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A Series of Wierd Events, Part Three
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 1 September 2003, 4:32 PM
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Note to Readers: Um... Sry for this, but most of me Teaser Trailers was wrong. Still... Enjoy!"
1:30, Daytime 2003(My watch) Inside Halo: Combat Evolved, AoTCR, 'Alpha Base'
The Marines were manning the LAAGs and the Gate, while the Fan Fiction writers were in the Firing Pits or the base. The covenant troops marched towards us. We finally let Hawk7889 join our group, and he was in the same firing pit as me and Elfster. "Uh, guys," Said Hawk. "What?" Asked I, as I zoomed in my Sniper Rifle on an unlucky Elite. "I think I just... soiled myself." "We're about to die in a video game, in another dimension, and that's the smell I go out wit!?" I said, "These suits don't help with THAT smell, Hawk. Fly over to the Covies, and get a Hunter to turn his back on Alpha Base. I'll finish the job." My gun barked twice, and a cry of pain resonated from an elite in the distance. Hawk just sat there, frozen. The forward line of Covenant fired their Plasma Weapons into several firing pits, and I heard a cry of pain from Wiley and others. I was pulling quadruple head shots on everything except Hunters, which I was pulling triple belly shots. The LAAGs fired, decimating Covenant troops. However, a squadron of Banshees killed the Gunners and the guns. "Pelicans Echo 419 and Charlie 69, to any and all Human survivors. Come in. Repeat, any Humans respond!" I, realizing I had a radio, replied. "Copy, 419 and 69. This is Fire Team..." I made up a designation, "Delta. At coordinates 128 Upspin, by 25 Downspin. Need immediate dust off, area is hot!" "Copy. Echo 419 and Charlie 69, inbound. Sit tight one moment." And like that, two Pelicans appeared in the distance, and in the game, the first part of the Level Halo music plays. They set down by the buildings, and the Fan Fic writers filed in, along with the Marines. One more Marine was on the ground, there wasn't enough room. Sarge. Johnson. So, we threw Hawk out, and the Sarge took his place. The Dropships lifted off, and Covenant surrounded Hawk. "Ah, a move with no drawbacks," I said, relaxed. I reclined in my seat, the comfiest thing I'd been in since the Real World. A cold breeze blew in the Compartment, and most of us fell asleep. I was, however, awake long enough to instruct Foe Hammer to take us to the PoA, and wake us when we arrived. I then drifted off into sleep. Three hours later, I was woken. "Heads up, boys and girls," Her voice interrupted my dream, ""Touchdown in one," pooman awoke with a groan. Wiley informed me "I ain't got time to bleed," whilst clasping a minigun. The others awoke, one by one. "Mommy!" Cried out Hawk, as he awoke. "How the hell did you get back here!?" I asked, pissed off. Then I realized this guy was like Johnson, always going to die, and come right back. "Whoa," Said Walker, as we approached the hull of the crashed UNSC Warship. The Pelicans split up, each one finding a Bumblebee Docking Sleeve to unload the Humans on. "Copy," Elfster's voice said over the radio, "We'll meet at the bridge. 'Till then!" The machine clicked off. My party had pooman, 'Nosolee, Alpha Lance, and Hawk 7889 in it. The others were in the other group. We passed a wrecked hallway, the ground painted in a swirl of Red, Orange, Purple, and Blue Blood. As we walked through a thin, narrow room, a wall exploded on my right. The force from the blast sent me slamming into a storage barrel(Like the things you see on the PoA). My Sniper Rifle fell to the ground, as a loud CLANK echoed down the hallways. There was a weird creaking sound, and a horde of infection forms poured in. I quickly regained my Gun, and fired off a clip. No effect, they didn't even notice the rounds go through them. Realizing my mistake, a rolled two Frags down the hall, right into the center of the Flood Group. Two BOOMs went off, twin plumes of smoke rose to the ceiling, two bright flashes glowed for a second. All of the tiny things popped, and a flotilla of fleshy bits lazily floated to the ground. Knowing my Sniper Rifle wouldn't cut it, I ditched it for a shotgun, and gave my launcher to Alpha Lance, so I could pick up the numero uno Bullet hose: the MA5B Assault Rifle. To get it, I had to literally use the butt of my Shotgun like a crowbar, to pry it out of a Marine's cold, dead fingers. We went on, to the armory. I heard movement, and readied my M90 Shotgun. I ran around the corner, ready to fire. I found Elfster, with an MA5B, about to do the same thing. He sighed in relief when he saw me, and lowered the AR. "God, it's good to see you." The others weren't looking, but a Combat Form with a Shotgun snuck up on me, distance 5 Meters. He raised the Projectile Weapon, one of its tentacles about to squeeze the trigger...