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The Laurel
Posted By: James Kinsella<jckinsella@redrunr.net>
Date: 2 September 2003, 8:50 PM
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1945 Hours, September 21, 2552 (Military Calendar)/ UNSC Recreant Engaging Covenant in Sol System
"All pilots to your hangar bays, we have Covenant at the edge of the system and closing fast." The ship's A.I. said over the comm. system. Charles ran to the elevator and it the button for the hangar deck. "It's about time!" He said to himself. The fleet had been gathering here ever since the fall of Reach, and due to the cramped space around Earth, none of the pilots had been allowed to fly. It was absolutely horrible, not being able to fly. Charles, or Samurai, as his fighter wing called him, had been flying ever since he was six. His dad had taken him up in the family's old T57-PC, above Harvest and taught him how to fly. Unfortunately, his family had still been on Harvest when the Covenant glassed the colony. Charles had been repaying the Covenant ever since. Now was his chance to really hurt those bastards, and he planned to do his best. With that thought, the elevator slid to a halt and the doors opened.
He ran to his bird, a new Kitana, one of only a thousand. The craft were only given to pilots who had personally taken down a Covenant ship, and at least five Seraphs. His was named Laurel, after his wife. That was another reason to be fighting right now, his wife was on the planet along with his son, and if Earth fell they probably wouldn't be able to evac. He hopped into the cockpit, strapped in, and started the preflight sequence. The Kitana was a completely revamped Dagger, complete with five auto-cannon 70mm guns, two Archer II missile pods, and a Saber anti-capital-ship missile. With its impressive armament, Charles was sure he would get at least ten kills over the next few hours.
2004 Hours, September 21, 2552 (Military Calendar)/ UNSC Single Ship Laurel Engaging Covenant in Sol System
"Samurai, you've got a Seraph on your tail, he's opening fire!" Eight-Ball yelled over the comm. system to Charles. Charles immediately reversed the throttle, killed momentum, and opened fire with his auto-cannons as the Seraph flew overhead. He then put the throttle on full, and zoomed away from the battle. He pulled a split-S and locked on to a new target. He had pulled away from the battle so he could execute his favorite trick. He would shoot one or two shots at a Seraph, let them follow him, and play chicken with them at a Covenant cruiser. If they didn't pull up fast enough they blew a massive hole in the cruiser's shields, allowing Charles to drop an Archer II missile in the hole. And if they did pull up soon enough Charles went under the cruiser and looped around to hit the Seraph just as they were going back to the main battle. This time the Seraph didn't pull up fast enough, and the plan worked perfectly. Charles would have to get another Cruiser painted on his ship, which would make three in total. He flew back into the fray, thinking about which game he was going to play next. He zeroed in on a Seraph that was tailing a Dagger, and pulled the trigger. He flew through the explosion, and spotted the easiest of all targets.
Charles had spotted any pilot's favorite target, an unshielded destroyer. The best pilots watched the whole battle, and noticed when a MAC round depleted the shields on any ship. Charles flew in for the kill when the worst thing that could have happened, did. Apparently Charles wasn't the only ship with his sight on the wounded gazelle. A hail of Archer missiles flew directly behind Charles, and they were gaining every second. He pulled up and narrowly avoided the friendly fire and swore as a MAC round buzzed him on the way to its target. This battle was quickly becoming an unfriendly environment, and Charles needed to get out of there fast. He punched the afterburners, and shot towards a cruiser that was being molested by a group of Seraphs. He annihilated the first three with a burst from the auto-cannons. That left only one, which he wasted with an Archer II Missile.
As he flew away from his recent victory he heard the whistle indicating someone had a lock on him. As he turned on the dorsal camera he saw something incredible. It looked like a Seraph, but it was sporting small balls of light at the end of either wing. Those balls of light could only be one thing; Plasma. The Chase was on. Charles kicked in the afterburners and shot towards the nearest Covenant ship he could see. It happened to be a carrier. He flew over the bulbous top of the ship, and circled underneath, all the while with two plasma missile following him. He looked at the tac screen and located the ship that had launched this salvo at him. It was on the other side of the carrier, waiting for him apparently. He flew towards the back of the ship and circled back to the top behind the engines. He flew starboard of his obstacle course and once again reversed thrust, killing most of his momentum. The twin balls of fire flew past him and converged were he would have been at his previous speed. That particular location happened to be where a large Seraph sporting bumps on the ends of its wings was hiding. As Charles flew away from the site of his last victim he knew finally that he could win this battle. All he had to do was keep his mind on the game.
Laurel looked up at the light show currently taking place above Earth, wondering if her husband was okay. Little did she know, the latest flash of light had been two incredible foes, clashing; and the victory had gone to a man defending his home, wife, and son.