Sarges Platoon (Chapter 1)
Posted By: Bobby Lucas<Seawolf18509@yahoo.com>
Date: 24 November 2002, 6:36 pm
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LOCATION: UNSC HALCYON-CLASS CRUISER: PILLAR OF AUTUMN / UNKNOWN STAR SYSTEM TIME: UNKNOWN (Approx. 10 minutes before evacuation) CHAPTER 1: The Pillar of Autumn SECTION 1: The Hangar Private Chris Robbins has just entered hanger bay number 12. He had never seen covenant face to face before. He was hoping the stories of the elites weren't true, he had heard that they had an energy shield that can't be penetrated, and were 8 feet tall! He said a silent prayer to himself, but that was interrupted by Cortana over the loudspeakers. "Attention all combat personnel. Please report to your action stations. Fifth Platoon, secure airlocks on Deck Eleven. Fourteenth Platoon, rendezvous with 22nd Tactical at Bulkhead Charlie 14." "You heard the lady. Move like you got a purpose." said Sarge. Then the marines fell in, including Chris. "Men, here is where we show those split-chin squid-head sons of bitches that they could not have picked a worse enemy than the human race. We are going to blow the hell out of those dumb bugs until we don't have anything left to shoot 'em with! And then, we are going to strangle them with their own-living-guts!" Sarge thought, I'd rather die myself than see more of these men die in battle. But then he snapped himself out of it. "Am I right, Marines?!" "Sir, yes Sir!!!" "Mmm hmm...Damn right I am! Now move it out! Double time!" Chris' platoon was ordered to secure the lifeboat airlocks near the bridge, and probably see the most combat. As he was running out of the hangar Cortana came over the loud speakers again. "Attention all personnel. We are re-engaging the enemy. External and internal contacts imminent." "All you greenhorns who wanted to see Covenant up close, this is gonna be your lucky day!" Sarge said as he began to walk out of the hangar. SECTION 2: The Master Chief Chris' platoon was racing down the long corridor. "Stop!" shouted the platoon leader. "Shhh..." The entire ship rocked. It was too small too small to be a plasma torpedo. But the announcement over the loudspeakers answered their unasked questions. "Fire teams: sensors show inbound Covenant boarding craft. Stand by to repel boarders." It wasn't long before Chris first saw the Covenant, Three Grunts with one Elite. Chris immediately opened fire on the Elite, completely taking it by surprise. The over shield glowed a bright blue color; Chris just kept shooting at it, depleting the shield. As the Elite dropped to the ground he felt invincible. "Good job, Chris!" said Sam, and Nate, and they patted him on the back. Chris, Sam, and Nate were brothers. They swore never to let each other die. They felt great after their first kill, a sense of 'There not so tough'. It was a false sense of security that may cost them in the future. As the elite fell Chris' eye caught something. It looked human, only he never seen that type of armor before. It was a suit of full body armor. It looked like the ones he seen on Reach during his training. The person, or what ever it was followed another marine into the mess hall. Chris realized he still needed to get to the airlocks, so he yelled, "Are we going to stand here all day?" Then the squad leader, Corporal Stebbins proceeded to lead the team down the hallway to the airlocks. Only the Covenant has got there first. Nate, Sam, and Corporal Stebbins engaged them while the rest of the squad was engaging the covenant in the adjacent hallway. Chris and the rest of the squad killed 4 grunts, but when the Master Chief showed up the entire covenant army fell dead! Then a large explosion shook the entire ship. "What the hell?" cried Chris "Did something just hit us?" "Move it! Back to the airlock!" yelled Private Walsh. Chris didn't need to be told twice he ran over to a lifeboat airlock he saw Nate and Sam stacked up at the door. The Door was blown off in a massive explosion killing both of them. "NO!!!" Screamed Chris, he started firing wildly into the covenant pouring out of the door. The Master Chief ran into the boarding pod mopping up the rest of the covenant that stayed inside. Private Walsh put his hand on Chris' shoulder. "I'm sorry, man..." Chris bent over Sam's body and pulled out the video chip stored in his combat helmet... SECTION 3: Evacuation "Combat teams on decks five through nine, fall back to secondary defensive positions." Keyes said over the loudspeaker. Chris wondered why the Captain was over the loudspeakers instead of Cortana. But he had bigger things on his mind now. "Chris...Chris? Look man I know you feel bad, but that won't save them or you! We got to get to a lifeboat, NOW!" "Save yourself... I got bigger things on my mind!" "CHRIS!!!" Walsh screamed "WE HAVE TO GET OFF THIS SHIP!!! IN TEN MINUTES THIS PILE OF JUNK WILL EXPLODE AND EVERYTHING ON BOARD WILL DIE ANYWAY!!!" Chris noticed some fighting down the hall where they came from. He started that way. Leaving Walsh behind. Walsh knew there was nothing he could say that would stop him. He started down in the opposite direction "Ops personnel on decks nine through twelve report to evac stations now." Said Keyes He saw the carnage of a battle that just took place. He knew that the Master Chief was here. "All hands, this is the Captain, prepare to abandon ship. Combat teams, repel boarders until Ops personnel are away. Good luck. Keyes out." He knew there wasn't much time left so he sprinted down the corridor, until he saw one of his friends. "Hey Luke! Where's your squad?" Luke shook his head slowly "damn..." "Tony let's get out of here!" "Here ya on that! They were running down the hall following the signs of battle: blood, bodies, bullet holes... "Tony, what the hell happened?" "Covenant" Then they came across a battle, Covenant and humans were battling on a mezzanine above them. They raced up a staircase and joined the fighting. After the battle they ran out of the room. They then came to a curve in the hallway. Luke peered around a corner. He saw 7 grunts, 3 Elites, and a Jackal. He said "Way too many." "I got two grenades left. How about you?" "Four" "Take out two, I'll do the same." The grenades were rigged so that even if the pin was pulled they would only go off if you let go of them. "Pull the pins." "Got it. I'll throw mine to the right, you throw yours to the left. Okay? 1...2...3! "EAT THIS YOU SONS OF BITCHES!!!" The grenades exploded killing every thing. "Look! There are two pods left!" "Hurry! The blast doors are closing, and more covenant coming! As the two get in the bumble bee escape pod they get themselves strapped in with other marines. The Sergeant was in there too. As the lifeboat launches Luke finally noticed him. "Hey Sarge," Luke said, "You see Chris?" "No, wasn't he with you?" "He said go alone, I guess losing Sam, and Nate was too much for him..." "Were disengaged, entering the ring's atmosphere in 30 seconds." The pilot said "Where's the rest of the squad?" "There dead." "Brace yourselves, landing in 5...4...3...2...1........................" To be continued...