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Comments for 'The Laurel' |
8:56 pm | September 8, 2003
The significant difference between fiction and fantasy is that fiction is based on reality, wheras fantasy is not. So fiction should be realistic, or at least have many realistic elements. It can have a few non-realistic ones: i.e., the Covenant. But you get my meaning, I think. It is based mostly on reality, like the limitations of manmade aircraft, humanity and the brain. It's not like Tolkien.
I'm not dissing fantasy or anything, because I've read the Hobbit and LOTR, and I'm in the middle of the Silmarillion. And Harry Potter is pretty cool too, for all of its more childlike themes as expressed in the poor-quality films.
Wow, I took too much time in saying all that nothing. Hope you can forgive me.
Semper Fi
1:03 pm | September 7, 2003
I, for one, enjoyed this story very much. I honestly don't care how believable it is, because making everything so real begins to remove the purpose of Fan FICTION. MasterGrunt, I do not know how long you've been here, but for most this is the way they write. I dislike it when people change their style, especially if it is very good and detailed. Even for the newest additions to the site, I don't care how bad they may be, but the way they have been written is a unique art, in a sense.
I hope you realize this and please don't expect so much of the Halo game to be in these stories. If you really want a Halo: The Game experience, go back to the first pages of the site and see what's there.
7:59 pm | September 5, 2003
I think Steele first came up with the Dagger. Oh, and 9/10
James Kinsella
11:45 am | September 5, 2003
Sorry, I just get a little defensive sometimes.
11:15 am | September 5, 2003
Good point. Sorry for crtisizing you so much. It's sort of a bad habbit. By the way I have a comment for you in your other story if you want to check it out.
James Kinsella
11:09 am | September 5, 2003
Sorry. It's my first story in quite a while an I didn't put much effort into it. I has been sitting on my computer for almost four months now and I wanted to get it out there. Plus, why wouldn't he be able to do that? We Americans have Aces that have accomplished similiar things in war.
11:00 am | September 5, 2003
What is up with this story. A single fighter single handedly takeout a cruiser plus a bunch seraphs. Like the covenant pilots are really gonna be that inexperienced. Please try to make this story a little more belivable.
James Kinsella
10:55 am | September 5, 2003
The dagger isn't mentioned in any of the books, it sorta just evolved in peoples fanfic. About the Katana, it wasn't named after the kitana, i just liked the sound of the name. Thanks for the support.
Blue Jaguar
2:42 am | September 5, 2003
I kinda like your story, but I was just wondering about one thing, I have heard it in a lot of stories, but I have looked through Fall of Reach several times and don't see where it is, where is the Dagger mentioned at, I know about the hawk and the longswords, and I guess the dagger is a fairly small fighter compared to the Longsword (i guess the names sorta give it away). OH and just one thing, no big problem, but i believe it is a Katana, that is, if your fighter aircraft is named after a Japanese Sword, but they might have mutliple spellings. I kinda like the story, especially that you know some things about air combat maneuvers, really makes it exciting.
James Kinsella
12:32 am | September 5, 2003
Just found it. Pelican Charlie 223. Gonna work on the series tonight if possible. Should be out by the next posting.
James Kinsella
12:21 am | September 5, 2003
I think it was one about a dropship and it's pilot. Not sure if I even finished the series....Have to look it up.
12:14 am | September 5, 2003
Did you ahve a fighter series a while back too?