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The Rebel
Posted By: Elfster<briane@teleport.com>
Date: 15 September 2003, 6:09 AM
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"Are the augmentations to the new Spartans complete?"
"Yes, sir. This time out of the 40 we have, they are all feeling a little strange, 10 are experiencing minor simptomes, 5's bodies are reacting badly to the changes and are very weak and sometimes seizure or cant move at all, thankfully we only have one fatal case."
"Good... And the rebel?"
"Nothing unusual, sir...."
"Can I ask you someting as a friend?"
"Of course si-..Err... Yeah, what?"
"What do you think of him?"
"He's dangerous, I admit that, on normal circumstances we wouldn't be doing this, but he's outstanding in training and a military genious in the battlefield and in personel combat. We can't afford to loose him."
"Yes..." There was a pause, no sound but the shifting of a chair. "Yes, I see your point, thank you for your opinion."
"Any time sir.... Friend..."
He flexed proudly, admiring his new muscles.
The augmentations just got over with, and most of the Spartans had just woken from their rest after augmentation. He didn't feel the same, it was too different, but he knew it was for a good cause.
They had also just finished battle simulations, to test their strategic abilities. He had faired well but now they were about to start real training exercises and were getting filled in on the guns they'd be using, except instead of using bullets they would use stun darts For more powerful things like simulating bullets in the S2 AM sniper rifle, and small been bags in the place of things like M6D pistol and MA5B rounds. For the MA7B they would be using paintballs. As for grenades, just smoke and tear gas.
And now the training instructor was getting to Plasma Weapons....
"We haven't been able to forge plasma weapons yet but we believe we are close to re-creating or making something similar to the Needler, and there is one prototype weapon that was originally supposed to be a plasma weapon..." The instructor paused.
"But it turned out to be a freak accident. Our scientists aren't sure what they did to make it, but instead of firing plasma it fires an EMP burst resembling plasma that, when makes contact with a living being, momentarily jams some of the target's neural pathways and nerves.... If a shot was fired at someone, they might momentarily blank out, or trip or stumble, But if a continues wave is fired, it slows down messages sent from the brain to the rest of the body, slowing down reaction times by 75% and, needless to say, significantly slows the target." He took a breath, recovering from the long sentence. "Also, there are long term effects, and I don't think I need to go into discription of what I mean by that. As aforementioned, the creation of this gun was an accident, so until we know how to reproduce it, it stays in the lab for continuous study." He finished.
Colt was facinated.
He knew that with his new augmentations, if he had a gun like that and a MA5B or M6D as a sidearm, he could bust out of this place and go home, maybe take his friends with him.
He also knew that he was probably smart enough to duplicate the gun, and did good enough in the smulations to do alot more good in this war than he would at home.
He had always, since they came here a week ago, (well, I wouldn't say came) been the rebel in the group, the one causing trouble, and he had aquired a little gang from the friends of his that had also been brought here. Him and his freinds had been doing some snooping around here and learned of a small group of space pirates that had a temporary Base of Operations out here nearby in the woods, trying to hide after a little encounter with the UNSC that was too close for comfort.
If he could duplicate or get his hands on that gun, and if the gang (soon to be squad if I can pull this off, he thought) agreed, a few space pirates would be no problem. They would get rid of them, come to the training instructor with the news (and possibly proof) and he would definetly get a promotion. Duplicating new technology that could help be a turning point in the war and eliminating a potential threat at the same time definetly added up to a thing Colt called "Squad Leader Promotion".
It was a crazy plan.
Just crazy enough to work.
Authors Note:
Sorry for lack of description, this is a my new fan fic based on a new group of Spartans after the Master Cheif's group. Spartan 3 or Spartan 4 is what they would be, not sure, and the new Spartan training base is in a remote area near a forest on the US west coast. Most of the group isn't as young as MC was when he started, but instead about 11 to 14. The next chapter will hopefully satisfy alot more of your questions, I sort of wanted this one to be a little mysterious.