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Carnage Seven: That's my lucky number
Posted By: Wado<wyamauchi@msn.com>
Date: 29 August 2003, 8:07 AM
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Carnage Seven (part 01): That's my lucky number User profile: Wado, wyamauchi@msn.com
Note: This chapter is the start of a new series but don't hold your breath for the next installment. I'm working with a real talented person to do something special with this story and his work could take a very long time, but when it does come, it should just be fantastic. In the mean time, please enjoy this taste of things to come and remember this is an HBO (Halo.Bungie.Org) exclusive.
That's my lucky number
The year is 2552 and humanity is at the brink of annihilation. The enemy, an alliance of aliens known as the Covenant, has declared humanity an affront to the gods. They will stop at nothing to ensure the destruction of the human race.
In the last 40 years, humanity has been developing ways to stop the Covenant onslaught. The Spartan II Project promised to bring forth a fighting force of super-soldiers combined with newly developed powered armor. The armored and genetically augmented Spartans proved to be more than a match to even the best of the Covenant Elites. However, even the Spartans failed at Reach, a human colony system devastated by the Covenant. By most accounts, all Spartans perished at Reach. Humanity's greatest and last hope was gone. One realization has become grossly apparent; humans are not the dominant race in this galaxy, we are living on borrowed time, we are nothing more than the beggars here. And we all know that beggars can't be choosers...
Enter Number Seven, a lone dark figure held in a stasis chamber, kept in the corner of some non-descript lab next to three other empty chambers; several layers of dust have accumulated on the stasis chambers in an otherwise sterile environment.
Three humans, a woman and two men, scientists by their attire, huddle close to the figure in the stasis chamber. With hands out, they hesitate, as if afraid to touch it. The woman is Dr. Linda Sinclair, and the men are Dr. David Wu and Technician Noc Dansig.
"I never thought it would come to this," muttered Dr. Sinclair. Her face puzzled with concern.
"Linda, the last communication had the enemy breaching sector 12," said Dr. Wu. "They could be here within minutes, what exactly do you know about this Number Seven?"
"I only know that the records here are the only known records of his existence, all other copies were destroyed," replied Dr. Sinclair.
"Destroyed, why?" interjected Technician Dansig.
Dr. Sinclair hesitated for a moment to blow some dust off of the stasis chamber in an attempt to get a better view of the frozen figure. "He was some kind of experimental super-soldier -- pre-Spartan II project, an earlier prototype that had a few bugs."
"What kind of bugs?" inquired Dr. Wu.
"Yeah, what kind of bugs?" Technician Dansig chimed in.
"In many ways Number Seven was created superior even to our finest Spartans, only his augmentation came at too a high price," explained Dr. Sinclair, "Number Seven developed a condition known as Carnage Syndrome for which there is no known cure."
"I've heard of that," interjected Technician Dansig. "That's like bloodlust."
"Yes, the more general term would be bloodlust," replied Dr. Sinclair as her hands lightly caressed the stasis chamber. "When Number Seven was on a training mission, he was injured and something went wrong with his fight or flight instincts, his aggressiveness factor went off the scale. That's when a boy, he should never have been where he was, not in a restricted area, but he was, and Number Seven did what he does best and exterminated the boy. In his berserk rage, Number Seven could not tell friend from foe. I'll spare you the gruesome details. Trust me you really don't want to know. The incident couldn't be covered up like others of its kind had been in the past because this boy was the son of a high ranking politician. The project was terminated and the Military Tribunal ordered Number Seven placed in deep freeze, all records, save this one we found were destroyed and many people that knew about the project simply disappeared after that... And now we have no choice but to unleash this unholy terror once again. I can't do it."
"Linda, Number Seven is still one of us," said Dr. Wu, "and he may be our only ticket out of here. We must unfreeze him. We have no choi..."
Screeeeeeeeech... The strange grinding sound of contorting metal echoed throughout the room. The room shook and then as suddenly as the sound started, it stopped.
Technician Dansig looked about worriedly saying, "oh God, they're coming."
"Linda, let's get on with it," said Dr. Wu. "The enemy is almost upon us, have you heard what they do to prisoners, to humans? I'd rather choose to be with Number Seven than become a prisoner to those fiends."
"Yeah, get on with it, will ya!" interjected Technician Dansig.
"I am well aware of how the enemy treats prisoners, but if you knew just how vicious Carnage Syndrome is, what Number Seven was capable of, you just might choose differently. I wish there was another way..." pleaded Dr. Sinclair.
"There isn't, let's do it," insisted Dr. Wu.
"Alright, I'm initiating the wake-up sequence," stated Dr. Sinclair. "God help us all."
Bam! A banging noise came from the reinforced, locked door.
Dr. Wu turned toward Dr. Sinclair saying, "Linda, I... I never told you all these years we worked together... I never said..."
"Yes, what is it David?" inquired Dr. Sinclair.
"Linda, I... I..." stuttered Dr. Wu.
"I love you both so much," interjected Technician Dansig as he jumped up and hugged the other two.
Everyone was speechless and for the moment, a smile came across the faces of the three -- A moment of tranquility before the impending doom.
Bam! The door bulged. It wasn't going to hold much longer. Dr. Sinclair glanced back at the control panel beside her. The timer displays 1:17 and counting down. "We need more time!" she shouted.
"We've done everything," replied Dr. Wu. "Noc welded the door shut and phase polarized it to act as extra shielding against their plasma weapons. They're still blasting through; they must have some serious heavy weaponry."
"Probably fuel rod cannons," muttered Technician Dansig, "and I would say by the sound of it they have several of them."
"Spare me the details Noc," interjected Dr. Sinclair, "Turn down the environmental controls, I just got an idea."
[Fade to black]
Boom! The door to the lab blasted open and thick smoke fills the room.
A squad of Covenant Grunts cautiously entered the room and waited for the smoke to clear. They are followed by two gray Grunts wielding fuel rod cannons. In the lab there is no sign of anyone.
One of the Grunts lowers his needler rifle and sniffs in the air. "Sub-commander, there were human devils here not too long ago, but now they appear to be gone."
One of the gray Grunts looked around shaking his head saying, "I want them alive, search the room for escape routes."
The squad systematically searched the room but coming up empty, the squad reports, "Nothing Sub-commander."
The Grunt Sub-commander looked displeased and impatiently paced about the room before speaking. "I don't have time for these distractions. Benlox, secure this room" ordered the gray armored Grunt to the other gray armored Grunt. "Take two Grunts to stay here with you, the rest of us will move on to the next corridor."
"Yes Sub-commander," replied Benlox, "it shall be done." Benlox then picked two of the larger Grunts and ordered them to guard over the room.
When the rest of the other Grunts had left, Benlox rummaged through the lab for something of interest. All the time complaining how he never gets to do any of the exciting assignments. "What is it with Sub-commanders anyway? Always telling Benlox secure the room, clean the weapons, restock the ammo, fetch the food nipple. When will I get to my chance for glory?"
"Task Leader Benlox," interjected one of the large Grunts pointing at one of the stasis chambers, "these containers appear to have things inside them."
"Don't interrupt me grunt," snapped Benlox. "As I was saying, I believe the human devils hid something in those containers. Open them up."
The two large Grunts looked at each other for a moment before cautiously proceeding to lift the lid off the first stasis chamber. Inside was Technician Noc Dansig.
The young man pretended to be dead but when the Grunt poked him abruptly with the lethal end of his plasma rifle, Noc could not help but move. "This one's still moving Task Leader," said the first Grunt as he held Noc at gun point.
It didn't take long before the lids of the first three stasis chambers were open revealing the three scientists. The fourth chamber was locked though, and the Grunts, despite their attempts could not force the chamber lid open.
Benlox looked through the small window into the fourth stasis chamber. The window was fogged up and so Benlox could not make out what as in it. "Leave the last container alone," ordered Benlox.
The three scientists were forced into a corner where they cowered for dear life. The bravest of them, Dr. Linda Sinclair, attempted to parley with their captors.
"Task Leader, I am a very important leader here. I have valuable information I will exchange for my safety. Take me to your superiors." stated Dr. Sinclair as nobly as she could.
"What, you trait..." blurted out Technician Dansig, but he was cut off sharply by a hard slap to his face from Dr. Sinclair.
"Shut your trap Tech," ordered Dr. Sinclair, but it wasn't the words or slap that shut him up, but instead the wink of her eye that followed the words. She was up to something and he knew better than not to play along.
"Task Leader, these two are just Techs, you can do with them what you please," said Dr. Sinclair.
Benlox looked intrigued. "Grunt tell this devil that I will consider its request," stated Benlox in a noble fashion, "but first I will take pleasure in exterminating these two." Benlox raised his fuel rod cannon and aimed right between the cowering Dr. Wu and Technician Dansig.
"Hahahaha," Dr. Sinclair laughed hysterically.
"What is it," stated Benlox. "Grunt ask this devil why it makes such strange sounds."
Dr. Sinclair answered before the Grunt could ask. "Tell your glorious Task Leader that I misjudged his greatness. I now insist on meeting with his superiors' superior. My information is of such value to the Covenant that I cannot part with it to anyone even once removed from someone that would dirty their hands with the dishonorable slaughter of those so far beneath him, especially one so unwise as to fire a fuel rod cannon in such close quarters."
"You mock us," inquired one of the Grunts, "I'm not telling him that."
"Enough of this game!" shouted Benlox. "Human devil, I will torture this information out of you and then I will decide if it is valuable enough to pass on."
"Very well Task Leader," conceded Dr. Sinclair, "I will tell you this information in private, but on one condition... that neither you nor your lackeys press that button." Dr. Sinclair promptly pointed at a blinking green button on the unopened fourth stasis chamber.
Benlox approached the fourth stasis chamber and toyed with his hand over the button. "Ah, so this button must open this container."
"You really don't want to press that button," stated Dr. Sinclair in a slightly nervous voice, it wasn't an act either, she only had to think of the carnage Number Seven had committed. "I have access codes. I can get you the location of the UNSC forces and installations, and the location of Earth."
"Earth?" muttered Benlox. "Oh yes, that blue world of yours..."
"Shall we get on with it?" interjected Dr. Sinclair.
Benlox's eyes narrowed. "Human devil, is it not enough I even address you personally, now you interrupt me. I have a better idea. I do whatever I please and you don't do anything about it. Our methods of interrogation will get all the information we desire out of you, there are no deals with devils."
"but..." pleaded Dr. Sinclair.
"Shhhhhhush!" replied Benlox.
"Shhhhh....." Benlox raised his hand high as if to strike Dr. Sinclair, but instead nodded his head at a slight angle.
The Grunt to his left slapped Dr. Sinclair across her chest with enough force to knock the wind out of her. Dr. Sinclair flailed on the ground trying to catch her breath.
Dr. Wu held and covered up Dr. Sinclair as if to protect her. Benlox seemed quite amused at Dr. Wu's attempt at heroics.
"Ha, so the lowly Tech aspires to be a warrior," taunted Benlox, "how touchingly pathetic. Grunt, tie them up. We will take them with us... err... what is it grunt? Pay attention when I speak."
One of the Grunts was caught staring at the unopened stasis chamber. The Grunt turned to Benlox saying, "Task Leader, these other three containers contained human devils, that means this last container probably also contains one of them. Someone important I think."
"Think, did I say you could think?" snapped Benlox. "You aren't on this mission because of your brains grunt. Count your blessing that I had already thought of that myself. Tie them up first and then I shall see what is in this last container."
"Yes Task Leader!" replied the Grunt.
The three humans are tied up nicely in alien shackles. Apparently the enemy was well prepared to take prisoners. Benlox hovered his hand over the blinking green button while the other two Grunts pointed their weapons at the stasis chamber.
Three, two, one... button pressed.
The stasis chamber lid cracked open and a thick fog poured out around it. Environmental controls, that normally would turn on to eliminate the excess vapor, strangely do not activate.
The room is filled with fog. Gurgling sounds are heard followed by thumping noises. When the fog finally cleared enough to see, one man, a huge mutant of a man, stands gleaming over two dead Grunts. Their heads turned the wrong way on their lifeless bodies. Held up by just one of the man's hands is a groaning and unconscious gray armored Grunt, Benlox.
"I don't know what you are," muttered the man in a deep, cold, and calculating voice to the limp Benlox, "but I wake up in a very bad mood, especially when weapons are pointed at me. I gather no one briefed you on that little detail."
"Oh, that was fantastic," applauded Dr. Wu. "Number Seven, there are many more of the enemy aboard this base. Please hurry and release us from these restraints."
"Heh, you call me Number Seven," said the man. "Number Seven is dead; he died with a young boy. I'm Carnage Seven. Just call me Carnage."
"Wow Carnage, they froze you in your armor, like a Spartan," interjected the young Technician Dansig.
"Some armor that is too," stated Dr. Wu with an air of sarcasm. "Excellent armor if you like antiques. What's the spike for?"
"Don't ask," replied Carnage in reference to the large spike protruding from his left elbow. Carnage then crouched low and took a long look around, just in case.
Having assessed the area and having had enough of the chit chat, Carnage raised a plasma rifle and pointed it directly at Dr. Sinclair.
"You don't say much missy. When scientists talk, it's just a bunch of lies," Carnage said with a cold smirk. "I can handle lies, but you silent ones, you're the ones that worry me, the types that create monsters. You like playing God?"
Dr. Sinclair knew the true gravity of the situation. They had not just released a soldier; they had released a loaded weapon. Calmly she replied saying, "I am Dr. Linda Sinclair and I hold the acting rank of Colonel in Naval Intelligence. You can verify my identification codes. I order you to stand down and release us Carnage Seven."
Carnage lowered his weapon, replying, "Yes, sir." He then tossed to Technician Dansig a key like device that he had taken from the unconscious Benlox. The device unlocked the shackles.
As the scientist freed themselves, they filled in Carnage a bit on what was going on. Dr. Wu did most of the talking, "Carnage, this base is a covert ONI research facility. Somehow the enemy has found us and is in the process of boarding and capturing the base. The enemy is called the Covenant and they are swarming all over by the last reports."
"So these Covenant, they bleed just like all the rest, or is there something you're not telling me?" inquired Carnage.
"Well they're an alliance of many different alien races," continued Dr. Wu, "and these here we call Grunts, they are the low ones in the hierarchy, almost cannon fodder."
"Hey," interrupted Dr. Sinclair, "we need to get off this base. The command and control channels are offline; that means the enemy is near the command center. This base cannot be captured at all costs, the auto-destruct sequence is the last resort, it may already have started. Maybe less then ten minutes before we all go boom."
"Oh wonderful," interjected Technician Dansig. "Could it get any worse, gee whiz... I mean... what the..."
Dansig was cut short by the strange site of an energy sword dancing in the air by no visible supports.
The energy sword sliced down upon Carnage who managed to dodge to the side at the very last moment causing the blade to cleanly miss, but even he was not totally prepared for the second quick vertical strike that followed.
"Wha," responded Carnage as the energy sword sliced back, changing direction without so much as a moment's pause. The blade cut across Carnage's chest, his armor was like tin foil in the blade's path.
"Arrgh!" grunted Carnage as he fell back firing his plasma rifle at the sword. Shots missed the mark but hit something else. Holding the sword was clearly an invisible Covenant Elite. Each shot briefly overloaded the cloaking shield, illuminating the Elite's silhouette.
A few shots did hit the mark and one penetrated through burning the hand that held the energy sword. The Elite dropped the sword in pain.
Carnage fired again to finish off the Elite, but his plasma rifle had overheated and nothing but venting gasses came forth. In just that split second, the plasma rifle was kicked out of Carnage's hand and across the room. The Elite was now invisible again.
Dead silence followed. Both combatants were disarmed but Carnage was fighting in the dark. He could not see the enemy and it moved stealthily. Carnage listened to his surroundings, not a sound except for his soft breathing and the heartbeats of the three scientists.
There were two weapons close at hand, the energy sword and a strange alien weapon with a large sized barrel and a slight green glow; Carnage had never seen a fuel rod cannon before. The tactic was knowing the enemy would go for one of these weapons. The trick was anticipating correctly which and when. If the enemy wanted to engage in unarmed combat, it would have already when it had Carnage within striking range.
Carnage took a step towards the fuel rod cannon, but quickly rolled to the side next to one of the dead Grunts. Grasping the Grunt, he flipped up and charged over to the energy sword using the Grunt's body as a shield.
The energy sword came to life and danced up for a strike and down for the killing blow. However the blade only made it halfway through the dead Grunt's body before Carnage tossed the body to the side. The weight of the body on the sword caused the Elite to stagger to the side while trying to steady the weapon.
Carnage struck down on the weapon arm and the sword fell. Carnage followed with a right back fist to the side of the Elite's head, then grasping around the Elite's neck Carnage pulled down and delivered a powerful right knee to the chest. A right elbow across the face and spinning 180 degrees around, Carnage struck under the arm pit with a left elbow. The Elite stood twitching behind Carnage, the Elite's armor had been penetrated under his left arm pit by Carnage's spike that protruded from his elbow.
The Elite's brain had already lost consciousness due to the lack of blood pressure, but his body still twitched, not knowing its brain would never recover. Carnage turned around and placed the head of the Elite between his hands, and applying pressure, with a crackling sound, he crushed the skull of the enemy, leaving nothing but paste inside the armor.
The look on Carnage's face was one of rage, pure rage. He looked over to a groaning Benlox; the Grunt was beginning to wake up. "We no longer have a need for prisoners on this mission," muttered Carnage while placing both hands on the sides of Benlox's head.
"No, you can't kill him like that," said Dr. Wu. "He's defenseless."
"You're wounded, stand down Carnage," ordered Dr. Sinclair. "The rage comes over you when you are wounded, focus on resisting the rage. This base is swarming with the enemy. We can use this one alive, you were right to spare him. I have a plan and I need you calm and your wits about you to execute it. Do you understand?"
"Ah, ah, arrrrrgh," whimpered Benlox as he began to come to with his head being squeezed under the tremendous pressure. The pain was excruciating, but Carnage didn't finish the Grunt off.
"Yes, sir, I understand," replied Carnage as he released pressure.
Dr. Sinclair signaled for Carnage to apply more pressure. "Don't kill him yet that is, squeeze him some more while I have a word with him." Then looking Benlox straight into his eyes, she uttered seven simple words, "Grunt, you are going to help us?"
"Yes, yes, I'll do anything just make it stop, arrrgh," replied Benlox.
"Very good Grunt," said Dr. Sinclair. "Now Noc, unpack that shield prototype you made months ago and forgot about. David, get the active cloaking generator off of that Elite's armor while I tend to Carnage's wounds and update the translation sub-routines in his neural implant."
Technician Dansig had during his spare time between duties, built his own shield generator based on the alien technology. This device had stayed relatively untouched during the last few months and he had completely forgotten about it. However, Dr. Sinclair had not forgotten, or at least she had remembered.
The shield generator was combined with the cloaking generator salvaged from the Elite's armor. This was interfaced rather quickly to Carnage's armor.
Carnage's neural implant was very old technology and needed to be updated as soon as possible so that he could transmit and receive transmissions. Of vital importance were his translation sub-routines which could be used to interpret the enemy's language.
So the plan was in place. Carnage would follow the group under cloak. Benlox would have an empty plasma rifle and pretend to hold the three humans prisoner. He would escort them all to docking bay 13 A, where hopefully a ship they could use for escape could be found. Benlox reluctantly agreed but deep down he was a coward and Carnage knew just how to put the fear of God into the little Grunt.
"Grunt, don't even think about betraying us," grimaced Carnage, while with his bare hands bending the hilt of a deactivated energy sword into a u-shape. It was obvious to Benlox that his neck would snap with considerably less force applied to it than what it took to bend the sword hilt.
"Time to go," said Dr. Sinclair and into the corridors they went.
As suspected, many sentries had been placed at the major intersections. Technician Dansig knew the base layout well and the group managed to avoid the heavy traffic areas. Finally they reached docking bay 13 without so much as saying a word during the entire journey. Several doors, A through H exited from this room. They only needed to get to the 13A airlock which was a long corridor that attached to their escape ship.
Before the airlock doors, a squad of Covenant Jackals stood guard along side a squad of Covenant Grunts. The Jackals blocked the way. One Jackal came forward saying, "Grunt leader, we have orders not to let anyone pass, hand over these prisoners and go back to your unit."
Benlox, despite being forced to help the humans, still took note of the Jackal's disrespectful attitude. "You have new orders now Jackal, let me pass with my prisoners. I am taking them to that ship."
"Surely you jest, Grunt," replied the Jackal leader. "We don't take orders from your kind even if you are a Task Leader. Hand over the prisoners."
This conversation had not gone unnoticed by the squad of Grunts. They approached saying, "Task Leader, do you require assistance in this matter?"
Benlox forgetting all about what was really going on got into a groove. "No, I don't, I can take all these Jackals myself. You could, although, aid me by watching over my prisoners while I teach these good for nothing Jackals a lesson for their insubordination they won't soon forget."
An insane look came upon Benlox's face. "Oh, Grunt, unload that weapon's crate and bring me a fuel rod cannon."
"Yes, Task Leader," they replied.
Dr. Sinclair and the others had grave looks of concern on their faces now. Would Benlox, now armed with a new weapon, betray them? They looked at each other, ready to make a run for it.
Benlox held the fuel rod cannon up and charged it. A humming sound accompanied a green glow. Benlox suddenly lowered the cannon and started to talk into a communicator saying, "What, oh yes Commander... no, not yet, I have been delayed... no problem I can't resolve... Yes I know the importance of this matter... oh well it's a group of Jackals blocking the way... yes it shall be done." Benlox turned to the Jackals, "The Elite Commander would like all of you to stay right here, he is sending down a detachment of Elites to gather all of your family names for his records."
Benlox had just finished his words, when the last of the Jackals scurried away; the rest had already deserted their post.
"Task Leader, Task Leader!" the Grunts chanted, cheering and slapping each other in the shoulders in congratulations. "Boo-Ya!"
The group proceeded into the airlock that led to the small ship, roughly based on the UNSC Longsword tactical bomber design but refitted for covert research. The inner door to the ship was locked down. Technician Wu worked on the security sequence to open it saying, "this door has been locked down, give me a minute to figure out the pass codes."
"I'll take that," ordered Dr. Sinclair as she gestured for the fuel rod cannon. Benlox hesitated, but before it was clear whether he would or wouldn't hand the weapon over. He went down from a blow.
Carnage had hit the little Grunt from behind. "Colonel Sinclair, how did you know he would help us all the way?" asked Carnage as his invisibility turned off.
"I didn't, but I figured he was a coward when he didn't self-destruct," replied Dr. Sinclair. "You see, special ops Grunts like this usually are rigged to self-destruct to avoid capture. This one had obviously deactivated his self-destruct."
"You're bleeding again," interjected Dr. Wu.
Carnage said nothing but his face began to form the look of rage.
"Yes," said Technician Dansig. The door to the escape ship was open, it would only be a matter of time, precious time, before the ship was rev'ed up and they were on their way to freedom, away from this doomed place. Dr. Sinclair took a half-step forward towards the open door, then suddenly stopped, her face pale with fear and apprehension.
Carnage now stood in the doorway, expressionless, staring through the scientists. They could not pass.
"Oh god, you aren't not going to leave us here, are you?" interjected Dr. Wu. "After all we've done for you..."
Dr. Sinclair, looked down at the floor, noting the pool of blood forming under Carnage was getting quite big, then saying, "He's just a selfish, cold-blooded killer. We all are. He doesn't need us anymore, so now we are expendable. We did an excellent job creating a resourceful, bastard. ONI's finest at work."
"I don't want to die, I'm not ready, please take us," muttered the young Technician Dansig.
"Quit your whimpering Noc," whispered Dr. Sinclair in a strong feminine voice. "We are nothing to him anymore; however..." She looked straight into Carnage's eyes, "Carnage Seven, some wounds are hard to fix, even with an auto doc."
Decisions -- thoughout our life, the decisions we make determine who and what we become. Another decision, a life changing one or a simple no-brainer, that was the question. Carnage pondered for just a few seconds, but to the three scientists it seemed a life-time. Dr. Sinclair was right in her thinking, perhaps these scientists would still be of further use.
Carnage turned around and headed into the ship. "Come with me if you want to live and bring the Grunt," he said and the three scientists cautiously followed. Their time to die had not come yet.
The last scene is of their ship flying off with an exploding ONI base behind them.