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Comments for 'Sarges Platoon (Chapter 1)' |
8:24 pm | November 28, 2002
Nevermind, I found out what to write... I'm sending it into this website right now
7:03 pm | November 28, 2002
Ok... I'm suffering from a severe case of writer's block. I can't think of anything... Hopefully something will come to me... Anyone of you people have any good ideas?
The sword of the admiral
2:44 am | November 28, 2002
Yah I used 2 have MSOFFICE '97 bfre I got a new pc... I hated it bcause it wouldn't let u create web pages... which is something I really want 2 do. Now I'e got MSOFFICE '00, which is a LOT better. If u really wanna spend $560 dollars on an xpensive program like office, knock urself out. MAAN, I'M REALLY DYING 2 WRITE SOME FANFICTION HERE!!!!
10:41 pm | November 26, 2002
I use Microsoft word 97... I guess it sucks because it can't pick up all the errors. I'll try to be more careful with Part 2 (which I expect to be done on Thanksgiving (or the Friday after it)).
9:18 pm | November 26, 2002
Yeah I got a 57 in my grammar on my standardized test at the end of school( i got 99 in everything else though). But you really need to make the grammar better heck thats what an editor is for ;) keep it up.
11:14 pm | November 25, 2002
Hey Thanks! I know I need to fix up on the grammer! But I was never good in english! (woah having flashbacks!) I guess I could do a little better in the battle scenes, but when you work for 8-hours straight (It was a rainy day) you tend to want to finish as soon as possible (before football! lol)
7:11 pm | November 25, 2002
hey very good I really liked it. It has that kind of thing were you can't stop reading it. The only problem is that you need to use more commas (,,,) that would make it easier to read. Also you should emphasize a little more on the killing. For example, when the two Marines threw the 4 grenades at the Covenant it would have been easier to understand if you would have said how they were killed not just "It killied everything" other then those it was an excellent story. If you would like to read what I have written type Daniel_Luiken in the search box. if you like it tell me.
3:36 am | November 25, 2002
Good wrighting! Grammar mistakes? Wow, beginning to sound like my wife around here.LOL :-) I like the way you wrote the story around the first level of Halo. The focusing on a Marine and his view of the chaos that was going on around them. Keep it up...Disciple75.
11:37 pm | November 24, 2002
Sometimes I wonder if ppl read the stories or just say the same thing as the comment before them? ;-)
10:25 pm | November 24, 2002
Clean up the grammar and you're on your way...
8:33 pm | November 24, 2002
Quite a few grammar mistakes.
8:12 pm | November 24, 2002
Nice job here, although that's not a very high complement just yet I'm sure it'll improve shortly!
Chris is the dude the chief whips into the last pod, correct?