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Comments for 'D-Day II, Part One' |
Solidus Snake
3:11 am | June 16, 2004
I'm baaaaccckk...
Good times we had here...bigest flame war ever.
10:39 am | May 17, 2004
Sometimes I just have to come back here and read some of the old comments.
I don't think you'll ever live this down.
4:24 pm | April 27, 2004
And I am the last, bitches.
CoLd BlooDed
7:11 pm | February 28, 2004
Muahahaha....Hunter, this was definately not one of your better stories.
Alpha Lance
7:27 am | January 4, 2004
OMG, 103 (counting myself) comments have been made.
Alpha Lance
11:49 am | September 2, 2003
Sorry on what I said. :(
Alpha Lance Creator of Halo Trilogy
Vindicare Assassin
12:52 am | August 17, 2003
Good action. Hey, I had I deas about a D-Day 2 alot, seeing as that Ive gotten into ww2 history.I also find it hard to create somthing totally original these days.i mean there is tons of new fan fiction, and alot of new games coming out, so just cool it, give the dude a chance...
3:52 pm | August 1, 2003
i think im the last to comment :) i praise myself
Alpha Lance
4:39 am | July 27, 2003
LOL O my God D-Day 2 some one stuck on MOH Frontline."Jimmy I can't feel my legs." "PAtterson you don't have any,them Nazis will pay,and I will bring your legs back."
Alpha Lance
4:39 am | July 27, 2003
D-Day II HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,someone stuck on MOH Frontline."jimmy I can't feel my legs."HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1:44 am | July 25, 2003
97 comments. hey its Hunter again welcome lol.
Hidden Assassin
8:15 pm | July 24, 2003
By the way: I agree with Jamirus99.
Hidden Assassin
8:15 pm | July 24, 2003
By the way: I agree with Jamirus99.
Hidden Assassin
8:04 pm | July 24, 2003
Elfstar, and anyone else who wants to read an original fan fiction, read the M31: First Blood series. It's not very far in the development, but it's got four or five installments and it's very original.
6:00 pm | July 24, 2003
(oyo) Boobs
93 comments BTW
3:52 pm | July 24, 2003
Oh, and I love MOH, Frontline. I would never try to.. rip it off or nothin. Honest. Damn, whenever i write a fan fic, somethin like this always happens. Don't belive me? Search my name, and check out the comments on there. Maybee i should kill myself... | - {a Knife} /|\\ \\ / - {Me arms} :( - {Me}
3:50 pm | July 24, 2003
Sorry bout that last one, just got a little angry. :(
3:43 pm | July 24, 2003
Although, yes, I did play Medal of Honor Frontline. [90 Comments, and countin, lol] Oh, and I got a idea for a fan fic: The Return of the Foruners! Whado ya think?
1:55 pm | July 24, 2003
12:54 am | July 24, 2003
Now we just need Hunter too speak.
12:41 am | July 24, 2003
let's not start this again
10:57 pm | July 23, 2003
86 :p
10:48 pm | July 23, 2003
Upon reading the two hundred comments here, I have numerous questions. Apparently, you have played Medal of Honor: Frontline. Out of curiosity, why did you select Jimmy Patterson as the main character? The most significant part of the story where it did not have close resembling qualities to MoH:F was at the very end. I don't have a problem with this, but for fans of MoH:F, this comes as no surprise. I can already predict what will happen, unless you intend on changing it around significantly. Overall, great story, despite that it was mostly prewritten.
6:09 pm | July 23, 2003
Okay cool pj. 84 lol
2:20 pm | July 23, 2003
2:15 pm | July 23, 2003
Forgiven harley
12:47 pm | July 23, 2003
81 haha
11:51 am | July 23, 2003
I know pj and I also would like hunter_killer to stick too his own original ideas and he does got good stories. But I think he just wanted to see the other side of what it would look like if halo did it that way, thats just what I'm thinking. And sorry for calling you a prick and crap, it just looked like it from the way you typed it. I think he knew this was off of medal of honor and didnt think he wanted to pass it off, I hope. But yeah hunter try and stick to your ideas you can do better or at least change it alot in part 2. With that all said I'll be back.
11:33 am | July 23, 2003
Man, i picked up so many errors in my own comment. Sorry.
11:11 am | July 23, 2003
Alright, time to add my two cents...
Where do I even begin.
Okay, on the story itself: You could have worded it much better, the first sentance could have engaged the reader much better. Instead of saying "Lt. Jimmy Paterson was on a Pelican Dropship, heading towards the target." you could have said "Lt. Jimmy Paterson was soaring over soft ocean, sitting in the uncomfortable side seat of the Pelican Dropship, waiting for deplyoment at the target" or whaterver. It just makes it more enjoyable, the first sentance should amaze the reader and make him want to read more. Grammer, spelling, and indentation are also problems too, just concentrate on them too and use spell check.
It was completely unorigional. I won't go into, because so many have said it over and over again, I think you get the picture.
I agree with Frensa on that I know that you can write better than this. I've read your work, and some storys were cool, some were so cheesy that you would think they came from a dairy farm, and some were really good. And yeah, email me or anyone else willing to help on fanfic. Need ideas, I got em.
Think when you write. I know that sounds gay as hell, but believe me, I found myself writing crap a ton of times. You want to get the action and stuff out and it comes out all fucked up. Read it over like two or three times to pick up errors out.
I won't bash the story, it's pretty much been beaten to a bloody pulp. Just do better. Make it up to all of us next time.
Grade: N/A
AJ Mendoza
11:09 am | July 23, 2003
Don't you people think Hunter_Killer doesn't already know this??? I mean for crying out loud every other entry has a comment about being "plagerized".Last i checked he did NOT claim it was ALL him that made up the story.If he did that he would be insulting US thinking he could lie about a game and have us be stupid and not know wich game he was talking about.Just stop the flaming because it gets nothing accomplished and like some1 has already said in the forum noobies tend to think that when all a forum or comment zone does is flame people they tend to turn cold and become useless flamers.
So the isue at hand is Hunter_Killer made a horrible fic.SO WHAT! we all have done something horrible in our lives so just cut the crap and just leave it at that.
P.S.We all want cool and friendly newbies in these forums and threads not ones that critisize everything just because its different people that actually help situations not enflame them. (Don't flame me because i am trying to extinguish them)
8:27 am | July 23, 2003
Jesus christ 80 comments
4:55 am | July 23, 2003
ooops 4got to put my name in
4:51 am | July 23, 2003
agent shade: ah well, he iz kool, u read his fan fics yet?
10:33 pm | July 22, 2003
Damn! I wish I got as many messages as this on my fanfic!
Fleet Admiral
9:59 pm | July 22, 2003
You Plagerized MOH Frontline. That is illigal you know. So just get more creative for the next part.
8:54 pm | July 22, 2003
I didn't see my first post, so i posted the same thing(pretty much) again. This is getting confusing.
8:47 pm | July 22, 2003
Nice intulecuality Mendoza. Hunter writes very good stories. But this was his worst. A D-Day in halo times would be cool, but not when it's exactly the same as some other videogame.
8:47 pm | July 22, 2003
Good intulectuality Mendoza. Anyway, Hunter writes very good stories, it's just that this was his worst. Hunter writes well, but he could have been just a bit more creative. But he still wrote a good story. This is the last i'm goin' to say.
AJ Mendoza
7:12 pm | July 22, 2003
Your a goddamned chatroom.
Hunter_Killers D-Day 2 wasn't HORRIBLE writing he was just writing a halo "d-day".At the time he was probably thinking it was a good idea to make this story, but i bet when people started to point things out he finally relized that maby he should have thought about what he wrote.I dought he ment to piss any of you guys off so why try to drag his name through the mud because of ONE darn bad story.I haven't heard anything bad about this guy until this fic so stop acting like he murdered your parents and lets get on with life.Bad things happen to good people so shut the f***up.
7:01 pm | July 22, 2003
god, this is like a goddamn chatroom 8/10
6:36 pm | July 22, 2003
it was a very good story, harley, but, plagurism is wrong. I make plenty of mistakes in my stories. But i don't plagurize. but who the hell cares anyway. As long as he doesn't get sued, it doesn't really matter. But, what i would really like to see, is a new, part one of D-Day II. that would be cool. now harley, i'm not a prick and i don't care if he makes mistakes. i could care less. i care if he plagurizes.
6:25 pm | July 22, 2003
Don't mix me up with Hunter_Killer.
5:06 pm | July 22, 2003
This is becoming too much of a chat room.
4:57 pm | July 22, 2003
Well don't get mad and just get over it who cares if he plagurised but you were acting too much of a fucking asshole.
2:49 pm | July 22, 2003
oops posted twice. See, i do make mistakes.
2:08 pm | July 22, 2003
This is my final comment on the plasma debate. If the plasma really hit sand, it would turn into glass. Lightning, which is essentially plasma (superheated energy), when it strikes sand, turns it into glass. Simply, the programmers didn't think that of programming it.
2:08 pm | July 22, 2003
This is my final comment on the plasma debate. If the plasma really hit sand, it would turn into glass. Lightning, which is essentially plasma (superheated energy), when it strikes sand, turns it into glass. Simply, the programmers didn't think that of programming it.
2:02 pm | July 22, 2003
you can suck my ass hairs motherfucker. Go to hell. I wasn't criticizing the writing, he barely had any mistakes. I was mad at the fact that he copied the fucking level off of MOH. It's plagurism harley, get the hell over it. What hunter did was wrong. Luckily, his story wasn't being sold to people. if it was, he would be facing a mojor legal debate right now. I make plenty of mistakes when i write stories. i know that i'm not perfect. I'm just pointing out that it is PLAGURISM ASSHOLE!
1:44 pm | July 22, 2003
Hey Hunter! glad you joined the party!
1:33 pm | July 22, 2003
Agent Shade: "Why back in the day when we wrote fan fics, there was no indent!" ;)
Seriously though, I did indent, but not properly, so it doesn't show :-(
1:06 pm | July 22, 2003
Wholy Crap. So many messages... @_@
Agent Shade
12:25 pm | July 22, 2003
there you go again, bragging about Tycho...
7:21 am | July 22, 2003
hey frensa, you've obviously never read any of Tycho's stories. Now thatz as close to perfection as you can get
6:27 am | July 22, 2003
everyone is saying that hunter plagurised MOH:F, but how about plagerising Halo??? hey maybe we're meant to, but sum people have written stories that follow Halo a little 2 close. newayz thatz probly all from me, unless that smartass jamirus wants to comment yet again. screw you, u prick.
Frensa Geran
5:24 am | July 22, 2003
I for one completely side with Jamirus. No one is expected to make a perfect fan fiction, and perfection is not what this is about. It's about originality, ideas. If he made a "cross-over" over MOH and HALO, we wouldn't complain. But he directly linked the exact story of the Normandy level, each and every detail of the cutscene, and every detail of the level's goal.
I wouldn't go as far as to call it plagarism, but for God's sakes, Hunter, I KNOW you can do better. If you do in fact continue this sherade, please make it more original as I have already stated. You can e-mail me, or any of our fine Fan Fic authors for help. I for one do not banish you, but I do want you to understand the wrong of your actions.
May the Words Be With you.
Agent Shade
3:54 am | July 22, 2003
actually Jamirus, i had read it before, but i forgot to comment, so i will comment on it on this page
i really liked it both times i read it...quite frankly, the only problem was the indent problem, but i don't really care about that, you are indeed an excellent author, 10/10 for that story
that was a scoring for Jamirus's story
2:13 am | July 22, 2003
In conclusion to the Plasma debate, I rest at the "programmers didn't put it in the game" comments. The reason I don't post fan-fic is because I lack the creative processes to produce an interesting story. Sure, It would be spell-checked 500 times, but it would be boring. I, like Jamirus, would rather turn to enjoying other authors' work and comment on how cool they were.
12:56 am | July 22, 2003
pj-NYkr90 and jamirus you people are so ignorant you just want everything to be so god damned perfect and you know nothing will be perfect. Will you just let him be and stop acting like you can do better because no one is perfect. damn some people shouldnt even live.
12:43 am | July 22, 2003
Forgiven! (Did you read it? Did you like it?)
Wiley (again)
8:29 pm | July 21, 2003
I support Hunter, Steele, and Agent Shade in this, so screw my 1st comment.
8:27 pm | July 21, 2003
I know what i'd say: If you dont like it, call me at 1-800 GET BENT.
Agent Shade
8:26 pm | July 21, 2003
yeah really, where is Hunter, why isn't he saying anything
(my apologizes to you Jamirus)
Frensa Geran
8:26 pm | July 21, 2003
I thought this was funny: http://halo.bungie.org/fanfic/showcomments.html?story=frensa_geran.07130304314915.html
He is exploring the "idea" of making D-Day II. Wonder where this stroke of genius came from?
8:13 pm | July 21, 2003
I wonder if Hunter is going to say anything about all this. Maybe it was a very coincidental coincident. Very very coincidental. But you never know.
8:04 pm | July 21, 2003
the hell with it. Fine! i don't care.
7:59 pm | July 21, 2003
9/10 I'm not getting involved in this...
7:48 pm | July 21, 2003
I'm sorry, that's "plagiarize."
7:46 pm | July 21, 2003
Not that this flamewar really interests me, but I'd like to point this out.
The definition of plagarize is "To use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own." That's it. Profit has nothing to do with it. Plagarism is simply the theft of another person's intellectual property.
That is all, you may resume needless flaming.
6:41 pm | July 21, 2003
I already stated that it wasn't fuckin' plagurism because he didn't make money off of it. Goddamn, don't any of ya'll read the fuckin' forum. Esp. Elfster.
6:38 pm | July 21, 2003
close nuff tho
6:34 pm | July 21, 2003
Also, he didnt make money off it, so its not really plagarism.
6:32 pm | July 21, 2003
Yet again, i agree with Jamirus99. The story is completely copied from the game. The characters, the smoke grenades, the landing. Hell, he might as well have just written it world war two style with goddamned M1Garands! Second, it's entirely wrong to copy off of something that somebody, preferably, gamemakers, worked so hard to make, only to have it jacked by some punk-ass motherfucker. And that's all I gotta say about that.
6:29 pm | July 21, 2003
LOL, dude,... plasma DOES exist if you havent noticed ) 4th state of matter
6:00 pm | July 21, 2003
Oh, and Agent Shade, read again Frensa Geran and Hawk's first comments. Neither one of them is inflammatory, and both of them have good points: Frensa "chiding" Huntr for copying MOH:F, and Hawk...well, I leave that to you. Good day, Jamirus out.
5:49 pm | July 21, 2003
First of all, unknown, you didn't start anything. I recogninzed Jimmy Paterson from Medal of Honor: Frontline by myslef, and, perhaps, it was my comment that ignited this current debate.
Agent Shade, I don't write fan fics? My "Sarge's Story: Stacker" is highly regarded by many of the "regular" fan fiction writers here at HBO. Why haven't I written anything else? There was inspiration involved in "Stacker"....I really wanted to come up with logical answers for how Second Squad survived their 'deaths' on Silent Cartographer, got to 343GS, and beyond. I don't have that inspiration anymore, but if I do, you can be assured there wil be antoher fan fic by me. So instead of writing, I critique others works and try to enjoy them. Sometimes it's not hard: Frensa Geran, 'Nsolee, Steele, Gunnery Sergeant, and others write very enjoyable pieces that are also very good. I comment on their fics not because I am nitpicking them, but because I want them to do better NEXT TIME, and not, maybe, make those same mistakes.
Plagiurism can get you booted out of school, can get you fired from a job. What Huntr did, whether or not he did it well, not only leaves something t be desired, it is wrong. That is why I posted that first comment, and that is why I stand by what I said.
4:12 pm | July 21, 2003
OOPS, placed same comment twice.
4:10 pm | July 21, 2003
my rating: 9/10
3:57 pm | July 21, 2003
Hey guys, I guess I'm to blame about saying this was like MOH, this was my first time placing a comment, I didn't know that it would escalate this badly. Sorry Hunter.
3:57 pm | July 21, 2003
Hey guys, I guess I'm to blame about starting this. I was the one that said it was just like MOH, that was my first time placing a comment, and I didn't know it would escalate like this, so sorry Hunter.
3:23 pm | July 21, 2003
Who hasn't said anything about this fic? I've only played one Medal of Honor and that was the first one for the playstation (I think.) Anyways all I remember about it is that the gameplay sucked and I haven't played one since. The newer ones might be good, but who knows.
As to this story, I just don't know what to say.
Agent Shade
2:09 pm | July 21, 2003
hmmm, amazing how this is turning into a huge debate...i realize that this story is completely based of Medal of Honour and i realize how it's a lot like plagarism, but to be honest, i don't give a shit, as long as it catches my attention and there is a lot of action in it, i will read it, so good job Hunter_Killer
Jamirus and Hawk are just like that author/commentor Dispraiser, except they don't write fanfics. The two of them search out EVERY single problem in a story and dispraise the author about it. I don't think i will go into to much detail about that, since Elfster pretty much covered it all.
as for the plasma, in the game Halo, plasma kicks up sand and doesn't turn it into glass or whatever, PROBABLY because the programmers of Halo didn't go into too much detail and program the sand to turn to glass. naturally, in real life, if there was such a thing as plasma, it wouldn't kick up dirt or sand...there, i'm done, so long folks
PS: I already posted my scoring of this story
1:17 pm | July 21, 2003
Some of you guys would rather read a plagiarized stroy (with absolutely no point, BTW) then realize wat this guy did. He made a poor attempt at converting part ofan okay game into a bad story. Do we get an explanantion WHY we are using a centuries old piece of war-planning to storm a beach? No! WHY we can't just nuke the beach? No! Do we get a nice little noe at the top explaining how this is my MOH:F covnversion, 'Hope you enjoy it?' No! I think this guy thought that he could just pass off this all-to-familiar story and get the credit. And for God's Sake, at least he could've changed the CHARACTER names!
12:54 pm | July 21, 2003
maybe in the game halo, sand doesn't turn into granules of hardened rock because the programmers didn't program that aspect into the game.
12:50 pm | July 21, 2003
the germans weren't the ones who started the war, the nazis did, don't you get it. It's like, saddam is from the Baath Party and he invaded Kuwait. But those in his army didn't want to get disected alive and hands chopped off, so they listened to him. Hitler is like saddam hussein. except for the fact that he would've duked traitors in the booty and violate them rather than have their hands cut off. Germans in the army just listened to him say "Fight her, go there."
12:18 pm | July 21, 2003
I was watching history channel once, and it said that when the Russians reached Hitler's bunker, they found three guy in his room, dead, shot through the head. They also said that there were signs of orgy. That's fucked up. The nazi's are some fucked up people. anyway, neat story man. There are some minor grammar problems. Plagarisum, well, actually, its not plagurism untill you make money off it. And don't use onamotapeoia(thump, bang, crash, etc.). Let the reader visualize for himself.
Boxer [subnova]
11:31 am | July 21, 2003
First off, Medal of Honor for PS2 sux0rz hardcore...it shouldn't even be counted as a MOH game. Second, this story r0x0rz. I'm not one to easily say that, this made me do it. I especially like the fact that even though we've got all that advanced technology we are able to use tactics that were devised in the 1940's...nice touch.
11:08 am | July 21, 2003
Elfster, in Medal of Honor, you play Leutenant Jimmy Patterson who, after a daring escape from france, is sent back into action on the real D DAY, and prosceds kicking German butt and blowing up a lot of stuff. In the first part of the Beaches of Normandy level, you are in a landing craft that gets blown up when it reaches the shore, sending dead men everywhere, you then swim to shore, as men get mowed down by machine guns, to meet the seargeant by a trashed landing craft, but i can't tell you more than that until after the next chapter.
7:19 am | July 21, 2003
I personally liked this story, I think Hunter wrote it just too see what it might be like instead of german it could be covenant and jamirus you are a true asshole why couldnt you say it in a nicer way you dick.
6:34 am | July 21, 2003
correction: ground
6:25 am | July 21, 2003
Oh and in response to the plasma melting the gorund and turning it to glass, it does kick up sand. perhaps it only turns to glass from constant hits of plasma, or of course, a much more superheated shot. peace out, punk on
6:00 am | July 21, 2003
i hav played Medal of Honour:Frontline, and i personally like the way you wrote this story. Not very origninal, but still cool in the way you've modified it to resemble a futuristic (or halo-istic lol) D-Day. To Capo Rip's comment on y dont they bomb tha friken joint, it doesn't matter. D-Day was one of the coolest war events ever. Just a jump out and charge manouver. And hey, it worked didn't it? And besides Capo, the UNSC wouldn't have enough ships for a bombardment. IF you've watched the HALO2 video, you can hear a captain say "with all due respect cortana, THE WHOLE FLEETS ENGAGED" and so on. Anywayz Elfster's right. People should enjoy the friken story, not exploit every error. 10/10
5:33 am | July 21, 2003
Ok... NOW, peace out... before someone screams at me for clogging the comments board.
Frensa Geran
5:24 am | July 21, 2003
Even the HBO forum would say, "Jesus, lay off dude!"
5:22 am | July 21, 2003
Oh, and next time Hawk, when you're contradicting me, atleast stay on the damn subject, what jamirus said doesnt have anything to do with errors in my fan fic, and for your own good, don't be so arrogant when you post stuff like that.
"So don't tell me to go play anything, I know what I'm talking about." Usually only pisses people off and starts a fight... example: like now.
5:20 am | July 21, 2003
P.S. ... Sorry, im not in a good mood and i shouldnt have taken it out on Hawk, you just sort of set me off there.
peace out
5:02 am | July 21, 2003
And while im at it, i could take a pole on the forums, and ask people to read my fan fic than ask if they really gave a fuck whether there were a few spelling errors in my fan fics, i doubt many would care.
Where's your fan fic eh? And besides, you didnt even say which two books to read (Although everyone that ever posted fan fiction, or read fan fiction on HBO and has played Halo knows which two books.)! But i digress, seeing as how much of a nit-pick you are, you would spend more than twice as much time spell checking and re-reading your fan fics than making them.
I could go into alot more here but its not worth the time or effort, looking back on this i probably shouldnt even be posting it, but its 12 in the morning here and im not feeling like siting here and puting up with people's shit. Sometimes I think people like you don't even bother to concentrate on the plot of the story, you spend so much time finding every little error, from the spelling errors to the very last little misplaced comma.
As you can tell, im not in a very good mood right now, so sorry, but do any of you remember what 'someone' on the RvB team said once?
We want people to be concentrating on the plot, not wonder how we got two different colored people in the same warthog (or somethin like that lol)
4:55 am | July 21, 2003
lol hey dude, lay off, im not nearly as bad as Hunter. ) Anyways im just pointing out that when you shoot any surface in Halo with bullets or plasma, it seems to kick up whatever it made contact with, snow, sand, etc. Just pointing it out, thats all.
And after realizing what a piece of shit this is, i recall my first comment.
no 7/10... not 5/10, i wouldnt give this a 3/10 is you paid me for it. More like -10/10
Capo Rip
4:53 am | July 21, 2003
Well, I never played Medal of Honour, and if this story is plagarised then that's pretty bad. However, it also suffers from a fatal flaw: why is the UNSC trying to capture the beach? There was a REALLY good reason for the real D-Day, but there is NO reason presentated for sending all those UNSC marines in as cannon fodder. Why not fire-bomb the Covenant bunkers from all those pelicans, or shoot MAC rounds from the UNSC ships in orbit? Or just nuke the entire site? Hell, the author even said there was a new unguided UNSC bombardment weapon that they were using anyway. And the brass still sent in the marines? That's just a stupid way to fight a war.
4:24 am | July 21, 2003
Elfster, try reading both books. In both of them it explains that they glass the planets by shooting them repeatedly with PLASMA. It didn't kick sand up into the air, it vaporized air, water, and turned everything solid molten. Even PLASMA PISTOLS/RIFLES melt sand on contact. So don't tell me to go play anything, I know what I'm talking about. I also agree with Jamirus, as I have noticed errors in your stories for quite a long time.
3:18 am | July 21, 2003
I could not even read your fan fic. The second I saw the identity of the main character, I flipped open my MOHAA disc and looked at the Frontline ad in the cover. Sure enough, there was Lt. Jimmy Paterson. Congrats on having zero creativity, zero effort, and one hell of an ego. We are GAMERS! Did you think you could slip this piece of shit under the net without us noticing, then hiope to get lauded for your original fic? THINK AGAIN SOB! NEVER WRITE A FAN FIC AGAIN!
Arinoth Koby
12:16 am | July 21, 2003
There are things called plagarism and this one is on the edge of it
Splinter Cell
10:06 pm | July 20, 2003
This is the almost the exact same as the dialogue and plot in the first level of Medal of Honour. And the exact same objectives. In the game you have to save people that have red smoke near them. The story is exactly the same but you're just substituting the German Army with the Covenant. Hopefully in your next story it will be with something a bit more original. But altogether the story is good and exciting considering the fact it is a D-Day 2, but the story could have been a bit more original.
8:44 pm | July 20, 2003
never played Medal of Honor, I don't even have a PS2, but either way, Hawk, go play Silent Cartographer, get a plasma rifle, and shoot it at the ground - It does kick up sand, in the game at least, maybe in reality it WOULD turn it to molten glass, im not sure.
Either way I think it was a great chapter.
8:36 pm | July 20, 2003
I agree with Frensa, also I don't think Plasma can kick up sand, I always thought it tured it to molten glass on contact. Why are some words capitalized when they shouldn't be? (The Sergeant ducked, as a bolt missed him by *Two Inches*. *Wrecked* Echo 721. Paterson began to fire an automatic blast of *Bullets* at the offending Bunker. He turned, and saw a *Crashed* Pelican, all screwed up)7.5/10
Frensa Geran
8:24 pm | July 20, 2003
Let's try to get a BIT more original. Hopefully part two won't be saving the engineer to blow up the spike chains.
Agent Shade
7:21 pm | July 20, 2003
yeah, i agree with Unknown, but it was still pretty good...there's a story with almost the same name written by Shadow Spartan 9/10
6:03 pm | July 20, 2003
I'm guessing that you played Medal of Honor for the PS2 to get this story, it is almost identical, even the main character, Jimmy.