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A Series of Wierd Events - Sequel, Part Fourteen
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 12 May 2004, 1:45 AM
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1219 Hours, November 6th, 2003(Military Calendar)/ UNSC Starship Pillar of Autumn, Hallway leading to mess hall, HPC
Yes, folks. I know I skipped a little. But nothing REALLY exiting happened. So I figured I wouldn't even waste Text on it. Well let's jump right into it, then! "Wow," I said, wiping some red, blue, purple and green blood off me, as we walked in the hall, "THAT was interesting. I'll have to mention it when I write a Fic on this whole thing." Then we got to the Mess Hall entrance, I signaled for everyone to stop. I peeked in the café, and saw the aliens tear each other up. "Ok, guys, on three..." I said, and got my Plasma Swords ready. Elfster got his Jackhammer Rocket Launcher prepped. The others readied assorted weapons. "Three!" I ran into the area, and found a nice, juicy Black Grunt, who was busy firing on me pals. I ran up, and he noticed me. He yipped a little, before I thrust my Plasma Sword into him. Purple blood gushed from the large wound, as the sword came out the other end. I had penetrated it's tiny little heart, and it died a second later. I put my boot on the corpse, and pulled. My sword came out, along with another burst of blood. Two BOOM!s echoed across the café, as a dozen bodies flew up. Elfster smiled, and shoved another container of Rockets into his Jackhammer. "Area clear, H_K!" Odin said. I nodded. "Let's git goin towards the Bridge." Me marched forward. We ran into the Black Elite, and he had a needly surprise, compliments of FOrunner. After cleaning off the remains a bit, we got to the Bridge. Everyone ducked behind the walls as Fuel Rods were fired at us. I threw another bit of meatloaf in the room, and it exploded, cleaving the whole damn Bridge! We ran inside, and took a look around. I inserted Cortana's Chip into the Holo-Projector, and she looked around n' sighed. "I leave home for a few hours, and look what happens..." I smiled. "Cortana... can you get this thing to blow?" I asked. Keyes stepped forward, and replied, "I think that's my job, son." He typed in the command codes from his neural lace, and the systems beeped. A count-down timer appeared in the display. It read: 17:00 "Should be plenty of time to escape." "Ah, Reclaimers. This I cannot allow." At Spark's voice, we all jumped and raised our weapons. "He's in my systems! A local tap; Engineering!" Cortana panicked. "He's overwritten the Self-Destruct System!" The timer stopped, then disappeared. Agent Shade walked up to me, and said, "Why can't you see these things Coming, Hunter_Killer!?" I didn't answer. Spark continued, "Reclaimers, I cannot believe you would destroy this installation, with it's wealth of knowledge! I am shocked! Almost too shocked for words!" I sighed. "Well I got words for you, Mr.-" I started, but Wu stopped me. "H_K... look." A dozen sentinels floated up into the view screen, and began to shoot at us. Most of us dived behind the display or a wall, but I couldn't in time. A beam hit my shoulder, causing blood to flow freely from it. I landed on the floor behind the display, and FOrunner(our resident medic)along with 3 Medic Marines examined me. "He's hit pretty bad, but we think he'll make it," FOrunner yelled to our glorious leader, Wu. He nodded, and jumped from cover to down a few enemies before jumping back. The battle died down now; the Sentinels were scrap. I had managed to drown out the woozy feeling, and trudged along through the hallways, keeping in the rear to prevent enemy fire. We entered the Armory, and I gaped at the firepower. "Ladies, Gentlemen and Elfster, let's get armed." I managed to get three Fully Loaded ARs, two Pistols, two Shotguns, my Plasma Swords, a Sniper Rifle and 10 Frags. I also got 24 Clips of ammo for each weapon, all in my inventory. However, there were Covies and Flood strewn across the floor, and I also pocketed a needler and 12 crystal clips of ammo, along with Twelve Plasma Grenades. We dealt with the super-cool cloaked Flood, then headed for Engineering. As we came to the 2nd-To-Final Chapter, FOrunner said, "Light Fuse..." In response, I squatted and yelled in my Fake-Grunt-Voice, "RUN AWAY!" I then did a life-like imitation of a Grunt's little waddle/walk, going in a circle. We all broke into laughter, then calmed down and separated into two teams; each would enter a different door. Blue Team came from the Right, Red Team from the Left. I yelled "GO! GO! GO!" And ran in with Blue Team, as Red Team obliged. We ducked behind the Medical-Kit-carrying barriers with controls on them, and tried to figure out a strategy. "Okay, guys," I said, listening to the Capitol Carnage above on Floor 2 and 3. "Red Team, create a diversion so we can get up to the exhaust couplings and take out the engine. Then go back to the armory and fill up. And bring some extra for us too. Anyways, then get your asses up here and we can meet near the elevator." Everyone nodded. Elf ran out into the middle Trench-thingy, and yelled up at the combatants while spraying bullets at the roof aimlessly. Nearly 80 Warrior Forms and 100 Sentinels dropped down, and Elf ran back to the barricades, as Red Team unloaded on the enemies. While on the other hand, we bravely hauled ass up the hall to level two, where we observed two Floods and 4 Sentinels fighting. We stopped the battle with a few shells, and continued on, unmolested. "Guys," I said as we crossed the final part of the upper halls, "When we get to the controls, just how in the hell can we open the exhaust couplings? Unless one of you has UNSC Engineering Training, we're in trouble. I mean, it's not like it has a big bright red button labeled: Retract Pipes." Odin ran up to one of the panels, and pressed the shiny, bright red button. A klaxon went off, and the pipe started to retract. I hit myself on the head, and went to the other panels. "That's how MC can press all these buttons and make everything work..."
Spark was watching the fight between Red Team and his little minions. "What I can't figure out, why did they voluntarily trap themselves under heavy fire. Even for Humans, that logic is highly... well, stupid," He said in his annoying little Techno/British accent, "Unless they wanted to tie up my troops, and divert them from another team of... them..." The blue ball of -----'s fear was confirmed when he heard the klaxon. "Sentinels! Destroy the other humans! Flood Warriors! Dispose of their diversionary force."
I heard three explosions, and three of the couplings were down. But the Marine I sent for the fourth coupling hadn't returned yet. So I took a peek. I saw the Monitor, along with about a hundred flying tin cans, guarding the pipe. A Marine body lay on the floor beside the panel, and the control panel was stained with blood. Infection forms already covered the Human. I took two ARs, and popped all the little buggers. This alerted 343 GS to my presence, and he began to talk. "Well, well. Nice try, Reclaimers. But I'm afraid you have failed. Surrender all your troops and the construct, and I will execute you fairly quickly..." My reply was 3 dozen Needles, which had the effect of axing a tin can directly to the left of GS. The explosion also took out two more and damaged a third. "How... DARE YOU!?" The Monitor was outraged. "SENTINELS! DESTROY! DESTROY! AND DESTROY EVEN MORE!" I dived out of the way of the laser beams coming my way, as did my men. They could only stick their guns around the corner and fire a short burst or risk being disarmed by the fierce beams. "ODIN!" I yelled across the room to the other side, "MEATLOAF EM! ON THREE! THREE!!!!!" Me and Odin both chucked our last clump of the glowing, green, deadly explosive. I ducked, as all the machines(save our indestructible little buddy GS)were enveloped in a green explosion. 343, without another word, teleported away. Then the last coupling was toast. A large alarm sounded, as pieces of rubble began to fall. I ordered, "C'mon! To the elevator!!" As we rendezvoused with Red Team at the room near the lift, the lift came down. We began shooting, and a Black Grunt exclaimed, "THIS IS NOT MY DAY!"