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Fan Fiction

D-Day II, Part One
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 19 July 2003, 4:09 PM

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0600 Hours, June 6, 2557 (Military Calendar)
Pelican Echo 724, New Normandy Ocean, en route to Beachhead Delta

Lieutenant Jimmy Paterson was on a Pelican Dropship, heading towards the target.
D-Day. That was this on date in the year 1944. Ancient History, Yes. Deadly, Yes. Biggest Assault, except for the one about to happen, Yes. This was D-Day II.
Over three hundred fifty Pelicans, brimming with UNSC Marines, were en route to New Normandy, the strongest of enemy strongholds. It was just over the UNSC Border, or was the border, until the Covenant showed up. But, Humanity had beaten them back, even when Earth itself looked fit to fall.
"Thirty Seconds!" Yelled the pilot, as the Pelican skimmed over the water, with Modified Shells exploding everywhere.
Fifteen Cruisers, using a new Planetary Bombardment weapon, were giving the beach a lot of craters. But, there was no accurate targeting system, though, so friendly fire could, would, and did happen. A lot.
A Marine in a Sergeant Cap was seated in front of the others. He turned. "Ok, Men. This is It. Covenant fire will be plentiful, so take cover right away! If you get lost, find me."
"Twenty Seconds!"
An explosion went off right in front of the Pelican, shaking it very hard. A Marine was hurtled into the isle of the Pelican's Passenger Compartment.
He quickly regained his seat.
"Bandit, 9 o' clock! Hold on!" Yelled the Pilot, as a Covenant Banshee zoomed into view, getting closer.
Plasma Cannons fired, and the Pelican behind and below Paterson's Dropship exploded, hurling pieces of debris everywhere.
The Banshee zoomed past the convoy.
"Ten seconds!"
"Stay with me, and we'll get through this," Said the Sergeant.
The Pelican began to slow for a landing, a little ways away from the beach.
The orders said for the Pelicans to set down in shallow water to deploy troops, because anti-vehicle obstacles were all over the beach.
Thump! The Pelican's loading ramp extended.
"Go! Go! Go!" Said the Sarge, and about half a second after, a shell hit the Pelican, hurling the Marines in the water, and killing the Crew.
Paterson was underwater, and began to swim towards shore. He passed several sinking Marines, and Plasma began to spray in the water.
He tightened his grip on his MA5B, as the Plasma struck a Marine in front of him. The body went limp, and began to float to the surface.
Two more Marines ran in front of him. One had a Sergeants' cap on, and was holding an M29 Rifle.
Plasma struck one, then a second later, the other.
By now, Paterson was close to shore, and close to asphyxiation.
He emerged from the water, and gasped for a second.
He then snapped back to reality.
He took a look around his beachhead. There were two Covenant Bunkers, on a hill above them. Plasma was raining down from both. By them, about five small machines stood, glowing purple. Several Covenant Grunts were on the hill, shooting Plasma Rifles at the Marines on the beach.
There was an embankment, on top of which a laser fence presided, farther down, below the Bunkers.
Several Marines were already taking cover behind the embankment.
He heard a voice, from his left. "Paterson! Over here! Get over here!"
He turned, and saw a Crashed Pelican, all screwed up. The Sergeant was on the side opposite the Bunkers.
Paterson ran all out to the Pelican, Plasma zooming all around him, kicking up sand.
When he got there, the Sarge said, "It's a mess. That shell scattered what's left of our squad all over the beach. Four of our boys are over there, signaling with red smoke grenades, go get 'em!" He pointed to the right of the Pelican. "I'll give you some covering fire, now go!"
He sprung from cover, firing bursts of his MA5B at one bunker, than the other.
Paterson headed towards the first Smoke Grenade, to find two Marines, both pinned down. One had his squad's insignia on his shoulder, the other did not.
"Lieutenant! If you can give me some covering fire, I can make a run for the Embankment. Ready when you are!" Said the Squad Member.
Paterson began to fire an automatic blast of Bullets at the offending Bunker.

The Sergeant sprang from the Wrecked Echo 721, and sprinted for the embankment. As he was running, a Covenant Banshee came in for a strafing run. Sand was kicked up, as plasma chased an unfortunate Marine several feet, then sliced him in two. The Banshee passed overhead.
The Sergeant ducked, as a bolt missed him by Two Inches.
Then, he noticed the dozens of Marines either running for the Embankment, or shooting at the Bunkers.
He covered the last ten feet, and ducked. He was at the Embankment.
Mosa 'Mossalee, turning off his cloak, leveled his Plasma Rifle at the back of The Sarge's head.
