
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Easy Squadron: New Mombasa - Part One'

9:23 pm | April 25, 2004
Good shit. I hope by the time my series is done that my dialog will come together like yours did in this story.
7:05 pm | April 25, 2004
Yea, and Marines don't operate in squadrons, they work in fire teams and squads. squadrons are what navy fighters and dropships work in, not Marines. It was a good story and i liked how u added onto the E3 Demo. I would like u to continue this story if u want, also Marines wouldn't just leave their squads like Hyfe did, teamwork is emphazied int he Corps.


since you are using ODSt, dont' mess up with them, or i'll be all over you.
12:45 pm | April 25, 2004
theres no petty officer in the Marine corps........thats the Navy son

other than that, a 9.3/10
11:40 am | April 25, 2004
Holy crap, I loved this. It's friggin awesome. I liked this alot.
The REAL Nick Kang
2:24 pm | April 24, 2004
Very well written, though you used a bit of dialogue from the E3 Demo. And the dude's name is 'Perez'. Not 'Perenz'.

2:24 pm | April 24, 2004
Very good, I like it alot. The kill count got annoying after awhile but the writing is almost flawless... Keep up the good work!
The REAL Nick Kang
1:21 pm | April 24, 2004
How long did it take you to post this to all these stories?

Nick Kang
1:14 pm | April 24, 2004
ur story is horrible i cant believe you wrote it! Dumb Faget
