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The Fight for Bravo Base; pt. 3- Retaliation
Posted By: ONI_operative_343<zattack89@aol.com>
Date: 14 September 2003, 5:25 PM
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As Hack, Martelli, and Jesseman pounded through the inner hallways of Bravo Base, the lights flickered and then died. Martelli swore, but the trio kept running towards Armory #3. In a couple of seconds the back-up lights kicked in, casting an eerie red glow about the halls. As they turned the corner, Lynch came bursting out. He had the M19 rocket launcher in his hands, and a MA5B slung over his shoulder. "I'll take that tank," he said as the others rushed past. Suddenly a massive explosion similar to that of the base's crumpling doors was heard. The Marines could actually feel the entire base shake. They looked at each other but no words were spoken. Each of them knew it was the Pelican. And they knew that they would now have no evac. "You can't!" screamed Martelli above the noise. "Them damn monsters are crawling all around up there; we've lost the top! And you know that two rockets can't take that thing!" But Lynch just grinned. He reached down to his belt and unclipped a grenade. Hack saw two more M9 HE-DP's clipped onto his belt too. But Hack noticed something else; a huge, burned gash along the side of Lynch's rib cage that went from his stomach to the small of his back. It looks almost like an Elite gave him a paper cut with his plasma sword thought Hack. The explosions must have short-circuited his station or something, resulting in some sort of explosion. He was surprised he hadn't noticed it before. Lynch saw him starring, "Yeah. It's a bitch, eh? You guys get out of here; I'll buy you some time. I won't make it, but you can." Lynch was right, the wound was fatal. He had lost enough blood already to ensure that. Hack nodded. "Semper Fi," he said, then turned and ran towards the Armory. Jesseman and Martelli watched Lynch hobble up the steps. Semper Fi Jesseman muttered. The two turned to follow Hack.
The Special Ops Elite entered through the front of the base. He sent his two Grunts ahead to scout the area. Next went the ten Elites under his command. Six of those Elites rushed for the stairs to get to the top floor and disable any threat up there, including the turret gun. The others spread out into the complex, staying on the first floor. The Special Ops orders were to not descend, because the other five Grunts and seven Elites were storming the back, which led below. He was ordered to guard the main levels. His troops reported in; no humans were on these floors. He ordered the Elites on the second floor to hold their positions and keep an eye out for enemy support. As for the others, they were told to spread out into the base's interior and guard each room. After giving his orders, the Special Ops proceeded down the hall to the stairs, to check on things up there. Meanwhile, the two Grunts were lucky enough to pick the room with the stairs that led below. Those same stairs Lynch was now coming up.
Pvt. Lynch cautiously peered out from the stairwell. In the room above him, two Grunts had just walked in. He ducked back down, trying to figure out a plan. They hadn't spotted him yet, and he intended to keep it that way. After a few seconds he looked up again, and to his relief the Grunts had tucked themselves into their sleep positions, not even bothering to check the stairwell. Lynch suppressed a laugh; This will be easy he thought. Little buggers won't know what hit 'em. As soundlessly as he could, he crept up the stairs. He brought the rocket launcher down on the first Grunt; an ugly red-colored SOB. The alien was killed instantly, and his orange-clad buddy hadn't even moved. Lynch smiled again; too easy. The second Grunt went the same way, quickly and quietly. But now Lynch had to get outside, and the pain in his side was getting worse. He snuck to the door and found it ajar; cautiously he peered out. He could see a black-colored Elite down the hallway moving towards the second floor stairs. He could now hear the Wraith pounding the building behind the base more then ever. Luckily for him, it wasn't out front again. The Elite turned into the main hallway and began climbing the stairs. Now was his chance. Lynch sprang from hiding and bounded down the hall. The explosions above covered his noise; but he could still be seen. He only had to pass the main hallway and stairs before he was out front. He paused at the hallway intersection; all clear. Lynch raced for the crumpled blast door and soon felt fresh air hit his face. He had made it past the enemy. He was outside. Careful to stay below the upper ledge in case the enemy was up there, Lynch crept around the building towards the hill. If he was lucky, he could make it to the top without being spotted. The second floor had no clear view of the side of the base, so his only chance of being detected came from above. And Lynch didn't want to be welcomed by a plasma bomb. In a matter of minutes, Lynch was in position, level with the Covenant tank, but hidden by a few trees. Bravo Base was on his immediate right, and open ground to his left. Bringing the rocket launcher up, he took aim at the armored behemoth, and squeezed the trigger.
Oh shit... Sgt. Reed stumbled into a clearing in the woods, not a five-minute walk from salvation. Or so he had thought. Now he was scarred. Covenant cargo containers littered the ground, and a line of smashed trees weaved through the forest. It was like someone- something- had made a trail. Big enough to fit a Scorpion, he muttered. Or.... a Wraith. Reed quickly moved into the trees; he didn't want any surprises. He stayed with the trail until he came upon a dead Grunt. Half was stuck into a tree, and the other half lay on the ground. It looked crushed to death between something. But what scarred him most was the fact that it was an alien. That meant the Covenant were at the base. Reed swore yet again, stepped out of the trees, and faced the base. He was both shocked and horrified at what he saw.
The rocket launcher recoiled so hard that Lynch's head spun. The same went for the Elite inside the Wraith. As he regained control of the damaged machine, he swung right and left, looking for the source of the attack. He fired on the human barracks in the trees behind the base. At the same time they exploded, the Wraith was hit again. This time the machine started to jump, like it had been hit from beneath. The Commander was perplexed- what was happening? There it was again; another bump from below. Grenades? It thought. But where? The tank swung back toward the blast door and fired, thinking the human may have hidden in there. "AHHHHHHH!" A dozen screams emitted from the tunnel, and three dead Grunts and one Elite flew from the tunnel. Not one second later a massive explosion erupted; the plasma mortar had killed these four aliens, but the other Covenant forces in the tunnel were pulverized when the mortar detonated all their grenades. The Commander had just wiped out his squad of seven Elites and five Grunts- he swore in his alien tongue. Even after all of that, he still hadn't killed that human. Just then a second rocket erupted from the trees to the tank's left. Tricky bastard the alien thought as the rocket hit, exploded, and fire consumed his