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Comments for 'Scope (Prologue)' |
12:51 pm | January 31, 2004
Good. Good. I dont really have any pointers because im not a very good writer. I like the idea of a S3 AM sniper rifle. GOOD
CoLd BlooDed
8:10 am | January 31, 2004
Also, with all the other things said below...
Use the code, make it longer and space it up more so its easier to read. More details! Always need details, and go in depth with your character, describe his feelings.
With that said your series will stand out.
6:56 am | January 31, 2004
i found having to make enemies almsot invulnerable brought out the most characteristics in my characters. Also making up weapons is more hard than it looks, mostly Spec Op weapons for my ghost story wasnt that hard but i'm finding it difficult to arm my Shock Troopers in lnog time gone. Also giving the weapons and characters nick names also helps bring out the life in a story, like a guys nick is 'hercules' or soemthing u automatically think 'omg he must be a tough one,' or if a gun like my 'Excalibre' makes you think 'wow, it must be very powerful' and so on... Sorry to go on liek this, when i get started i find it hard to stop.
3:20 am | January 31, 2004
Good story. In addition to the other tips, also try to give some backround. Like what planet there on, why there are Covenant havn't glassed the planet, the name of the base, the difference between the S3-AM and the S2-AM, more description on the Brute (though we all know what it looks like, it just makes the story more believable), ect.
Read the Halo books (Halo: The Fall of Reach, Halo: The Flood, Halo: The First Strike) for reference and such if you havn't already. And like Hikaru-119 said, basing your charactors on Legendary mode is key.
The Silver Spartan
11:26 pm | January 30, 2004
Ya, its my first storry, howd ya guess ;) Thanks for the tips, I will definatley go into more detail next time and make it a lot bigger.
2:08 pm | January 30, 2004
Add some more detail. Like 'His wounds were charred black' and 'a flare of blue detonated shattering the wall to bits of rubble'
it add some depth. Also make something other than a massive paragraph and base the enemy on Legendary mode.
11:03 am | January 30, 2004
let me guess, your first story? well we all had to start some where and mine was just like yours. a couple of pointers, if you want to indent (basicaly when you press 'tab') you have to write '[Indent]' (minus the 's of course) and try to put a few more gaps between senteces and it willb e an even better story.
8/10 have a good one ;)