the serch for spartans
Posted By: Dean albury
Date: 26 November 2003, 10:47 AM
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"Where going to be at Sigma Octanus 4 soon" said Cortaner John walked up to Dr Hasley "while I was away I found a new alien race on a ring called halo. The aliens named the flood but I neutralised them but Cortaner and I found out that there is other rings. They are tough but I found that a grunt killed a whole lot of them he's the only one that didn't try and kill me," "said John that one he must of be in such pride he didn't fear you," said Dr Halsey. We're going to land this at the base left chief remembered that well to it was where him, his team and four marines held up a landing zone. John went to Kelly and looked at her suit and her back he said, "Stay on the ship protect the doctor and the ship your suits badly torn and it looks like that hit is healing up good." Before John and Dean Left Cortaner said take a nuke teach them not to come back hear ever again John and Dean left with the nuke. "Where do you think we should start looking?" said Dean well as John looked around patrols of banshees were in the sky "not the mountains we should look at the caves on the beach and in the sewers under cote d' Azur". Said John. When john and Dean walked on the beach, there was a new covenant vehicle it looked like a boat there were covenant everywhere John signalled Dean to attack in three two one. John and Dean rushed down on the beach John shot a grunt out of a stationary gun and jumped in. He aimed at a group of jackals while Dean got and the boat nocked a new type of covenant that looked like an ape into the water and he shot it in the head. Dean got on the boat's turret and signalled John to aim at the group of elites heading off the beach John aimed and pushed down on the triggers on the turret while Dean used the boats gun it charged up when he fired he got an elite in the back hitting its grenades, which took them all out. John and Dean came up on the beach lets check those caves just as they said that a Spartan walked out Dean yelled out Raphael they ran up to each other slammed their fists together and slapped their hands together. John radioed in to Cortaner "bring the ship over to the beach we found him," said John just as John said that Raphael said "Dean you do know that Taylor is in the sewers" "she is" "John we need to get her" said Dean "well I was going to plant the nuke there anyway so ok" said John. Trudging through mud in a corn field just like last time at the head of the sewer was a Spartan .John and Dean came up to the Spartan Dean said "Taylor you're here" John went down the tunnel and got busy fixing up the nuke. When was done he set up a receiver at the start of the tunnel so he could detonate the nuke. When they got back to the beach John said to Cortaner to send a message to any UNSC star ship near here to pick us up well fly up to it. We have a response the destroyer Thor will pick us up Dean took his helmet off he had bright red hair that went just below his ears Taylor took of her helmet she had Black hair and when Raphael took of his helmet he and hair that was straight up and it was blonde. When they took of, they went to the cruiser the captain said, "You're lucky I was just order to go to Earth just as Us called I figured that we need Spartans so I'll take you there."John tiggered the nuke a big shape where Cote d' azur was Cortaner said "you shure do like to nuke covenant dont you"John said "well it does get rid of those little suckers fast".When John,Dean,Raphael and Taylor were in the hangers the destroyer com crakeled we 're under attack by banshees any personel who can fly a long sword fighter get out there the spartans got onto a long sword John got into the piolit seat Dean into the co-piolite seat Taylor got to weapons and raphael got to navagation John flew it out of the hanger banshees were everywhere. "Talor charge small mac guns" said John "yes sir" said Taylor "five banshees on our trail" said raphael "Talor fire the archer missles" said John 'yes sir" said Taylor the missles fell behind and hit the banshees John said "Raphael find me the head banshee" "yes sir" he replided "there in the middle surroned by twenty banshees" said Raphael. "Talor fire archer missles at the surronding bashees and the mac at the head banshee said John" she replide "Yes sir" there was a big bang and a flash twenty on banshees went up in flames the "banshee strike is retreting victory" said Dean.