Rifle trainning- the spartan instinct
Posted By: Preston<Preston247@aol.com>
Date: 8 February 2004, 9:38 AM
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1600 HOURS, august 12th, 2518 (military calendar) Epsilon Eridani system, Reach military complex, planet reach.
Trainning was different this time, instead of the same old basic trainning for a month, it was time to train them in the art of rifle use. it was near noon, the sun was lowering, and the smell of gun chemeical was in the air. John had never fired anything in his life, except for toy guns back in the day. now as he felt the heavyness of the rifle Mendez had given him, it was odd why they would give him an empty one.
"OK Trainees listen up!" Mendez barked. The red sun at the side of his face. "This is your standard MA5B assault rifle."
all 75 trainees had been given an empty rifle by the other instructors. It had been removed of the battery and the ammo clip, it was just their for the feel of it. James and sam held it down. the barrel was pointing up while the butt was on the floor. But John had remembered a toy gun when he was little and held it by the bottom side. Only a sum accually got it right the first time. including the person next to 117. Their next to him was a blond haired girl about johns hight. she had found a way, despite her smallness was able to snake her hand on the trigger and held onto the propper hand area.
Mendez then showed the proper way to hold onto the rifle. Most of the trainees got it right. the ones that got it wrong were shocked with the baton. they got it right quickly. John had finally gotten it right and one of the instructors nodded in acception. He looked back at the girl. he then noticed the name on her white shirt. Grace-095 she then remembered the food fight about a month ago. he had noticed that she was the one that had started it and got all of the trainees to go without food and into the cells where it was cold and windy. she was the one that got john into trouble as he and sam were beaten up by The bully of the spartans. the muscular one at his age Lance-102 he had to get revenge on her and fast. just then Mendez pointed at the long table. their was a number of clips and batteries that seemed to be the same fit as the open gaps inside the rifle. just then their was a demonstration of what type of ammo they needed and what type of battery was needed.
he held one in each hand. "Your weapon is your friend. It is your only friend. and to know your friend, you must master your weapon. This is your standard MA5B issue ammo." He said showing the empty clip in his right hand. "And this kiddies is your MB battery, small in size but it will last a long time. this will show your ammo count, flashlight, and with proper trainning can even become a small powersource." Just then the instructors gave them all full clips of ammo and the MB battery. After being showed where the clip and bettery went, John had his competition to deal with. Everyone finished quickly but the ones that dropped it were spared from the baton. After about 2 minutes everyone had gotten the clip in and the battery inside. after a short while they were given the instruction to use it.
At the shooting gallery. the open ground was covered with sand. their was also a target about a few years away. everyone was placed in a spot one by one. They placed their rifles at a good angle and then aimed carefully. Grace glared at him and smiled. John then used something he had learned from one of the instructors. He gave Grace the middle finger.
"Ok boots, you will fire until you reach 0. your counter is on your screen. just squeeze and fire. never loose control of your weapon. that information will save your life someday boots." He barked. He then walked away with his hands behind his back. the instructors walked close and made sure no one lost their grip. but Mendez had a suprise for them.
John looked back and then aimed his rifle at the target. He had to make sure he would win this. his honor counted on it. Grace then aimed, and fired. her weapon hit her mark exactly. but no one acnowlege at first but the bullets weren't the ones they had expected. Instead of leathal rounds, was instead rubber bullets. mendez made sure that it was their first time firing, and of course his missions had their twists. this time he wanted to calm them down, make sure they don't kill anyone for a while. then when he thought they were ready, he would exchange the rubber for stun bullets, and then leathal bullets.
John noticed his bullets were missing their mark while she was getting them on the metal target. then it was time to put it all in. after a while the 2 were down to 10 bullets left. Just then he noticed that they were going to have a stand down. they then aimed and fired.
their hits were at the mark and made it in the red circle exactly. They were now tied. But as she was down to her last one, she then took the rifle, and did something that no one expectde.
John didn't notice what was going to happen. She then quickly moved the rifle from it's spot. making it look like it was going to miss. and she moved it across and shot john. The bullet flew from the barrel and into john's face. He fell from his spot and fell to the floor.
The trainees and the instructors were shocked to see what happened. John...was dead?
But as they thought john was dead, he slowly got up. Just then, john got up. His face red with the imprint of a circle on his left cheek. His face was full of anger.
She just smerked. "Sorry jonny dufus." She said as an insult. Just then she walked over to john and picked up the bullet with her free hand. she squeezed it and showed everyone looking. "These are rubber bullets!" She said. she then threw it away and dropped the rifle. one of the instructors was about to intervein but another one quickly stopped him and waited for the oncoming incident.
Just then in rage and extremem anger. john took Grace's hand. and as she helped him up, John slugger her with a right punch. everyone gasped in shock.
She fell to the floor and with a new black eye. John got up and cracked his knuckles. "My dad said to never hit girls. But for you i will make an exception." he announced.
that was the start of a full fledge fight. one hit and then another. they began to fight it out. She gave John a right kick and made sure he was knocked down. Just then he rammed her down and held her down as he punched her.
It was when Mendez interveined when the fight lasted more than a minute. He took his baton out and shocked the both of them. He then announced to his instructors. "Throw them in the brig. let them sweat it out."
The brig was a cold and damp place in the basement of the military complex. Their in a small holding cell, John and Grace were far apart from one another. Still mad at one another. bruises and scratches were on one another. John looked at the little girls black eye. she then looked away at john.
"That was amazing shooting, how did you learn?" John asked.
"My daddy was a sharp shooter before his accident. he was a great shooter in the space police and his favorite weapon was the MA5B." She said. she was crouched in a ball.
It was then fully clear. She was feeling sad about her loss. how they had taken her here. John looked back at the walls. their was only grafitti all over the walls. from recent tenants here. this time he was reading the words on the wall.
Fire team sierra is king
That made him think more now. How his life had changed now along with all the other spartans.
Just then she looked back at him. and she smiled. "You fight well John. that kind of thing is what people respect." She said with a smile. just then he smiled back. He knew what it meant and then nodded. "I hope so. Cause if i'm going to survive, i have to fight." he said.
He looked up at the flickering light in the hallway. he then lied down on the floor and thought for himself. and waited for a better tomorrow.