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Comments for 'Shadows of Archon II (part 31) - Revelations' |
2:35 am | December 16, 2002
Next one is on the way. Remember that the next one is the actual finale of the series, the chapter after that will only be to close up loose ends.
Brigad of Marines
12:20 pm | December 14, 2002
Ok. Now Wado what about the people from ROA? When the next chapter come out? Is there going to be a new story with new characters and old characters from this one? I hope the next Chapter is good.
6:22 am | December 14, 2002
some clues i think, but most are just gaps that need to be filled, and they all pretty much coincide with each other.
and i will tell u later on if i did guess right
1:00 am | December 14, 2002
Hey great story Wado, i can't believe there are only 2 chapters left to this great story you have been writing for about year now. I hope we get to see alot more of work later on.!!
10:34 pm | December 13, 2002
Two times on the Enter key will space out paragraphs in the comments. There is no way to put bold into the comments anymore. HTML codes have been disabled since about the middle of last month.
Brigad of Marines
8:50 pm | December 13, 2002
how do you make bold words, italic words, and skip spaces in between paragraphs?
Brigad of Marines
8:48 pm | December 13, 2002
Thanks Wado. Thats all i wanted to know.
6:42 pm | December 13, 2002
Brigad of Marines, the next chapter is starting out a little slow, but I think it will be really good -- I hope so because it is basically the conclusion of the ROA, SOA, SOA2 series. I might use some of the characters in future writings but this will be the end of this timeline.
After this series I'm going to write some short stories with a common theme which I can't reveal right now or I'll spoil the surprise.
10:12 pm | December 12, 2002
101 slaves was the only chapter I missed to my downtime, and lazyness, now i think I am up to date :) thanks Wado.
4:50 pm | December 12, 2002
I already told Knightmare this, but the next chapter is really the end of the story. The chapter after that is just wrap up. So there is really only one more BIG chapter in this series.
And master_stu, I wonder if you guessed the whole ending? I didn't leave any clues that I know of for what is going to happen. Let me know after the next chapter if you guessed it and thanks for not posting your theory before hand just in case you did figure out the ending.
1:23 pm | December 12, 2002
Something tells me that the next two parts are gonna be big....Nice work, Wado! You definately need to keep writing.
1:23 pm | December 12, 2002
Something tells me that the next two parts are gonna be big....Nice work, Wado! You definately need to keep writing.
1:23 pm | December 12, 2002
Something tells me that the next two parts are gonna be big....Nice work, Wado! You definately need to keep writing.
4:41 am | December 12, 2002
yea. i keep going back to try to find this clues u left. i think i know the outcome, but i am not going to post it
Jeff Graham
3:15 am | December 12, 2002
Now I see what I have to match, or at least try. This story gave me goose bumps, espcially at the part when Keyes sing the UNSC battle anthem and the AI sings the Covenant Hyme. That is the sign of a great story. These are sweet, I will try to follow in your footsteps. But i doupt I will. 2 more. that isa lot, 33. what next?
1:03 am | December 12, 2002
Thanks for asking, with only two chapters left...
Anyway, here is something that you may have missed:
From Shadows of Archon II (part 25) - 101 Slaves Posted By: Wado Date: 29 October 2002, 11:17 pm
...[snip]... "Knight Shade, are we ready to go?" said the Lady. "I must get to Nomdia as soon as possible."
"Yes, we can leave right now," said Knight Shade. "It is good to see you, when we heard you had been captured by Covenant, I came as soon as I could."
"John, you don't remember us but I do remember you," said the Lady. "In null space there is no time but the trip back took me 500 of my years, but just a blink of the eye in this dimension. Know this, my time is short, before I die I must pass my knowledge to the next generation of Nomdians. I will be gone, but with my knowledge will be my memories of you. As long as the Nomdian race lives, you will be remembered."
The Lady pauses to catch her breath and then speaks saying, "Keep looking at the stars, I am but the first to make it back from null space. The others come; they come for you, they come to fight by your side. I know these words mean little to you now. One day you will once again know. Goodbye sweet John." The Lady nods that she is ready to be teleported away.
Knight Shade nods back and the Lady teleports away; then she turns to John saying, "I guess I forgot to tell you. We have to leave now; we have done all we are allowed to do. The Covenant forces still control this ship; you, Cortana, and the others here will have to fend for yourselves. Oh, one more thing." She then kisses John on the cheek, even through the armor it feels like a real kiss. "It's for luck -- Until later stud muffin... Cort ready on 3... 1, 2, go..."
As Knight Shade fades away, John says, "Take care Val."
Brigad of Marines
11:50 pm | December 11, 2002
What about Max Rilious and the others from ROA and then where will every body else be from SOA SOA II? you have probaly said some already but... i just want to know again. perhaps in the next chapter you could write were each of them are.
10:02 pm | December 11, 2002
lol so...how about those mets?-does Val ever come back?-, I heard that they didn't even make it to the playoffs, I wished the Giants won...
10:50 pm | December 10, 2002
Thanks for the comments gruntkiller and diablo.
*ignores diablo's attempt to gain restricted information through casual conversation*
10:09 pm | December 10, 2002
ah, so i see that there is somethng that might happen with Val, and possibly the lady, if somehting changes (as it usually always does in your stories), or mabye im just crazy O_o
7:59 pm | December 10, 2002
Command Thom and Zax went through the Master Portal into null space. It was mentioned in SOA1 that Sub Commander Zax's wife had been sucked into null space after the attack on Reach -- Among many things, they went into null space to rescue her.
7:16 pm | December 10, 2002
what happened to sub commander zax and commander thom i must of missed a chapter or something
6:04 pm | December 10, 2002
Thanks Sephiroth
1:11 am | December 10, 2002
Amazing! This battle of immense proportions was handled brillantly. Wado's stories are the standard we all must shoot for.
1:05 am | December 10, 2002
You're the man, master_stu. You were right.
Between you and Diablo I have to be very careful what comments I leave or the whole story will be given away.
1:00 am | December 10, 2002
this was a sweet ch. i knew the omega flood were coming back. shibby
10:57 pm | December 9, 2002
Thanks for the comments.
Diablo there is only two parts left and the Nomdian in this part is "The Grace." She is the Nomdian that was Covenstein's old research partner, before she betrayed him and sucked his brains out. Good thing Covenstein had invented that device that saves your soul so that it can go into a new body. The Grace as you might remember was blasted into null space through the Old One's Portal on Reach by a plasma grenade that the MC threw on her.
The other Nomdian, "The Lady," the one that traveled and befriended the MC, Commander Thom, Sub-Commander Zax, and the rest of the old group went into null space through the Master Portal on Jukan/Mira. She since has returned and is very old. She was rescued by Knight Shade (Val) and brought to Nomdia where her knowledge could be transferred to the next generation before she dies.
Serial Sniper (MiltieOrdakowski)
10:27 pm | December 9, 2002
This is excellent.
10:05 pm | December 9, 2002
hey i might have missed an episode, but what ever happened to that Nomdian? The one that traveled with MC...was that her? anyway, I loved the story, I can't belive this story hasn't gotten more attention! two or three more parts left?
7:29 pm | December 9, 2002
that was excellent and your realy tieing things up well leaving very few or any plot elements from your earlier stories left unanswered