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Fan Fiction

Battle for Hawaii
Posted By: masterchiefs dog<crdick@shaw.ca>
Date: 8 March 2004, 1:53 AM

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John took his sniper and shotgun as he exited the door and walked outside into a trench. Sweat was running all over him. He walked cautiously as this trench was very stable but very easy to hit. When he walked pass a couple of other snipers and placed up his sniper. There would have to be a little payback today.

When he got himself comfortable a sniper whispered" You new". John nodded. "There's been some rustling in the forest up ahead but no covenants" another whispered a little louder than the last sniper. John got a huge lump in his throat after hearing this. Knowing that something was up there ready to kill him wasn't a good thought.

He looked through his scope and saw nothing. He looked to the right and saw a little rustle. He immediately shot 2 bullets and was punched in the face. He looked up and saw another sniper. He growled "What the hell are you doing idiot". Just as John was about to respond an explosion happened in the forest sending up grunts, jackals, Elites and 2 hunters. Then there was a chain reaction. "OH SHIT".

Then hell erupted. 300 Elites ran out of the forest with 20 hunters. Luckily the artillery emplacements were able to fire a couple of rounds which made a whole mud field in front of the oncoming enemy. John taking this advantage threw a grenade into the field. The enemy saw it explode and stopped for the moment. Then a grunt that had somehow gotten in the group screamed "MINE FIELD, RUN AWAY".

There was a huge confusion. 10 Elites started to run away but were fired upon by a hunter. Then they started to fight back. Plasma bolts hit the hunter in the neck and killing it. When others saw this they put some plasma bolts into the 10 Elites. All ten dropped dead. John taking this advantage took out his sniper and saw that it had 2 bullets left. He turned the scope on and saw a hunter looking around to see where the fighting had gone.
John put the 2 bullets in its fuel rod thus creating an explosion. Then John took his shotgun and started firing like a mad men. The explosion and shotgun had killed 3 hunters, 20 elites and that one poor Grunt.

When the sniper that had punched him looked at his results he yelled "You are some friggin lunatic" just 10 seconds before a plasma bolt hit him in the head thus killing him. John looked where the bolt had come from and saw a banshee being cheered on by the covenant. When john saw it he quickly took out his shotgun and hit the engine with one shell the thing started to explode and hit the mud field. The mud exploded while on fire from the engine fuel killing 100 elites and 10 hunters.

When seeing this the rest of Elites started firing at him. He screamed in his com" BACK UP GOD DAMMIT". He was by himself. The other snipers had been blown to bits by the fuel rod gun. When he thought it was all over seeing the enemy get past the mud field 20 Scorpion tanks appeared out of nowhere. They started to shoot with all their might at the oncoming enemy. All of the Elites were blown to bits and there was one hunter left. John
Took out his shotgun and made a home run to the hunter. When seeing John the Hunter made a dash too. They were 2 feet apart when John dove under the Hunter and shot it right up the croch. The hunter fell down and made a high pitched dog yelp. Afterwards it died. When John got up he was relieved that they were all gone until he noticed there were men waving at him to get back. Then it hit him. There were more covenants in there and he was as exposed as a dandy lion in on a game mat. Then there was something big and purple heading towards him.

Then everything went white.

When he finally woke up there was grunts,jackals,Elites,hunters and everything that he new the covenant had were all around him. He then looked at the base. It looked to him it was under siege. He then looked if he could make it back there. He slowly crawled down the field of muck picking up anything he could fine for ammunition and place them in a huge bag. He then walked slowly to a Covenant artillery emplacement. It was filled with grunts. He slowly took a grenade and placed it on the back of a grunt. Then he made a dive for a ditch.

When he saw what happened it could make a hunter throw up. A grunt was torn to bits as it eyeballs headed toward John. Then another grunt limped toward him and collapsed to dust because a fire had started inside him thus creating ash. Then the same thing happened with all the other artillery emplacements. Just as he made a dash for the door a grunt had melted onto his pants. This made him scream. As he ran toward the door a woman appeared and pointed a pistol at him.

"Don't fuckin move".
