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Comments for 'A Series of Wierd Events, Part Three' |
8:18 pm | September 6, 2003
It's alright
11:04 am | September 6, 2003
i was kidding wiley! sorry
8:09 pm | September 5, 2003
Fuck j00 pooman
1:46 am | September 4, 2003
don't stop with hawk as the scapegoat. who else are you going to put? besides, i wrote that post, not the real hawk. so you shouldn't worry about it. sorry for pretending to be hawk, but it was funny to see you all apologize like that.
12:43 am | September 4, 2003
Like I said. I'll be the bumbling idiot.
12:07 am | September 4, 2003
Hawk, I'm sorry for being a dick. Really, I am! If you don't want to be the Kenny/Scapegoat/Bumbleing Idiot, then I'll stop with you. I feel bad about my attempted flaming.
To Aplha L.: lol, now we are even! =)
Alpha Lance: creator of Halo Trilogy
10:24 pm | September 3, 2003
Thang HK. But I got something for ya.
~Alpha Lance Creator of Halo Trilogy The Fight for Earth, Destroy the Judgment Day(part 1) Destroy the Judgment Day(part 2) Grunts and Spartans, The Wasted Reclaimer, and Why Bother.
7:59 pm | September 3, 2003
7:57 pm | September 3, 2003
in da 4th chapter make wileys dick get shot off and make him say.."i aint got time to splurge"
7:46 pm | September 3, 2003
only if u give me ur opinin on my story LOL
7:42 pm | September 3, 2003
ya guys stop makin fun of hawk.. hey hawk ill b ur friend
7:41 pm | September 3, 2003
good 10//10
7:33 pm | September 3, 2003
You can be my friend, Hawk. {threat} If you review my third chapter good whenever it get's around to being finished.{threat}
11:08 am | September 3, 2003
HINT FOR PART 5, 0r 6, or maybe 7 lol:
Sentinals surrounded us. They were absolutely everywhere. We, 30 at most now, raised our weapons, and decided to go out fighting.
The Monitor floated up to my face. He said, "Well, you now have two options. You may surrender the AI and The Index now, or I will take it from you."
I raised my AR, and pointed it at 343 GS. "That's NOT going to happen." It took every ounce of my courage to say that matter-of-factly.
"Very well. Sentenals, ATTACK!"
The screen fades black, at that moument.
11:04 am | September 3, 2003
Hawk, I meant no ofence by this. I had to use someone! Know that, in the future, all my "Making Fun" is just for, well... Fun!!!! Teasin, and stuff. lol.
3:48 am | September 3, 2003
Hey, if Hawk dosn't want to be the scapegoat, I will. I'd kinda like to see myself in a comdic role. Oh, and great story HK, 10/10
P.S., Hawk, I dont think youre that bad. You give me good reviews and stuff.
3:48 am | September 3, 2003
Hey if Hawk dosn't want to be the scapegoat, I will. I'd kinda like to see myself in a comedic role. Oh and great story HK, 10/10.
P.S. Hawk, I dont think your that bad, you always give me good reviews and stuff.
3:12 am | September 3, 2003
Ok Ok having said that it would be better just to release the whole beginning of the chapter. Its not much, and definetly NOT the funniest part. Enjoy. You'll have to have read the current chapters of the A Marine Named Peters series to get it.
Then a golden beam of energy made contact with the combat form's arm, severing it as it pulled the trigger, causing it to shoot me in the foot, and then I saw S7N and Blackvalyire come running up.
"Where'd you come from!?" I yelled.
"We were playing co-op on the Maw when we got sucked in." said S7N.
"Yeah well you made me get shot in the foot you bastard!" I said as I shot him in the foot, too.
Black Valkyire started roaring in laughter.
S7N turned and prompty shot him in the foot, too.
We all started laughing, and then Elfster shot himself in the foot.
Everyone was quite... The only sound was the chirping of crickets.
"Dude.... You suck...." said GLADIATRRR3000
Elfster had no response except to shoot GLAD in the foot.
"Oh you backstabbing cockbite!" Everyone started laughing again.
"Guys! We gotta get to the bridge!!!" Yelled Hawk.
Everyone was quite again, and then everyone turned and shot him in the foot at the same time.
*Camera zooms out into a picture of Halo from space*
Faint scream: "Ahhhhhhhhh!"
"Ow.... Mommy..."
"FOR THE LAST TIME..... IAMNOTYOURMOMMY!!!!!!" Yelled Vege7a as the group entered the bridge.
We approached the holo projector.
"Ok, Who wants to do the honors?" I asked.
"I do! I DO!" Screamed Hawk.
".... Anyone BESIDES Hawk..."
"Fine, you guys can do this on your own, and don't come crying to me when you need my help." he said coldly as he stalked off.
"Don't count on it." I called after him.
Oh, and Hawk if you're reading this, no offense, like I say, its playful teasing, and I myself get my share of painful embarrasment later on.
3:05 am | September 3, 2003
Ya, well im working on the 4th chapter and im gonna give it to HK to see what ideas of it he wants to use, and then when the real chapter comes out I can post it, and all I can say is that Hawk gets his foot blown off from everyone in the group and they pick on him a little more and he gets pissed and leaves but it ends of up sort of being that RvB thing where Tucker and Church lie to Caboose to get him away and... you know how it ends but think of Hawk as Caboose and the rest as the rest of blue team.
So atleast Hawk gets a little revenge.
And btw Hawk if you're reading this, all the times I pick on you in the future chapter, its friendly teasing, or atleast thats what its meant to be. I already forgave you for being a nitpick. But you'd know that if you'd ever check your email.
1:44 am | September 3, 2003
Jeez, I wish everyone would pick on someone else for a change. I have no friends here and that's hard enough without all of you making fun of me. At least Walker had the decency to say "no offense" but the rest of you insult me like there's no tomorrow. Please, at least don't do it too much. There's only so much a person can take.
1:35 am | September 3, 2003
Oh, and--with no offense to Hawk, he did give me good reviews--it would be fun for me to be sent ahead with Hawk as scouts and when no one is looking for me to blow off his head in midsentence because he's jabbering so much. Then, when the rest of you come up, i could say, "I thought he was infected! I mean, he's so ugly anyway it's hard to tell the difference." and grin or something... I don't know, but it sounds cool to me.
1:33 am | September 3, 2003
Thanks for giving me a part, H_K. You should have Wado as like some Supreme High Commander or something. A high rank anyway, like Marine Corps captain. And with the Archons, that would make everything so cool...
12:41 am | September 3, 2003
Holy Shit! Me and Elfster posted within 2 Mins of each other! Cool, huh?
12:39 am | September 3, 2003
Ok. Wado will enter in an... unpredicted way. ;)
12:36 am | September 3, 2003
I agree, put Wado in, but don't listen to what anyone says this time, when Wado comes in, make it as funny as you possibly can, not anything predictable..
I just read the series now, and its very good, but theirs not enough of the fan fic writers in it, except Hawk, he's hilarious. Since we collaborate well I'll put my ideas in an email, not this.
12:34 am | September 3, 2003
lol, nice signature, Alpha.
- Hunter_Killer, Creater of -Covenant Invasion!-, -The Adventures of Lt. Jake-, -D-Day II-, -Halo 2, not what you'd expect-, -A Series of Wierd Events-, Co Author of -Covenant Invasion!(Revised)-, and a few others.
P.S: lol, try that on for size! =P
Alpha Lance
9:03 pm | September 2, 2003
That was sweet! 10/10
Alpha Lance Creator of Halo Trilogy
8:22 pm | September 2, 2003
Nice. 9/10. You should have Wado arrive with a bunch of Arcons or whatever they're called.
8:06 pm | September 2, 2003
Where am I? Dammit!
7:21 pm | September 2, 2003
Wahh!!! No Comments!! :((