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Fan Fiction

The Center of Death
Posted By: shawn<ptownpal09@aol.com>
Date: 25 April 2004, 3:16 AM

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As Private Patterson stepped out of Full Hammer onto the battle field he saw the realism of battle for the first time. As he ran to a warthog he saw an Elite charging at Sergant O'Neal he raised his weapon and fired a short burst into the Elite's head. The Elite dropped. Patterson started to the Warthog again. He entered the drivers seat and waited for more soldiers to get on. As two soldiers got on,Patterson started driving. To the left of him he saw two Elites firing at two pinned downed soldiers. He turned the warthog and headed there way. The gunner shot two bursts at the Elite's side. The Elite's started running towards the vehicle. The gunner unleashed a powerful spray of bullets towards them. One of them dropped as the Warthog ran over the second one. Patterson kept on driving.
As he entered the extraction zone he relised somthing unusual. The drop ship wasn't there. He looked at his watch and he was right on time. As he looked up he saw a group of Covenant banshees coming there way, the gunner shot at the lead banshee and shot it down. The other banshees swerved out of the way as the banshee fell to the ground. Patterson got out of the Driver seat and pulled out a Rocket launcher. He fired at the Banshee to the left. As the rocket hit the Banshees tail the driver flew out and hit the ground. The last Banshee turned and started towards Patterson. He raised his weapon at the Banshee and fired. The Banshee blew up in a firey blast.
Patterson was about to get back into the Warthog when he saw Full Hammer fly by with two Banshees on her six. Patterson reloaded his weapon aimed and fired. The first Banhee blew up right in front of the second Banshee. The second Banshee tried to swerve but it was to late. Both Banshees hit and exploded in mid air. Patterson put away his weapon and walked towards Full Hammer as she landed. Patterson got into the seat of the Pelican occupied by the two other soldiers that were with him. As Full Hammer pulled around to Get other soldiers, Patterson saw the carnage below him. Full Hammer landed to pick up the other soldiers. As the other soldiers borded Patterson relized that Sarge was gone. He told Full Hammer to wate so he could find Sarge. He jumped out and ran to a Warthog. As he started driving he saw another soldier jump off and start running towards the the Warthog. "Room for one more." The soldier said as he hopped in the passengers seat. Patterson stareted off again. After about five minutes of driving he saw sarge with five other soldiers trying to fight of two hunters. Patterson swerved for one of the Hunters and ran it over. He turned around and saw the other Hunter powering up his weapon. As the Hunter was turned Sarge fired his weapon at the Hunters back. The Hunter let out a large roar and fell to the ground. Patterson stopped so the Sarge could get in.
Pattereson radioed back to Full Hammer to come pick up more soldiers. But there was no answer. He tried again but nothing. As he started off to see what was going on, he saw the drop ship flying off into the distance. He kept on saying stop,stop but it was no use she was gone. As they thought of ways to get out of this forsaken place he saw off in the distance a Covenant drop ship. Then it hit him. They'll have to hijack the ship. As the ship got closer the ball turret started to firer at the group. As they took cover they watched the ship land and drop off the Covenant soldiers. Patterson popped out and started firing at the Covenant bastards, the other soldiers did the same. After all the Covenant soldiers were dead Sarge broke into the cockpit of the ship and shot the pilot. "Get on if you value your life ladys." Sarge said as the other soldiers piled on to the ship. As patterson got on he looked back at all the avoc that he just raised. As the doors closed the whole place got dark. As he was sitting there wating to get to base he overheared Sarge radio to Full Hammer that they were coming home. That made him feel like this was all going to be over soon, but he knew in his mind that this was just the begining.
