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Comments for 'Carnage Seven: That's my lucky number' |
3:38 am | September 7, 2003
Oh, my series Eternal Sunder lives on. It just takes me forever, relative to you guys, to write a story.
Arthur Wellesly
2:27 pm | September 3, 2003
Not a lot that hasn't already been said. Just a fantastic story, Wado. Being relatively new, this is the first of your fics I've read. Bravo. I can't wait until the next one.
11:45 am | September 3, 2003
Man, I had a whole freakin' comment written out and the site doesn't respond. Now here I am, rewriting it.
One question: Eternal Sunder: What are you going to do about it?
4:15 pm | September 2, 2003
hmm, Wado, you still checking this post. I know its off the front page now. Anyway, I usually detest when people spam forums with pleas to have someone read their new story, but since this one is dying down, I wanted to ask you read my second chapter in Nothing to Lose. Comments from a writer with your skill would really be helpful.
P.S. Take as long as you want with your next chapter. If its as good as this one, its worth the wait.
11:29 am | September 2, 2003
Yeah, Ender's Game was kinda weird. That's why I perfer Military SF. Read the "Hymn before Battle" series by John Ringo. You'll definitely like that. If you like Capital Ship combat, try some Star Wars or "The Dark Wing" by somebody, but I forgot his name.
11:27 am | September 2, 2003
It seems that when I came to this website a lot of the 'Elite authors' seemed to leave. Then I leave and they all come back. WTH?
Great story, Wado. Makes me want to write some good stories, but I'm too bloody busy.
11:27 am | September 2, 2003
good story
10:46 pm | September 1, 2003
8:31 pm | September 1, 2003
that was part of it too... ;)
6:21 pm | September 1, 2003
Oh Walker, I thought you just wanted to show off how well read you are... ;)
4:51 pm | September 1, 2003
oh, and sorry for wasting review space on someone else's writing, wado.
4:35 pm | September 1, 2003
Hey thanks gruntkiller. As for using names over, I do like to recycle names. It's a little so that readers of my previous stories will kind of remember those other stories, just brings back some of the memories. Mainly though it is because I like the names. Noc Covenstein was the Grunt super-genious scientist in SOA/SOA2 and Noc in this story is a technician. Noc is actually a real-life acronym for Network Operations Center (NOC) so if you really dig deep into some of my names you might find some "eggs" like these.
And Walker, what can I say. You amaze me. Keep up the reading as well as the writing. Oh, I hope you can do this stuff outside too; enjoy the outdoors as much as you can -- That's a writing tip, believe it or not. Experience is one of the best teachers.
4:19 pm | September 1, 2003
though ender's game left me feeling empty and depressed... i was hoping it would be everything the Fall of Reach was and more, but rather it was all just a big jumble of philosophy. there was no real danger, and that made everything go down the drain in terms of reader enjoyment.
1:21 pm | September 1, 2003
great story, the best ive read since SOA, is Dr. Noc a reference to the grunt in SoA. apsolutly great. i usualy dont usualy use ratings but 11/10.
4:55 pm | August 31, 2003
Orson Scott Card is a genius. That's why The Fall of Reach took their basic storyline from the Ender series.
4:30 pm | August 31, 2003
Just go with the flow Jinkaiden-XI, that' all that can really be done.
Popularity is a fickle thing, it's 80% perception and 20% ability. One day, if something doesn't go quite right, 80% of the fans will turn on you, only the 20% that look at the bigger picture will stay as supporters. There's always someone else who is better, younger, or just luckier who will woo the crowd.
Better for me to just write stories because I like to write. I try not to think much of popularity. ;)
2:40 pm | August 31, 2003
Hmm...so much popularity. What can you do?
Alpha Lance
1:32 pm | August 31, 2003
Thanks Wado. I was the one that ask about the indenting.
12:41 pm | August 31, 2003
Well put. Another good idea would be letting other Halo fans read it to get some feedback and work out the kinks before submitting the final version. I've often wondered about what it would be like if Bungie stepped in these forums one day and said they wanted to do a new book that consisted of a collection of fanfics. I know thats a pretty farfetched idea, but the level of writing is getting to the point where a book like that could be highly entertaining.
The Invisable O
11:51 am | August 31, 2003
Excellent story, wado. I agree with walker, how you delved right into the storyline, and didn't just give us a page of weapon stats. I am wondering though, is that a teminator reference at the end? Or a subconsious tribute?
6:20 am | August 31, 2003
opps, the last post was me.
5:38 am | August 31, 2003
hornet34, yes it took a while because I had a terminal case of Carnage Block...err, that was suppose to be funny. Anyway Orson Scott Card said this about how long a story takes to write:
"All of the stories [Orson Scott Card] was still proud of six months after writing them have come from ideas that ripened for many months -- usually years -- between the first thought of them and the time they were ready to put into a story. 'Great,' you say... 'now this guy's telling me that I have to wait months or years before writing stories about any new ideas I think of.' That's what [Orson Scott Card] is telling you: 'You'll probably have to wait months or years before writing good versions of story ideas you come up with now. But you probably already have hundreds of story ideas that have been rpening inside you for many years. For some writers, one of the best ways to help an idea ripen is to try writing a draft of it, seeing what comes up when you actually try to make it into a story. As long as you recognize that the draft you write immediately after thinking of the idea will almost certainly have to be thrown away and rewritten from the beginning, you'll be fine."
Oh and Berconius, I actually plan on continuing Eternal Sunder. I have almost two more chapter done, but I need to go back and do good edits on them. That could take a while.
BTW: Thanks for the comments.
3:45 am | August 31, 2003
So I guess you won't be doing much with Eternity's sunder?? A pity, sequels are nice when they're written by Wado.
Considering the competition from walker, this place looks like it's going to get pretty heated with good fan fiction. My Cerebral Cortex is coming back to life! Thanks guys, just in time for school!-_-;
Not to say that there isn't other good fanfic but this stuff really gets me undepressed from the normality of my life.
Bottoms up, Wado! 9.8/10
3:45 am | August 31, 2003
Wow, two months, even if you weren't working full time, is a lot of time invested, and it shows. Sorry about prematurely including your mystery author, my mistake. I hope the two of you can keep up this level of excellence, I just hope I don't have to wait another two months for the next installment. Damn there is some good writing going on lately. Keep it up everyone.
12:52 am | August 31, 2003
Wado's back, sweet. This was a nice piece of work, its been awhile since i read something soo interesting. God it reminds me about something, oh ya my story...::counts on fingers:: I haven't written a part in 4 months, how grand...lol. Anyways nice work, keep it up this story kicks some serious ass...
12:39 am | August 31, 2003
At least I didn't say "I'll be back"
Yes I like that line, "Come with me if you want to live," from the T2 movie, had to use it in the story. Hey, like I can't use lines from Arnie movies...LOL.
7:12 pm | August 30, 2003
???, to indent, at the beginning of each new paragraph add the pseudo code "[indent]" without the quotes. Do not add extra spaces as the HTML interpreter just ignores them. For example:
[indent]This is my first paragraph of my story. If you have any questions, please read the instructions pointed to by the link on the top part of the Fan Fiction list.
[indent]This is my second paragraph.
Anyway, I recommend using an editor like MS Word to create you stories, then to add the pseudo code just do a search an replace for "^p" and replace with "^p[indent]".
Copy and paste the text into the Story Submission form here and then preview the story.
I hope this helps.
6:48 pm | August 30, 2003
And I do Press the 'Spacebar' bottom and it won't indeant.
6:48 pm | August 30, 2003
How do you indeant? Because every time I write it won't indeat.
Alpha Lance
6:47 pm | August 30, 2003
One word, BEATYFUL. 10/10
6:27 pm | August 30, 2003
Thanks everyone, I'm glad you liked it. Believe it or not, this story took almost two months to write, I could only spend a few hours a week on it and through the various edits and rewrites I got bogged down.
Even so, I still see a few things I could have written better and a few grammar related issues.
So anyway, nobody is perfect and I'm glad you weren't too critical of the story.
And hornet34, I wrote all of this story myself. This is like a draft of what the real story will turn into but I'm posting it because the real story could take a while to finish up with the help of another and I wanted to see how you guys like it (also I wanted to post something, it had been a while). I am grateful that you liked it, even if it wasn't the best, Elfster. :)
6:21 pm | August 30, 2003
Sweet, it was great! good job wado
5:47 pm | August 30, 2003
Even though I admit it was VERY good, it definetly wasnt the best I've ever seen. Maybe good for a beginning, but lacked some action. But then again, first chapters always lack action, no matter how good.
5:45 pm | August 30, 2003
I can point out more than that, 34, Noc was a grunt in Shadows of Archon, and Valyrie Sinclar was also in Shadows of Archon, obviously someone sub-comcioussly put those in =)
oh, and what they said.
5:02 pm | August 30, 2003
Okay, now In Light of Destiny Part VI has been submitted, finally. It should appear soon...
4:51 pm | August 30, 2003
Just had to read it again, amazing.
4:37 pm | August 30, 2003
And he hasn't lost his talent, ladies and gents!
Great story, Wado. What a welcome back present...Can't wait for the next one. 10/10
4:35 pm | August 30, 2003
Glad ur back wado!!!! badass fan fic
4:26 pm | August 30, 2003
Dude, this story is kickass. 10/10.
Diamond Dog
4:17 pm | August 30, 2003
Wow. Just...wow. Wado is going to be a best-selling author if he keeps this up. It should be obvious to everyone here that Wado has always been incredibly talented, this new story just proves it again. His work is what we should all try to come close to. Can't wait for the next one.
2:53 pm | August 30, 2003
A new saga begins.
Carnage is unleashed.
This is the best super-soldier story I have ever seen. It broke the mold of listing characters, callsigns and weaponry and just dove into the story. The detail is amazing; the writing superb. No one can do any better, lest it be Eric Nylund himself--and even he would be hard-pressed to do so. Also I beleive this to be the best story Wado's ever written. I only hope someday that I can match his skill.
Semper Fi, Wado.
2:33 pm | August 30, 2003
What they said. 10/10
1:08 pm | August 30, 2003
Exactly what Hornet34 said...perfect...but i'mm give you a 10/10...
11:09 am | August 30, 2003
A pure literary masterpiece. I hope you don't mind if I point out a couple of the easter eggs you included, such as Dr. Wu (props to Louis) and the countdown being at 1:17 (as in John 117, the Master Chief). I'm sure you'll keep your co-author secret for a while to build up suspense. Overall, this is the best fanfic I've read in a long time. Everyone should have to read it to see the kind of quality expected if they want to post. I feel almost embarrassed that my new story came in the same batch as this one. I give it a 9.8/10, the highest rating I've given so far.