport ship Prima, the 303rd ONI assault troops wait for the exit doors to open. Each unit in MJOLNIR armor and equipped with a full array of heavy weapons and a compliment of newly developed hover tanks and mobile artillery. "We're on approach, incoming ground fire," said the pilot. Moments later, the exit doors open and the troops drop to the surface.
The 303rd deploys on a direct route towards a main entrance that leads into the tunnels below the Alpha Halo, 1.2 kilometers from their target, the Halo's control room. Reports begin to flood in, "[static]...resistance heavy, unexpected...[static]."
Across the terrain appeared fortified towers and shielded turrets. The enemy planned well for a ground assault. Many of the towers and turrets remained underground until they were needed and now have been raised to saturate the land with rays of death. The three major towers standing 1 kilometer in height are the first targets for artillery and air strike. Like enormous lighthouses they stood shining down on the land, each one with a hundred beam turrets that cut away rock and flesh equally well.
The Bell and Revelation land above the target. The Bell containing the 1011th combat engineers only has a few minutes to get their equipment working and out of sight. That's all the time the Covenant Special Ops can manage the battle against the onrush of the enemy, a familiar enemy at that.
From small hidden hatches around the battlefield come Flood warriors armed with Covenant and Forerunner weapons. The never stopping horde has caught the alliance by surprise. Before the Covenant could deploy their badly needed Shadows and Shade guns for perimeter defense, the Flood has already overrun the outer lines, capturing much of the equipment.
However, like in many times in the past, the Covenant Imperial 7th crashes the party. Kept in reserve and newly rebuilt with Brutes to compliment the cadre of mighty Elites, they unleash on the Flood with this simple order, "Hold the line."
Trudging knee deep in the remains of Flood warriors with thousands more Flood on the way, the 7th deploys plasma-based fuel-air explosives over the battlefield, killing many of their own with thousands of more Flood.
The black and multi-colored smoke filled the land and hugged the ground, blocking all vision. Using alternative visuals, the 7th battles on, through their visors the battle looks of an old black and white movie, filled with snow and static. Flood shapes peek-out of the static and snow just long enough for target lock by the observant and deadly 7th.
The 1011th is almost ready, just 30 more seconds. Looming above though, unseen through the heavy smoke is a Forerunner strike cruiser. One of its antimatter bombs would be enough to end the hopes of the alliance in one foul swoop. The bomb might damage the control center of Halo though, so instead the ship flies above raining plasma beams in all directions.
The 1011th machines are ready and begin to descend into the surface of Halo. These ground transports are giant plasma drilling machines. Instead of fighting through the catacombs underneath the surface, the alliance is tunneling their way to the control room. These transports are so new that they only have the designation Wolverine Prototype II.
200 alliance troops remain on the mission to the control room; that's only five of the Wolverines. Through the rear view on Wolverine 2 is a strange sight, the battle fatigued eyes of the ONI Ops must be playing tricks. Following the transport down the tunnel is a strange triangular ship with a single MJOLNIR clad figure riding on top of it like a body surfer.
"Should I shoot it sir?" asked the lieutenant.
"No, hold your fire; that has to be him, he's the only one that could pull off a stunt as prosperous as this," replied the Colonel.
"Him sir?"
"Lieutenant, you need to take your head out of those training manuals more often... Him is the one they wrote the book on."
When Wolverine 2 reached the control room they were met with a dismal sight. Wolverine 1 in flames, dead body parts blasted around. The Colonel surveyed the situation, with a slight hesitation he says, "Everyone out and secure the area."
Outside the Wolverine, the tall figure in MJOLNIR armor approaches the group saying, "Colonel, your group is the only one that made it, Cortana has been monitoring the communications."
The Colonel nodded and then smiled, "Master Chief, I knew it had to be you. Any ideas where the assailants went that ambushed Wolverine 1?"
From the shadows came a voice, "They're everywhere Colonel Lee, but for the moment we are safe. We are glad you made it Master Chief."
John turns and acknowledges the voices, a group of Spooks. Yes, ONI special ops wouldn't be anything without Spooks. "Yes, good to see you made it too sirs. How long do we have?"
"That depends," replied the Spook. "That depends on him."
John looks above and entering the room from access tunnels is a little blue floating cube and a few hundred Forerunner Sentinels.
"Greetings I am 343 Guilty Spark, oh, it is you Reclaimer, how fortunate."
"Come to pull the wool over our eyes again, Sparky?" blurted Cortana.
"343 Guilty Spark has been helping us," interjected the Spook.
"Quite correct my dear colleague," said Guilty Spark. "After the destruction of Installation 04, I was bent on reacquiring the Index from you, but fortunately I was retrieved by the Praetor. Given some time to ponder decisions that had been made, I was cured of my sickness. I offered my services to the insane Forerunners, they could not resist the service of someone as esteemed as myself, oh I am such a genius."
"Get to the point," said John.
"Yes, Reclaimer," replied Guilty Spark. "I am, or rather we are, secret operators on a mission from the Praetor. He did not see it fit to leave the entire fate of this galaxy in the hands of such primitives. A well calculated decision."
"Then the Praetor will help us?" said John.
"Yes and no, the Praetor will not help you directly, I have been sent but no more help will come," replied Guilty Spark. "It was the decision of the counsel that the new nations must fight this battle."
"Master Chief," interrupted the Spook. "This ring has three control rooms, one for the stargate controls, one for the super weapon, and this one for the rest. The Colonel's group will stay here to guard this control room; we will use the teleportation grid to travel to the other two control rooms. We Spooks will take control of the super weapon control room; you and Guilty Spark will take control of the stargate control room. Once we control all of Halo, we will turn the weapons against the Forerunners and use the stargate to transport this ring and all ships in the surrounding area to the Archon home system."
"They might not help us here, but we're taking the battle to their front door," said the Colonel.
"We must hurry," stated Guilty Spark. "Margoth will soon realize the extent of our deception."
"I'm coming too, Spartan." All eyes turned to the XX1, out of the small triangular ship pops out the Grunt scientist, Master Noc Covenstein.
"No doubt Noc, let's go," replied John.
Before entering the teleportation grid, John looked around. Beside himself and Cortana were 343 GS and Noc -- A Spartan, human construct, Forerunner construct, and a Covenant Grunt. If there ever was an unlikely alliance this seemed it. Now the fate of the galaxy rested on their shoulders.
The trip through the grid seemed short this time. Before the group was another control room, this one filled with ornate tapestries and veils. In the center of the chamber, in a large transparent sphere floated a tentacle-faced robed figure -- An ancient Nomdian.
"So we meet again Spartan," said the figure. "You are a fool to have come."
"You cannot stop us, Nomdian," insisted Guilty Spark. "You are just a prisoner here."
But the figure did not seem to acknowledge Guilty Spark; instead its glowing purple orbs for eyes gazed upon the young Grunt. "Covenstein, I hoped you would come."
"My Grace, I can't say the years have treated you well," Covenstien replied with a smirk.
"The trip back through null space took a very long time, I am ancient and dying," said the figure, "and you are in great danger, before it is too late you must stop them, everything you need is here, examine it well, I ask only one thing from.... Aargh." The figure passes out from pain as green and purple lightning projects from the sphere.
Suddenly, all sound disappears and in the eerie silence a darkened shape approaches, the look of a giant cockroach. One word is not heard but echoes through the mind, "OMEGA!"
Before the group now appears in the place of the shape, an Omega 343 Guilty Spark, an Omega Spartan with Omega Cortana, and an Omega Covenstein -- Stronger, faster, quicker, smarter and more powerful than the originals.
John, Cortana, Noc, and Guilty Spark looked at their new nemeses. "So it has come down to this," stated Noc.
There was no need or want for an answer.
-- Next, The Return --