Falling Stars From Heaven.
Posted By: HALO MASTER DAWG<beaudawg@bellsouth.net>
Date: 1 April 2003, 1:46 AM
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Year is 2552 in the month of June. takes place at a human base
Elites jumped out of the dropship just as soon as it landed right above the human base on Earth. Marines fired and were taking down the Elites right after they put their feet on the ground. Two more dropships came and dropped off grunts and Hunters. Master Chief ran and got ina warthog. Marines followed him and got in with him. The warthog came flying through running over grunts and other Elites that were badly wounded by the fire power of the assault rifle. A hunter shot it's plasma cannon and flipped over the warthog. "Run for cover and get the rocket launchers!" yelled the general. Master Chief got his rocket launcher and killed a hunter as it ran for it's life. There were only about five hunters left to kill. The Master Chief had only two more missiles and one grenade left. He threw the grenade and shot a missile at the grenade just before it blew up. The frag grenade went in the air and blew up in the leader of the hunter pack. Master chief shot another missile and killed two hunters. He had only two badly wounded hunters left to kill. He ran up to them both and hit them right in their head.
"Where did they come from Cortana?" asked Master Chief.
"I don't know where,I didn't detect them coming on my radar." said cotana.
The next morning the marines were playing football at their base. Master chief was watching for the covenant just in case they came for another surprise attack. He was wondering what he could be doing back home. His thoughts were erased as a covenant dropship was shooting right for him. Master Chief screamed at the marines to get their guns and armor on asap. Marines yelled running to the quarters where they had their guns an darmor. The dropship landed sending out these ape/covenant creatures. They had a big sword and a plasma cannon. They jumped as high and long as the flood did. Ten Brutes jumped out the dropship and went straight for the marines who were not ready to fight. They screamed in horror as the blade went right through their head an body. The brutes picked up their weapons and started shooyin at the other marines standing around. Master Chief ran to call for evac.
"Foehammer this is Master Chief do you read me,We need to get out of here asap!!" yelled master chief
"Be there in ten minutes." said foehammer
We need to hold them off for ten freakin minutes marines. There were only about ten out of the fifty marines left to fight. Brutes were chasing the marines and slicing them to death. Master Chief ran for a sniper rifle. He went to the highest point on the hill he could find. He put in four bullets and shot those bullets in the head of a brute as it almost killed a marine. Nine brutes were left. There were only eight marines and master chief left to fight with. Foe Hammer arrived just as the brutes were running after the Master Chief. The marines jumped into the Pelican. "WAIT!" yelled a marine "Master Chief is still out there!" He jumped out to help MC only to be met with a brute. "GO,GO,GO!" yelled the rest of the marines.
The Pelican flew leaving the Master Chief wounded and left alone alone Earth. The Brutes captured him and brought him back the their ship. They bought him to the mother ship that controled all of the other covenant ships. The brutes brought MC to a torture chamber to beat him to tell how to destroy Earth. They whipped him until he started bleeding.
A brute said,"Stop,bring him to the control room of the ship."
When they brought him there,there were buttons and controls everywhere on the dashboard. Elites and Grunts flew the ships and controled everything. MC looked around for a weapong lying around somewhere. He saw a plasma rifle by a sleeping Elite. The Brutes saw the Elite sleeping and sent him to the torture chamber to be killed. MC took advantage of him being alone and dashed toward the rifle as soon as possible. He grabbed the gun and started he Elites and Grunts. The Elites pulled out their rfles as the grunts ran for cover. MC killed all the Elites with a plasma grenade he found on the ground. He saw a hatch on the ground and opened it to find wires and electric boxes everywhere that controled the ship and other ships. He was looking for a control box that flew the ships. After looking a few minutes he found it and changed the flight plan to manual. He went back to the control room. When he got up there grunts were holding plasma pistols. A grunt touched the flight button and the ships started falling into the EARTH'S atmosphere.(beep,beep,beep,) The controls went crazy and started burning up as ther ship went throught the atmosphere. MC found a bashee and flew off in it towards Earth. He said it looked FALLING STARS falling from Heaven. MC finally reached Earth and told the marines that were alive about his stay on the covenant mothership. MC destroyed the covenant race for good. Now he lived in peace with his marines.