Scope (Prologue)
Posted By: The Silver Spartan<Crazy_Carl_6@hotmail.com>
Date: 27 January 2004, 7:05 PM
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Diego awoke to the sound of gunfire followed by the base alarm ringing. He jumped out of bed and rushed to his locker to grab his S3-AM sniper rifle; the new top of the line rifle issued by the UNSC. He got his armor on in a hurry and rushed down the hallway past a trio of bewildered Marines. Once he was outside he ran to the drab gray concrete wall and climbed up to the top. "What the hell is going on?" Diego yelled to Private Steve Macco, who was cowering behind a wall. "Sir there's something behind that warthog that crashed over there." Pvt. Macco said in a shaky voice. He made a rough gesture with his thumb. Diego carefully peered over the top most section of the wall. He immediately saw the burning jeep, flipped over beside an outcrop of trees. He saw no Covenant threats however. He ducked back down and questioned Private Macco again. "What, what did you say you saw?" "Well I barely got a glimpse of it but it looked like a gorilla on steroids, with silver and gray armor." "Huh?" Diego thought to himself, there was no known species of Covenant that really resembled a gorilla, unless you counted the Grunts. He crawled away from Macco to get a better angle. Suddenly the wall shook and a flash of blue light appeared where Macco had been. Chunks of the wall flew in the air and part of the lower section where Macco had been hiding collapsed. A plasma grenade? No surely they weren't that powerful. He quickly jumped off the wall and ran over to Private Macco, he was very severely burned from head to toe "Medic, MEDIC!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. He set Macco's body near the bottom of a post and rushed to the top of the wall to see what the hell was going on. He peered over the wall once again and saw a flash of movement; he fired his rifle twice and hit the giant beast that leapt out from behind the Warthog. It roared and fell to its knees. He shot it again and watched it fall to the ground. Diego shot it in the head again, just for good measure. A couple of seconds later a medic and two squads of Marines arrived. Diego sat on top of the wall stunned by what he had just seen. Three Helljumpers or ODST's hoped up to his position. "What in the hell?" one of them said in surprise as Diego pointed at the body of the dead creature. Diego hopped down from the wall to check on Steve Macco. The Medic had already rushed him away, so Diego rushed away to the Base's Med unit. He found the doctor hunched over Macco and the Medic watching through the window. "I've never seen anything like this before." The Medic told Diego. He recognized the Medic as George Bossio one of his close friends; they had fought many battles together in the past. "Hey Bossy what's up?" Bossy was George's nickname; as he had a tendency to push people around. "Well I'm on leave for two week to go to see my wife, she's going to have a baby." "Well congratulations man." "Just don't die before than." "Ha, ha you are SO funny!" Remarked George. "How does it look for Private Macco?" "I don't know, he's in critical condition." "I thought I heard Doc Halton say 30%." "Deigo looked thought the glass to see Doctor Halton attending to Steve. He gave Steve a sympathetic look. "I've gotta' run catch you later" He waved goodbye to the medic and took off for the wall. He was greeted by one of the Marines he had seen in the hall earlier. "Sir we've been looking for you the Captain thought he saw cov—" Just then Five Helljumpers broke through the gate dragging the mystery creature. Gasps and low whistles broke out around the compound. The creature did look like a Gorilla, and now that he thought of it, it also reminded Diego of a rhinoceros. On its left arm it sported what looked like a chrome Fuel-Rod gun, with a massive, hooked blade on the bottom. "Holy shiza!" Diego heard a German Marine say under his breath. "Sir we've got trouble!" Said a young Marine. "The scans from the one of the ships circling the planet has picked up Covenant activity ten clicks north of here headed this way." It was going to be a busy day...