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Its Just One of Those Days (Prologue: 04)
Posted By: Elfster<briane@teleport.com>
Date: 14 August 2003, 6:39 PM
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It seems my bloopers dont do so well by themselves, so I'm going back to the prologue instead, For those of you who liked the bloopers, don't worry, I might put them in as extras at the end of my fan fics to add some comedy.
This skips the Silent Cartographer, because we all know what happens, and its boring.
But to give you a run-through, Keyes has just been freed, and they got back to the command shuttle, where Keyes got a group of marines and headed off to the Flood swamp, and he gets there when the Silent Cartographer ends and AOTCR begins. This chapter is mostly from the Covenant point of view and takes place while MC has left Fire Team Zulu to go back to the inside parts of AotCR and proceed to the control center.
And without further adue, i give you, IJOTD Prologue: 04
Gizim awoke with a start. As he came to, he felt wetness in his crotch and leg area and remembered what had happened before...
"He" came. The Emerald Soldier, he came out of nowhere, he was everywhere, killing everyone and cutting through his enemies like a hot knife through butter. Gizim had positioned on one of the catwalks in the room, and was on the outer part of the room when he saw the Emerald Soldier and prompty wet himself and fainted. Luckily, since he was a grunt, while he was lying down on the catwalk he wasn't visible to those on the ground. It was good to be a midget.
But he had alot bigger problems. He clicked on his comm and called for help within his group.
He set the channel to all within the area and tried again.
"He-Hell-ll-lo.... Is anyone th-the-there? I'm all a-ll-ll-one and-and.. sc-sc-sca-aa-red...." he cried out in a tiny voice.
"Roger that, grunt. My squad and I are the only ones that survived in this area besides you. We lost one grunt, however, but you're welcome to join the squad to fill in." came the reply over the comm. He recognized the voice as a grunt, but it was a little lower than most grunts, meaning it was probably a leader. He nearly wet himself again with relief.
"How big if your squad? Where are you?"
"It's a four grunt squad, five when you get here, we're the only indoors room on the ground level in this area."
"Thank you, I'm on m-my w-way.." he stuttered, still not fully recovered from the shock.
Carefully, he hopped down from the catwalk and began walking through the room. His walk sped up a little as he saw the corpses of his allies. He began to see a pattern in them. The grunts mostly had small, singular holes in their heads and sometimes upper bodies, while the jackal's had blunt wounds and the same small, singular holes in their pistol hands. The Elites mostly had their torsos ripped open with many holes, or had more of the smallish singular holes in their chests.
This disturbed him more, along with the blood staining the floors and walls and the eerie silence. His walk soon quickened to an all-out sprint as he ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. After two rooms he reached an elevator. He looked up and realized the holo pannel was too high for him. He stood on his tippy toes and jumped up and down to try and hit the button and after a few minutes worth of trying he hit it. He sat and enjoyed the ride down the elevator as it came to a stop and the door locks released and the door slid open.
Two plasma pistols were pointed at his face. He squeeked in fear, then they were put down.
"Glad to see you, Gizim." The squad leader smilled at him.
"How did you know my name?" Gizim said, the fear draining from his voice.
"That's not important right now," the grunt said as he turned around and began walking, and the other squad members giggled and pointed to Gizim's suit. He blushed and followed the red grunt.
"We just radioed for any other survivors, but got no answer... So it looks like we have to find them ourselves."
There was silence for a second to let this sink in, as Gizim piped up;
"May I ask your name, sir?"
"Oh, yes, of course. My name is Somnaw, and the squad's codenames are..."
He pointed to the grunt standing next to him, probably his second, who was holding a Needler,
then to the two grunts standing next to Gizim, with the plasma pistols,
"and our two scouts, Hawhn, and Sounta." Somnaw finished.
"However, we lost our support grunt in the battle... Looks like you're filling in for him, Gizim."
"Yes, sir." Gizim said lamely as he noted that Somnaw didn't have a weapon. but picked up a Needler off of another dead grunt, then they set out. He also noted that the two scouts were both female grunts and looked very similar, most likely twins.
They jogged through the room and went through the hallway. When they got to the end, the locks released in the giant door, and the two ends slid apart. They were dumbstruck by what they saw. Some vomitted, some just stood, paralyzed in fear.
An eerie wind whipped through the snow-covered canyon. It seemed to whisper the words of death, and the cries of all the fallen. The once white snow was now a thickened purple and blue, with splotches of red here and there. Shrapnel stuck out of the ground, and black ash marked grenade explosions, pieces of black, charred metal stood where once proud Covenant vehicles hoovered. The Gods had an alternate future for them, he hopped.
After a few minutes, Somnaw barked out orders again...
"Alright, well, if we're gonna find anyone in this mess we need transportation, so scavenge what you can of the vehicles and supplies." And with that they moved out.
A few minutes later, Hawhn and Sounta found a ghost, it seemed to be in perfect condition, while Viczem, Gizim, and Somnaw found another ghost. It was a little beat up, but it could still be used for transportation. Everyone proudly squeeked their findings through the comm and Somnaw began to make a plan. Gizim didn't like that.
Gizim never liked plans.
"Ok... These are normally one-man vehicles, but I think we can squeeze two grunts per ghost in the seat.." he paused for a few seconds.
"So," he countinued, "Hawhn, Sounta, you take this," he said, pointing to the banged up ghost. "and Viczem, you come with me in the other."
Some "Yes, sirs" and "Alrights" were heard, but Gizim had to ask...
"What about me?"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Gizim screamed as he held onto the back of Somnaw's ghost for dear life, as they went over a small, but still quite dangerous, cliff. 10 or 20 feet high. Hawhn and Sounta were threw out of their ghost, as the ghost plummeted to the ground in a nose-dive and prompty exploded. Luckily, the two landed in soft snow.
Gizim thanked the Gods they had more luck. Somnaw and Viczem had corrected the ghost so that it landed perfectly. Unfortunetly for Gizim, when they landed, the anti-gravity unit was strained and the ghost nearly came all the way to the ground. Well... the ghost didn't, but Gizim did.
The force tore his grip from the back of the ghost, sending him flying to the ground and forward under the ghost on his back. He slid on the ice until he hit a patch of snow.
All the grunts giggled, and Somnaw just smiled.
They had landed in another part of the canyon, with a snow hill in the middle, surrounded by a circle of ice, and a human dropship crashed far to the left, and a tunnel far to the right. The scout twins hobbled over to the rest of the group, still dizzy.
"Hop on." Viczem said warmly.
"But.." Gizim and Sounta both said at the same time.
"No buts. Trust me, with Gizim on the back, and the twins on either wing, it'll work, we just need to go a little slower. Its better than hoofin' it." Viczem interrupted.
They all fit, but it was tight, and slower than before. Half because of the weight, which all of them together put on 240 pounds on the ghost, which is roughly twice what it was built to carry. They went through the tunnel and entered a scene very similar to the last. This time there was a path at the other end of the canyon that slanted downwards. Once they got down it, they saw two dead hunters, one with it's armor cracked, and the other with it's orange flesh deformed with metal projectiles. The one with cracked armor laid down with it's fuel rod cannon pointing towards a malfunctioning blast door. The door's metal fittings were hanging together, but thrown out of place from the blast, the door kept trying to close, but couldn't, and got stuck halfway through the close each time, leaving enough room for a Wraith to almost fit through. The ghost seemed to gleefully glide through, and go with the bumpy waves of the hallway layout.
Eventually they came to a giant room with a chasm in the middle. There were two bridges across the chasm, but one was broken. Hawhn flipped out her scanner.
It showed five life signs across the chasm.