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Easy Squadron: New Mombasa - Part One
Posted By: Nameless<mmolta@twcny.rr.com>
Date: 22 April 2004, 11:46 PM
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The Pelican skimmed across the surface of the shimmering blue ocean. The view was disorientating to most who flew in the craft, but to the squadron of Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODSTs), nothing was disorientating anymore. It was...peaceful. About as peaceful as a HEV pod, anyway.
Most of Easy had pre-combat rituals, but Jason Hyfe boasted none. He just sat there, thought, and hoped not to get his head blown off by a chunk of superheated plasma. Staring at the water, Jason eventually got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He didn't care, though. It reminded him of his humanity. Of his mortality.
Easy was tasked with sending support to a city in the East African Protectorate. The ODSTs were part of the UNSC rather than individual countries, so they had been sent out on missions like these all over the world all day. It was the worst day of Hyfe's life. Hopefully, there wouldn't be as many Covvies in this little corner of Africa. Not likely, though.
"Hope you're ready to do the Mombasa, marines!" the Sarge called out. New Mombasa was the name of the city, "ETA to target in fifteen! Reports claim this area to be hot with Covenant infantry!"
There were an uncomfortable amount of rumors circulating around this one. Stories about an old war hero that had returned. Jason didn't like it, but that didn't matter. He was an ODST grunt. They gave the orders, and he hauled ass to get it done. The life of a marine.
The pop of Covenant artillery grew louder, and Hyfe knew they were getting closer to the city. The Pelican's engines roared far too loud, and still Jason could hear the sound of gunfire. No, he definitely didn't like this. But who would've? They were going into an enemy infested city to try to kill as many as possible before the brass gave in or they all died.
All at once, the scenery changed. Blue waves were replaced by totaled buildings, cars, and bridges. The artillery was visible all around them. People on the ground, both Covenant and human alike, paused to look up at them. They were met with both cheers and plasma-fire. Mixed crowd, Jason thought.
"We're coming up on the LZ!" the Sarge called again from his position poking into the cockpit, "Get tactical, marines!"
The ammo counter on Jason's battle rifle read full, but he didn't trust it. Machines could malfunction. He popped the clip out and checked himself. No malfunction. He had a full clip in his gun. Looking around him, Hyfe wouldn't have it any other way. The Pelican began to slow, and then fall. Finally it came to a screeching hault, dust billowing out from under the craft.
"Lets go, marines!" the Sarge bellowed as he moved down the aisle, "Wakey wakey! The Covvies are waiting!"
The Sarge, Seargent West, was out first. A few after him, and then Hyfe. He paused to check the security of his helmet before continuing. Jason looked around to find there was a soldier waiting for them. A lot more organized than what the briefing had made it out to be. Hyfe's HUD identified the man as Corporal Piranz of A Company.
"Seargent West!" Piranz called out, "Corporal Piranz, A Company! CP's this way, sir!"
"Lets go, marines!" West called, "Follow the Corporal!"
The squadron went into a half-jog, half-stride to keep pace with the weary Piranz. Easy's Pelican hadn't been the only one that had come in. Two other squadrons flanked them on either sides. Hyfe's HUD identified them as Fox and Idol Squadron. Hyfe had worked with Fox before, if it was the same Fox, but he had never fought with Idol.
They passed the aide station on the way to the CP, and it wasn't a pretty site. Wounded men cried out in agony, and medics worked to revive the dead. Jason was glad to pass by it. The three squadrons came to a hault when they reached the CP. The other two Seargents moved up to the front with Seargent West. Hyfe was close enough to overhear.
"Boy are we glad to see you guys," Piranz began, "We got lucky. You aren't the first reinforcements we've had today."
"We aren't the first?" West asked, narrowing his eyes, "I know of know further squadrons or companies routed to this city."
"I imagine you wouldn't, sir," Piranz replied, grinning, "I didn't believe my eyes at first, sir, but I can't deny it now. We only got one man before, but he was a Spartan, sir!"
"A Spartan?" one of the other Seargents echoed, "I thought they had all been whiped out with Reach."
"So did I, sir," Piranz said, "But this one supposedly escaped just before Reach fell. Anyway, sir. The Lieutenant got hit when we came in, but Seargent Banks is leading. He was pinned down, sir, but the Master Chief is helping out. I had to leave when I heard you guys were coming in. It seems I'm the welcome committe."
"Roger that, Corporal," West replied, "Lead us to Seargent Banks, and...this Master Chief."
"Follow me, sir."
As Hyfe followed the Seargents, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. A Spartan?! He had never ever seen one. Up until now, he hadn't even been sure whether or not they actually existed. Many false stories made up to boost morale had been concocted by the UNSC in the past. Jason guessed he'd soon get his proof.
There was a loud explosion, and the levels above them thundered. An artillery missile had struck the higher levels of the CP. Hopefully too high to be occupied. Easy, Fox, and Idol were thrown from their feet and from the stairs, and it was some time before they got themselves untangled and orderly. Piranz lead the way upstairs again, with no further troubles.
They passed two men, a gunner and a spotter, reloading their machine gun. They swore loudly, not seeming to notice the ODSTs. The squads were led out onto a torn up and charred balcony, where Jason got his proof. A man in shining, but battered, green armor led the charge across the street below, his shield shimmering in the sun. ODSTS, Charlie Squadron from Hyfe's HUD, followed.
At first, nobody fired. Finally, Jason growled and pushed his way to the front. He leveled his battle rifle, peered into the scope, and picked off a Jackal that had been firing on the Chief. His aim switched to a Grunt. One shot. One dead corpse. An Elite was his next target. Three shots and one miss gave Jason three kills so far in New Mombasa.
"That a way, marine!" West yelled, beaming, "Everybody, let em' have it!"
Concentrated fire broke out all around Jason. In front of him, to his sides, behind him. A few marines made their way on the roundabout route down to the street, but Hyfe didn't bother. The street was pretty much clear, most of the Covvies having chased after the Chief and his ODSTs. Jason vaulted the balcony ridge and landed a few feet below in a crouch. He picked off a few more Grunts.
Rounding the corner of the building, Jason ran right into a startled Jackal's energy shield. In a reflex action, Hyfe slapped the shield out of the way. Firing wasn't as much of a reflex, but it was definitely deadly. The Jackal's head caved in and it's corpse slammed into a wall. Kill number seven for Hyfe.
Jason turned to survey the others around him. Charlie Squadron secured the street while the Master Chief plunged even further on into New Mombasa. Hyfe marveled, but not at the Chief's skill and grace. How could someone, who seemingly played chicken with death so often, have survived for so long in the war against the Covenant? He must be one hell of a fighter, Jason thought.
Jason followed the marines of Charlie Squadron, coming to a stop near one crouched man. The ODST looked at him funny, and Jason realized that nobody else in either of the three squadrons he had come in with had gotten far enough yet to make contact with Charlie Squadron. It looked like he was lead man.
"Easy, Fox, and Idol Squadron to the rescue!" Jason called out, knowing fully well the line sounded corny, "We thought you needed a little help...sir."
He hastily added the sir on when he checked the Seargent's ID. The mysterious Charlie Squadron steadily began to move forward, following the Chief's berserk frontal assault. Hyfe moved with them, not bothering to wait for his Squadron. Jason knew West liked that kind of shit. Head first into the firestorm.
"Sir, what division are you-"
"Head down, marine!" the Charlie Seargent yelled back at him.
Just in time, too. A plasma burst struck just where Jason's chest had been seconds before. If he wasn't an ODST, this would've shaken him up a bit, but Hyfe was a hardcore marine who spent his entire life doing things like this and coming close to death like that. He easily shook it off and resumed firing.
"Thank you, sir!" Jason yelled over the commotion.
"Frag and clear!" came a call close-by over a shortband radio.
They had finally reached an area that even the Master Chief dared not try to clear out by himself. Looking around, Hyfe noticed that no man in Charlie seemed to carry a grenade. In fact, they all looked like they didn't have nearly enough equipment to have been sent out standardly. Even two days hard fighting in a city like New Mombasa wasn't enough to deplete a squadron's ammo reserves like Jason saw.
Pulling a fragmentation grenade from his bandolier, Hyfe heaved the grenade into the alleyway, filled with Grunts, Jackals, and a few Elites as well. The explosion erupted with a loud booming sound. The Elites and most of the Jackals had been taken out. Suprisingly, most of the Grunts had survived. But not for long.
The Chief dove headfirst, submachine guns blazing, into the alleyway. In a matter of seconds the Covenant threat was depleted. Jason hadn't even been able to fire a shot. The Chief was definitely a good fighter. Hyfe didn't doubt his title of "war hero". Now that it had calmed down considerably, Jason tried once more to strike of a conversation with the Sergeant.
"Who the hell are you, sir?" Jason wanted to get the man's attention.
"I, son," the Sergeant began, grinning, "am Sergeant A.J. Johnson, and it'll take a hell of a lot more than a grenade, a few lucky shots, and some swearing to impress me."
"Roger that, sir," Hyfe replied grinning, "How about this?"
Jason pointed back behind them. Easy, Fox, and Idol had finally gotten up enough courage to cross the street, and they were now almost on their position. Hyfe's grin grew even wider. He turned back to Sergeant Johnson, who looked at him and grinned back. The black man lifted his rifle, ejected the clip, and slammed a new one up into the barrel.
"That works."
By the time they had reached the next section of street, the Jackals had been squished and the Master Chief was boarding a Warthog. Jason laid down some covering fire for Easy as they left the alley one by one. Sergeant Johnson also stayed behind, haulting Sergeant West with his battle rifle as the man passed by.
"Welcome to the party, Sergeant...West," Johnson nearly yelled over the gunfire, "Glad to have you with us, and I'm sure the Chief will be too, once he gets back from his little ride!"
"Affirmative, Sergeant...Johnson!" West replied, "You're from the Pillar of Autumn, right? I thought that had fallen at Reach!"
"It took a hell of a lot more than that to kill Captain Keyes, sir!" Johnson replied, his expression saddening, "Unfortunately, the Pillar of Autumn is gone. Myself and the Chief are all thats left!"
"Congradulations, you lucky son of a bitch," West yelled, pulling off a smile/frown, "I'm sorry about the Pillar...and Keyes."
"Don't worry about it, Sergeant," Johnson said, slowly growing a grin, "You just stick to killing Covvies! This your man?"
Johnson pointed at Hyfe. Rarely was something a Sergeant had to say about you positive. Jason braced for the worst.
"Yes he is," West replied, glaring at Hyfe, "He been giving you any trouble?"
"Negative, Sergeant!" Johnson replied, to Hyfe's surprise and elation, "Private...Hyfe is one of the best men I've seen in a looong time, and believe me! Sergeant A.J. Johnson has seen a lot of shit! A lot...of fucking...shit."
"What a strange guy," West mumbled as Johnson walked off, "I've heard that from so many Privates it ain't close to funny anymore."
"With due respect, sir," Hyfe managed, "I believe Sergeant Johnson. Charlie Squadron is pretty fucked up. No grenades, barely any ammo. They looked like they've been through weeks of hell."
"Petty Officer Hyfe," West proclaimed, "With all of this shit going on. They probably have. The Pillar of Autumn wasn't a Sol ship. Sergeant Johnson was telling the truth. Not a doubt about that.
"T-t-thank you, sir!" Hyfe managed to choke out. Petty Officer?! Shit, he wasn't nearly experienced enough for that.
"Now come on, Hyfe. We've got an enemy to kill."