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The Battle of Berlin Colony
Posted By: The Scribe<nero@cinci.rr.com>
Date: 27 June 2003, 1:44 AM
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Tuka Hanamee had served in the Covenant military ever since he was a young Elite. His first series of battles had been a hell, but after they had ended, Hanamee developed a taste for battle. Always leading troop units, the Prophets loved Hanamee and were constantly sending him messages of congratulations. Before every battle, Hanamee would polish his crimson armor, knowing that some human pest's name was on one of his yet-to-be-fired plasma bolts. During his fighting days, Hanamee received a scar when a human explosive projectile slammed into Siraku, a Hunter that Hanamee knew very well. The explosion hit the Hunter's fuel rod cannon, causing it to explode. Orange blood sprayed all over Hanamee, turning his crimson helmet a bright orange color. Followed closely after the blast, a piece of shrapnel stuck itself right into Hanamee's face, melding the bright orange into his skin. The humans now called the Elite, "Scar" because of the permanent orange streak that ran down his face. Hanamee was now feared among all the humans. Marines would scatter in terror at the mention of his name. Hanamee became famous throughout the Covenant military. All of this was a blur now.
"Move up! Move up, damn it!" Sergeant J. Cancuri shouted as a screaming hail of plasma bolts cut down the line of marines in front of him. His men had been fighting here for way to long. "The Berlin outer colony's not worth it," he muttered to himself. "This is freaking crazy." A battle-worn marine stood up and pointed out into the mass of fighting troops. "Sergeant, a few of the men have reported seeing Scar out there, sir," he said. "A few of the men are retreating because of this rumor, sir. I suggest we do something about it." "You damn right we should, soldier," Cancuri said. The sergeant turned around and grabbed the arm of his radio man. "Davis!" he barked. "Yes, sir!" "Radio that unit of recon snipers we have on that bombed out stratosphere tower and tell them to be on the look out for a silver-armored Elite with an orange scar down its face. "Sir, yes, sir!"
A small squad of Grunts chattered nervously in front of Hanamee. "What in the name of the gods are you all doing?" he shouted. "Many apologies, exalted one," a red armored Grunt said. "I will take my squad into battle." "You had better, you small and insignificant speck, or you will answer to the butt of my rifle!" Hanamee barked. "Now get out there die for your gods instead of sitting around here chattering like cowards." The squad of Grunts ran out into the battle. Hanamee withdrew his electronic binoculars and zoomed in on the squad. A stray human rocket landed right in the middle of the squad sending the bodies of Grunts and their limbs flying into the air. However, the small and lazy red-armored Grunt had survived. He began to run back in Hanamee's direction. The Elite looked around to see if anyone was looking before he shot the retreating moron.
Cancuri ducked a green plasma rifle charge. "Davis, call central command and tell them we're going to get the hell out of here!" he yelled. Davis nodded nervously and tuned to the central command's channel. "Central command, central command, this is fire team Hawkeye. Casualties are high. Send in Pelicans for retreat. I repeat, send in Pelicans for retreat." "Roger, fire team Hawkeye, we are sending in Pelican drop ships," a voice responded. "Roger, central command." Cancuri looked around in disbelief at the carnage. To him, it was a step closer to Earth for the Covenant. The closest colony over was the Charon colony, and reports of Covenant battleships being spotted had already flowed in on Earth. To Cancuri, Armageddon was a thing of the near future.
Hanamee quickly glanced in the humans' direction. With his binoculars, he saw a small and puny marine talking on what seemed to be a very primitive radio. The elite fired a plasma bolt in his direction.
Cancuri looked over the battlefield and saw that the results were going to be devastating. "Davis!" he shouted. No answer. "Davis, you idiot!" he yelled again, and turned around. He quickly realized why Davis had not answered him. Davis's body lie on the ground, a smoking hole where the radio operators face used to be. "Jesus..." the sergeant said to himself. Suddenly, the rattle of a Grunt's breathing equipment startled Cancuri. He whipped around, and shot an M6D round right into the little creature's face. The Grunt gasped and collapsed. "They're right on top of us," the sergeant said. "God help us."
Hanamee took off at a sprint, leading the twenty Jackals and thirty crimson-armored Elites behind him. "When we push through the last defensive line of the humans, we will wait for their drop ships! We will then hijack one of the vehicles and have it fly us to the central command outpost!" Hanamee shouted back. "Jackals! Push forward!" All of the Jackals pushed ahead of the group of Elites and formed a wall of protection with their shields for the advancing force. A few bullets began to bounce from the shields before the advancing Covenant was even close to the humans. Hanamee stopped two Elites running next to him. He pointed to a bombed out stratosphere tower. "Do you see that tower?" he said. "I have seen bullets rain on our troops from that position. The two of you will take four other troops with you and eliminate the snipers that occupy that location." The ten Elites took off in the tower's direction.
Cancuri nearly wet himself when he saw the huge squad of Elites and Jackals moving in his direction. "Squads one and two! Move up here and set up a fourth defensive line," he shouted back to some marines. They moved and formed a line, ready to fire. Off in the distance, screams of terror and agony could be heard, as the first defensive line was ripped to bits by plasma fire.
Cancuri nearly wet himself when he saw the huge squad of Elites and Jackals moving in his direction. "Squads one and two! Move up here and set up a fourth defensive line," he shouted back to some marines. They moved and formed a line, ready to fire. Off in the distance, screams of terror and agony could be heard, as the first defensive line was ripped to bits by plasma fire.
Marine sniper/spotter Carl Lockland pointed out a silver-armored Elite. "Hey, isn't that Scar?" he asked. Sniper Dave McBride zoomed in with his scope. "Damn right it is," he said. "I'm taking this legend down, Carl." But before the sniper could do anything, the sound of plasma fire rang out and Lockland's brains splattered against the side of McBride's head. McBride felt a strong grip take the back of his uniform and pull up. The sniper looked into the eyes of a cobalt colored Elite. Behind the Elite, ten others stood, watching. The ruthless Covenant troop tossed the sniper, screaming, from the tower.
Hanamee proudly surveyed his squad's accomplishments. Only a few dead Elites and Jackals lay in the squad's charging path. The humans' first, second, and third defensive lines had been reduced to a red pulp and Hanamee's troops were currently working on the fourth line.
"Take that you alien freaks!" a marine shouted as one of his rockets blew a few Elites to pieces. Sergeant Cancuri patted the demolitions expert on the back and then began to wade through the carnage to a building's skeleton. Just as the sergeant reached the rubble, he heard the scream of what had been the last marine of the defensive line. A whole swarm of Jackals surrounded him in a circle. Cancuri gulped in terror as the Scar strode over to the group of Jackals. Now, some Elites began squeezing into the circle. The Elite with the scar barked a short growl and every troop opened fire on Sergeant James Tyler Cancuri.