Through the eyes of cannon fodder: Part 2
Posted By: Rsar<sarfan03@hotmail.com>
Date: 14 September 2003, 6:45 PM
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After the tough battle on halo, they didnt have another for a long time...until they discovered earth.It was a massive raid. 20 covenant ships were there to drop off thousands of dropships.When Nanamee's dropship hit the humans were the ones who took casualties.The plasma gun on the transport took out about ten humans, and only 2 grunts were killed in the landing.Each dropship had a pair of hunters, 5 brutes, 20 grunts, 10 elites, and a phantom. An elite drove the phantom, a long with Nanamee as the gunner and YipYer as the passenger.There were sounds of BR and plasma rifles as they went off constantly and there was always someone screaming. Nanamee had already killed seven. They speed a long the road and ran over one marine. Nanamee decapitated one and split the other in half.YipYer was throwing greanades everywhere and one stuck to a marine in a pack of about nine.BOMPH!All nine died.The humans were taking severe casualties. The phantom almost crashed into a jeep as it turned. They were lucky that time but not the next.Nanamee took out the gunner and the driver for one of the jeeps and shot the passenger of the other jeeps leg off. The gunner of the second jeep shot the phantom 3 times with the RL before it exploded. It tore a very wide hole in the elites stomach, and sent YipYer and Nanamee flying.They both landed safely, but were caught in a major battle with the special armored soldier and about twelve other marines.The covenant were now the ones taking casualties. Nanamee looked at his data pad to seee the actual number. 38 brutes, 14 hunters, 47 elites, 123 jackals,148 grunts and going up almost 5 per minute. He wondered if the humans were taking that many casualties.He decided not to hang around the battle to long, so he wondered off. He felt something touch him and the next thing he knew he was sitting in the human base with 4 marine guards.Of course he had no weapons.He saw more covenant soldiers, mostly grunts. A high ranking officer came in.Or it least he looked like one. He said "Hello my name is Stokes". The grunt said "Yes Soggezzz. My highnezz pleaz dont hurt meeee!"."Don't worry we just need information, tell us where your base is"."OK...it is near a big rood goin into tunelll with signzz big..."."Ok thank you" said Stokes.He left, and Nanomee had an idea.When it got dark he would get as many covenant as he could and sneak around to their armory and form a resistance. At night... Nanamee managed to get six grunts and one elite and sneak to the armory. All the grunts got one smg each and the elite got a sniper rifle and BR. The covenat were quite fascinated by the scope and it took them a while to figure out that it magnifyed, so the elite and grunts went up to the top of a building. The elite started shooting and took out 5 marines with 4 bullets, one 2 for 1.It took the marines 6 deaths to figure out where he was, it could have been 10 or 12, but it took the elite a while to reload. After that they called for 10 dropships of search and destroy teams (15 Active-Camo Commando Elites in each dropship) to their coordinates to infiltrate the base. The dropships had landed in no time and the elite was watching through his "close looker" as the elite called it. The commando elites were armed with plasma rifles, 6 plasma grenades, and a plasma knife. They came behind marines and slit there throats until one marine noticed and started firing randomly, which hit an elite's camo device and all the elites had to open fire. One elite was decapitated by a pistol round and two marines were shot in half. The elite up in the building was also firing. Getting head shot after head shot, blood shooting from there head like a water fountain. One elite who was not firing was shot by the sniper elite accidentaly.In a matter of ten minutes the base was theres. There were just a few humans left that put up a fight. One human was killed for every 2 elites. It was there biggest loss of commando elites ever in the history of the Covenant.The sniper elite took out the rest of the humans. The Covenant that escaped went down to salvage the human ammo. The elite loved the "close looker" so he didnt swap it for anything. One small batlle on Earth won...many more to fight.
To be continued...