
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Falling Stars From Heaven.'

3:30 am | April 5, 2003
That was a waste of time.
1:28 pm | April 4, 2003
Halo Master Dawg
1:48 am | April 3, 2003
I have the game and beat Halo on legendary five times. I have beaten it six times on heroic. It was my first story!
1:42 am | April 3, 2003
I hate prejudice, but it was okay in this case. I could tell you were a moron because your name was in all capitals. But I have to ask you, did you ever even play Halo? I;m not even gonna give this one a grade... Myself, I would advise you to NEVER USEE THIS NAME ON HBO AGAIN, and to make sure that your next fanfic is good. Don't be a retard... Please...
Traumatised Marine
7:39 pm | April 2, 2003
OI! TheRedFaction!

I'm assuming that you haven't checked your email, but I would advise you do within the next day. That concept proposal will be expired within that time!

Don't say I didn't warn you.

HMD, the word is 'Plausibility.' True, it was your first fic. The advise I'd give for your next fic is to ensure that the actions of the characters you have used are true to that of the Halo story.
11:15 am | April 2, 2003
That was not the best story ever, but it was not the worst. I started getting confused because of the lck of description and the oddly bizzare ending it had. Some of it didn't make sense, such as MC having destroyed that mothership just by changing the flight course or whatever to manual. Then that brainless Grunt goes and does something wrong and blows up the ship. Being captured by the Covenant was really weird as well. For a Spartan, I really expected better of him...

There were a lot of confusing points, and it was kinda short and everything did happen fairly quickly, but other than that, great story. Like the plot as well.

12:59 am | April 2, 2003
12:00 am | April 2, 2003
You are right TheRedFation. It wasn't the best and wasn't the worst. It was pretty cool and confusing. Over all it was cool
10:55 pm | April 1, 2003
I think it stunk and ruled. I don't think she died at all. Cool ending.
10:55 pm | April 1, 2003
I hated the story. But it was cool
10:55 pm | April 1, 2003
Sorry if you had a hard time understanding it but it was my first story. I have another one coming it is called. (JOY RIDE) This one should be better.
9:39 pm | April 1, 2003
This story is way off any true fact. Hunters woudln't ru nfor their lives if they get really pissed then they run after you and Ishkabibbl yah she did.
9:03 pm | April 1, 2003
Didn't foehammer die?
Cristian Arnautu
3:36 pm | April 1, 2003
Yeah, it was okay. But I really think a hunter wouldn' t really be running for his life unless it got scared right?
James Kinsella
11:49 am | April 1, 2003
Okay, but there was a lot less in this story than was needed. Being captured by the Covenant is not somthing I ever see happening to the Master Chief. Other than that I guess it was okay.
