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Fan Fiction

Shadow Ops II: Nowhere to Run, Chapter Seven
Posted By: Nemesis<shadow_agent13@hotmail.com>
Date: 15 November 2003, 4:35 AM

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Chapter Seven

"You ladies should learn to play nicely..." Colin stood over Johnny Colbourne, who was lying on the floor. They both looked to the apartment door, pistols pointed at each other. Todd Maddox leaned against the door frame, sipping at a milkshake. Colin looked down at Johnny briefly, before stepping back, holstering his pistol. He held out his hand and helped the man up. Johnny dusted himself up, while Colin rounded on the tech specialist. There was something about his attitude and the way he seemed so calm that bothered him.

"Where the hell have you been?" he demanded. Todd shrugged, taking another sip of his milkshake.

"Eating my lunch" he said. Colin chuckled.

"We're wanted by all the UNSC and Covenant forces in this city, we've got a man wounded here, another man dead, and our leader is missing and you decided to get lunch?" Colin asked. Todd nodded, forcing Colin to laugh. "You stupid prick; you should've come back here first. We've been wondering where the hell you were" he growled. Todd simply shrugged again.

"I was hungry" he said. Colin shook his head and started pacing.

"You were hungry...I barely ate breakfast, but I ain't complaining you stupid shit head. I did what Shadow ordered and came here first, you should've done the exact same fucking thing" Colin yelled.

"Didn't feel like it" Todd said.

"You were trained to follow fucking orders, so why didn't you follow them. Shadow outranks you and you disobeyed his order to come here" Colin yelled. Todd shrugged. "Your shoulders are gonna fall off if you keep shrugging like that"

"Are you going to keep on barking little doggy, or are you going to bite?" Todd suddenly said. The words struck Colin and his eyes widened.

"What did you just say?" he asked. Todd chuckled and shook his head, tossing his milkshake container onto the couch. "No seriously, what did you say?" Colin asked again.

"Are you going to keep on barking little doggy, or are you going to bite?" Todd repeated. Colin bawled his fists and walked towards Todd, anger rising through him. Todd did the same however, grinning and cracking his knuckles. Johnny Colbourne, who had been checking on Jamie Fisher, jumped forward, stepping in between the two.

"That's enough! Shut up both of you, act like fucking professionals here. We should focus on the real fucking problem here" he yelled, pushing them both back.

"What's the problem?" Todd asked, still staring at Colin.

"We think someone ratted us out" Johnny said.

"Probably you, you little douche" Colin growled, glaring at Todd. Maddox however shook his head.

"Ain't me little doggy" he said. Colin leapt forward, shoving Johnny out of the way and punching Todd in the face. He stumbled backwards, surprised by the blow. Colin was about to move in again, but Johnny had gotten back up and pushed Colin back.

"That's fucking enough!" he yelled. Todd wiped the blood away from his mouth and shook his head.

"Pretty bad bite" he whispered. His attitude towards Colin and Johnny was a lot different and it bothered Colin to the extreme.

"Probably went and told the cops where we are, fucking pig" Colin growled.

"I just got some lunch, fries and a milkshake" Todd said, pointing to the empty carton on the couch. Colin decided to stop pursuing the subject and turned to another problem that he was having. Where were there stolen goods, or treasure as he liked to say.

"Who had our treasure?" he asked, referring to the stuff they had stolen.

"Shadow had given it to me, but the cops were on me for most of my trip back here, so I stashed them" he said.

"How many bags?" Colin asked.

"We managed to squeeze everything into one bag. It's down on Main Street, I can go get them" Johnny said. Todd looked up from the floor.

"Not yet, I have a surprise for you two" he said, standing and opening the door. Colin raised an eyebrow. Johnny turned around.

"It ain't my birthday" he said. Todd chuckled.

"Come down to the garage" he said.

"You got your little cops waiting down there?" Colin growled.

"Just forget about that for a minute and come see what I got" he said, walking into the hall. Johnny followed him. Colin slowly walked outside, his hand on his pistol. He followed the two men into an elevator, which took them to the garage. Todd walked out first, Johnny right behind him. Colin waited a few seconds, before following; looking all around him in case there was any police officers.

Todd had managed to steal an old Ford Focus car, which had a dull red color to it, along with the rust that had surrounded it. Todd took out the keys and went to the trunk of the car. He unlocked it and flipped it open. Johnny laughed out loud, while Colin tried to hide a smile that spread across his face.

A UNSC Marine Private was tied up in the back of the car. The young man looked up at the three Shadow Ops squad members, who grinned down at him. His hands and feet were tied, and a cloth had been tied around his mouth. His armor had been stripped off, along with his helmet and his gun belt. He wore nothing but a thick olive brown jumpsuit. Todd chuckled.

"Fucker tried to shoot my tires out" he said.

"Bad idea buddy" Johnny said, shaking his head and laughed. Colin leaned forward and grabbed him by one arm. Todd did the same with the other arm. They lifted him out of the trunk, and then took him back upstairs to their apartment.

"Play time" Colin said, grinning. They entered their room and tossed the marine onto the floor. Johnny and Colin advanced onto him, while Todd locked the door behind him.

"Are you the fucking sniper who killed our friend?" Johnny asked, leaned over. The private opened his mouth to speak, but Johnny kicked him in the stomach. "Don't fucking talk" he yelled. Colin sat him up and punched him in the face twice, before throwing him back to the floor.

"Trying to fuck up our plans, nice try" Colin growled, while Johnny punched him, and then kicked him in the stomach again. Todd merely stood back and grinned, watching the two men torture the marine. While Johnny continued to punch and kick him, Colin grabbed a chair and threw the marine onto it. Todd grabbed some duck tape and strapped the marine to the chair. Johnny still stood over him, punching him continuously in the face and torso. Colin held him back for a moment, and then kneeled in front of him.

"What's your name?" he asked. The marine just glared at him. Colin punched him, and then grabbed his face. "What's your fucking name?" he yelled.

"Williams!" the marine yelled. Colin punched him again.

"Don't yell at me. Who told you about our operation going on at that bank?" he demanded.

"How the fuck should I know, I'm just a private, I follow orders" the marine said, spitting blood out onto the floor.

"Who gave the order?" Colin asked.

"General Banton, ONI official" the marine named Williams said.

"Did this Banton mention anything about him having a secret contact with the enemy?" Colin said.

"No, just said that when he gave the signal, we attack whoever is in the bank" Williams said. Colin punched him twice in the stomach, then in the face.

"Fucking liar" Colin growled.

"No, it's the truth" Williams screamed, spitting out more blood. Colin took a step back, and stood over him. He looked up to see Johnny Colbourne run into his bedroom, then emerge quickly, carrying a baseball bat. Colin grinned and accepted the weapon, looking down at the marine.

"No, please, I'm telling you the truth" he said.

"Who is General Banton's contact?" Colin asked.

"I don't know, I fucking swear to God" the marine said. Colin swung the bat around him hit the marine across the face. He cried out in pain and spat up more blood. Johnny punched him in the face again.

"Making a fucking mess" he growled, taking a step back to massage his swollen knuckled. The marine was panting heavily, blood seeping from the cuts and tears on his face. Without warning, Colin swung the bat again, hitting him below the chin. The marine's head flew back, a trail of blood arching in the air.

"Talk!" Colin yelled.

"I don't know anything!" the marine yelled. Colin was about to hit him, but the bat was caught by Todd, who had stepped forward.

"Let's take a break, we should get the treasure" he suggested. Colin glared at him.

"Who died and made you fucking in charge?" he growled.

"I dunno I just feel we should get the treasure" Todd said. Johnny nodded.

"I actually agree the spot where I stashed it has been used before by other criminals" he said. Colin hit the marine one last time with the bat across the back of his head, and then dropped the weapon.

"Fine" he said.

"Me and Shade will get it" Johnny suggested. Colin looked up at Todd.

"I don't fucking trust this asshole to stay here" he said. Todd laughed.

"I captured this marine, what does it take to prove to you that I'm not the rat?" he asked.

"Change of fucking attitude, you act as if nothing is wrong at all, when there is something wrong" he said. Todd shrugged.

"I try to ignore the obvious and focus good things" he said. Colin shook his head.

"Fine, I'm not wasting my time with you. Let's go Death, we'll get the treasure and come back here. Hopefully Shadow will be back" Colin said. Johnny nodded and walked to the door, grabbing the keys to the car he had stolen. Colin gave one last long glare to Todd, before following Johnny out into the hallway and slamming the door behind him.

Todd Maddox watched the door slam shut, then sighed. He turned around to look down at the marine, who had his head bowed, letting blood drip from his wounds.

"Finally, all alone" he said. Laughing silently, Todd walked up to the kitchen, taking his body armor off, so that he wore nothing but his black jumpsuit. He stretched his arms around, sighing for a long time, and then walked back down to the marine, who looked up at him.

"Jesus, they really did a number on ya" Todd said, grabbed the side of the man's face. As he pulled it away, the marine's blood stuck to his hand. Snarling, Todd wiped it over the marine's uniform. He stood still for a second, looking out the window, then turned to the large TV that still overlooked them.

"You like music?" he asked the marine. Williams simply stared at Todd, who smiled and turned the radio on.

"I'm a fan of all kinds of music you know, anything that gets me going" he said, flipping through the various stations.

"...that was Youth of the Nation, by POD. Next on our request hour, More Human Than Human, by Rob Zombie. Been awhile since we've heard this. This is More Human Than Human, on Mix99" a voice said through the large speakers. The sound of an electric guitar, with a synthesizer affecting its sound blared into the room, closely followed by Rob Zombie's deep voice. Todd began nodding his head to the beat, and stood up.

"Good song" he said. He walked to the centre of the room, climbing over Jamie Fisher, and then began to dance. He twirled around a little, and then moved backwards and forward, shaking his head and humming the words. He slowly began to dance closer to the marine, who was trying to back off. Without any warning at all, Todd reached into his pocket and pulled out a large knife. He leapt forward, sitting himself on the marine's lap and with one large swipe, cut his ear off.

William's eyes went wide and he screamed until his voice went hoarse. Blood poured out of the side of his head, while Todd stood beside him, looking at the ear in his hand. He laughed, turning it over and wiping the blood off it. He then raised it to his mouth.

"Hey, hello? Is this thing on? Can you hear me?" he said into it, while Williams continued to scream. Todd chuckled and tossed the knife aside. He set the ear down beside Jamie, and then went into his room. He emerged a second later with a canister of gasoline in his hands. Williams looked up at Todd and his eyes widened.

"No, wait!" he yelled. Todd opened the canister and splashed gasoline all over the marine, who screamed louder as his wounds began to burn slightly. He moved his head from side to side, trying to avoid the spray of the dangerous liquid that was covering him. With what gasoline was left, Todd made a small trail of it to the door, and then tossed the canister aside. He took out a lighter and lighted it, grinning at Williams.

"Please, I beg you, don't do this. Don't burn me, please. I don't know anything, I'm just a private, please don't. I have a family, a wife, two kids, please" he said. Todd first lighted a cigarette he put in his mouth, and then held the lighter over the gasoline.

"Please! Don't do it!" Williams screamed. Todd laughed, and was about to drop it, when bullets fired from an M6D pistol slammed into his body. Todd's upper torso and stomach area literally exploded as round after round slammed into him. The holes in his body let loose fountains of blood. Todd fell against the wall beside the door, and slowly slide to the floor, a large trail of blood scraped along the wall. The psychotic Shadow Ops tech specialist was dead....

By: Nemesis (aka Agent Shade)
